Today I got it so wrong.really wrong.... By "it" I mean this being out in a public place thing. I do not like people generally very much and in return mostly they don't like me back.
The consequences of my stupidity today were that Lee did not get to see his specialist at hospital . We had waited weeks (maybe a couple of months) for this appointment. That in turn was after waiting nearly six months for new medication. Then I bolloxed it up.
We arrived at the hospital early. Yesterday I cut Lee's hair and insisted he shaved as he was beginning to look a bit long haired German Shepard. This morning I got him out all clean clothes and insisted he showered!!! This took over two hours to achieve and Lee looked really good. I wanted his consultants /specialists to be pleased with his progress.
We walked Monza dog.....
And then took him home first. then set off to hospital. This is the only photo I took on my camera today.
We were going to Temple Newsam park before the appointment. This was a mistake we went straight to the hospital early .
The receptionist told us to come back in the afternoon as the doctor we would see was not even on site yet.
So we went to the supermarket a little further up the road. So how was this so wrong? well the thing here is that I had the mobile phone in my hand and it was on. On the way into the hospital as Lee was looking so good I took a photo and a bit further on I took a selfie of both of us going in to the hospital. I have done this on every visit for the last eight years and that has been a lot of visits. Quite often I have put it on facebook as well.....That was where I bolloxed it today. The mobile phone being still on camera as we walked into the hospital. It was just in my hand. I was not really thinking about it.
When we got to the receptionist the second time we had already been reported for "filming" and when she saw the phone on and lit in my hand she assumed I was filming her. Then the whole thing went very bad.
" why are you filming?" I was asked. "yes you are! I can see you. You just turned it off. No I do not want to look at your phone. You were filming. I saw you. Filming is not allowed in the hospital at all."
Security were called. I saw the guard arrive . We had out the mobile phone and were both reading stuff on facebook. Others were doing the same. There is WIFI in the waiting room .
We were then called into a private room. The security guard followed at a distance and we got bollocked by a patronising head nurse.
The nurse had Lee's file. This meant it had not gone to the doctor for his appointment. We would have to wait another three quarters of an hour now because I had bolloxed up with the mobile phone.
There are no notices to say "NO FILMING" even though I was not! in fact there are no notices about mobile phones at all.
After our bollocking we were told to go back to the waiting area. by now everyone was watching us and the security guard loomed over us. We were made to feel very intimidated. basically we were glared out of the building. Whilst all the other people were using their mobile phones which were clearly on and lit.
We were so upset and scared we just left. Lee really needed to see the doctor/specialist too,
There is nothing at all I can do to make it right. The receptionist said I was filming her, so what ever I said was ignored anyway.
I was in tears. If there is a social faux pas to be made you can guarantee it will be me that makes it.
1st August 2018.
it is early and I am out early. but before I go ...this is the photos I took yesterday on the mobile phone. They are hardly radical are they? in fact they are not even very good. I would have deleted them but for all this fuss about me "filming" at the hospital and Lee not getting to see his consultant as a result.

Really I would not say that these photos were worth any of the upset and blame I have heaped on myself over this.
I was so upset. All I can think this morning is that I walked into something we did not know about. The receptionist was very touchy about the whole thing. She was right. I was wrong. it was very clear cut. She was also amazingly rude and intimidating. really really nasty in fact. The security guy all in black looming over our every move did not help either.
Something other than me and my stupid mobile phone has gone on here and it was not my fault even though I got the full treatment.
I have since checked NHS hospital's website. It says mobile phones are allowed and that free WIFI is given. IT says nothing what so ever that I can find about security...CCTV.....or filming . NOTHING! so how was I to know there was a problem? and why did I get get the full force of their displeasure?
We may never know.
We told the receptionist we were leaving and she sullenly said she would have another appointment sent out.
What is the betting on that one? I bet we never get the letter. I bet I am going to have to phone them again!!!
The nurse who patronised us in the private room came after us in the corridor. she patronised us some more. Lee politely said we were leaving as we could not wait any longer. We were told to phone their help line if there was a problem (they never reply/ or if they do it takes up to 72 hours). She also said that out clinic was running three quarters of an hour late.....Lee was the first patent! she had way laid his notes on the way to the doctor! I saw her. that is why we were late and had to wait!!!!

The consequences of my stupidity today were that Lee did not get to see his specialist at hospital . We had waited weeks (maybe a couple of months) for this appointment. That in turn was after waiting nearly six months for new medication. Then I bolloxed it up.
We arrived at the hospital early. Yesterday I cut Lee's hair and insisted he shaved as he was beginning to look a bit long haired German Shepard. This morning I got him out all clean clothes and insisted he showered!!! This took over two hours to achieve and Lee looked really good. I wanted his consultants /specialists to be pleased with his progress.
We walked Monza dog.....
And then took him home first. then set off to hospital. This is the only photo I took on my camera today.
We were going to Temple Newsam park before the appointment. This was a mistake we went straight to the hospital early .
The receptionist told us to come back in the afternoon as the doctor we would see was not even on site yet.
So we went to the supermarket a little further up the road. So how was this so wrong? well the thing here is that I had the mobile phone in my hand and it was on. On the way into the hospital as Lee was looking so good I took a photo and a bit further on I took a selfie of both of us going in to the hospital. I have done this on every visit for the last eight years and that has been a lot of visits. Quite often I have put it on facebook as well.....That was where I bolloxed it today. The mobile phone being still on camera as we walked into the hospital. It was just in my hand. I was not really thinking about it.
When we got to the receptionist the second time we had already been reported for "filming" and when she saw the phone on and lit in my hand she assumed I was filming her. Then the whole thing went very bad.
" why are you filming?" I was asked. "yes you are! I can see you. You just turned it off. No I do not want to look at your phone. You were filming. I saw you. Filming is not allowed in the hospital at all."
Security were called. I saw the guard arrive . We had out the mobile phone and were both reading stuff on facebook. Others were doing the same. There is WIFI in the waiting room .
We were then called into a private room. The security guard followed at a distance and we got bollocked by a patronising head nurse.
The nurse had Lee's file. This meant it had not gone to the doctor for his appointment. We would have to wait another three quarters of an hour now because I had bolloxed up with the mobile phone.
There are no notices to say "NO FILMING" even though I was not! in fact there are no notices about mobile phones at all.
After our bollocking we were told to go back to the waiting area. by now everyone was watching us and the security guard loomed over us. We were made to feel very intimidated. basically we were glared out of the building. Whilst all the other people were using their mobile phones which were clearly on and lit.
We were so upset and scared we just left. Lee really needed to see the doctor/specialist too,
There is nothing at all I can do to make it right. The receptionist said I was filming her, so what ever I said was ignored anyway.
I was in tears. If there is a social faux pas to be made you can guarantee it will be me that makes it.
1st August 2018.
it is early and I am out early. but before I go ...this is the photos I took yesterday on the mobile phone. They are hardly radical are they? in fact they are not even very good. I would have deleted them but for all this fuss about me "filming" at the hospital and Lee not getting to see his consultant as a result.
Really I would not say that these photos were worth any of the upset and blame I have heaped on myself over this.
I was so upset. All I can think this morning is that I walked into something we did not know about. The receptionist was very touchy about the whole thing. She was right. I was wrong. it was very clear cut. She was also amazingly rude and intimidating. really really nasty in fact. The security guy all in black looming over our every move did not help either.
Something other than me and my stupid mobile phone has gone on here and it was not my fault even though I got the full treatment.
I have since checked NHS hospital's website. It says mobile phones are allowed and that free WIFI is given. IT says nothing what so ever that I can find about security...CCTV.....or filming . NOTHING! so how was I to know there was a problem? and why did I get get the full force of their displeasure?
We may never know.
We told the receptionist we were leaving and she sullenly said she would have another appointment sent out.
What is the betting on that one? I bet we never get the letter. I bet I am going to have to phone them again!!!
The nurse who patronised us in the private room came after us in the corridor. she patronised us some more. Lee politely said we were leaving as we could not wait any longer. We were told to phone their help line if there was a problem (they never reply/ or if they do it takes up to 72 hours). She also said that out clinic was running three quarters of an hour late.....Lee was the first patent! she had way laid his notes on the way to the doctor! I saw her. that is why we were late and had to wait!!!!
1 comment:
it was an honest mistake..............
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