Sunday, July 1, 2018

It's July. It 's Monday too.

 July! already. My birthday month. and it is Monday. Not my day off. that is tomorrow. Today I go out all day and Lee puts up another two nails into the long suffering roof on the wood store.
Last night we went on Ebay and ordered and engine stand. Well I say "ordered" but at the moment it languishes in the shopping basket as Lee has asked a pointless question and is waiting for an answer. He always does this. Even in real life shopping. A string of tedious questions before putting his money out.
" have you got an answer on ebay yet?" I asked as he watches you tube about alien sightings....
"I just look.....No. It is a UK based business so I wont get one till about 9pm......."
 So up and out just after sun rise.....
 The old guy stopped and said " good morning...yer photoing yer doll? nice doll where did yer get that? nice day fer teking photos though.....beautiful in' it?
And then off he went for his walk around the tarn.
 This doll is a rescued Disney animator . I bought her in Horsforth and made her into a Rockabilly baby.
 This one says "it is never too late"
 SO. July. ....Looking like it is going to be very beautiful. It is my birthday month. How old again?
 wow. not bad eh?
 Nearly time to go to face my public. I was upand walking around the Tarn by 5am. How come I have now just run out of time? also answer me this... time goes really quick when I WANT to do something......but goes really really slow when I am stuck on the till? in fact I block off the time on the scvreen so that I do not see the time crawling slowly by. I wish time away !!! I may not have that much.
 Any way. I run out of time this morning. .....
 I walked all the way around the paths today. It looks like it has all been cleaned up. All the rubbish is gone and the bins have been emptied. I only saw one dropped ice cream stain on the path. It had pram wheels trailed through it. So I guess that was a clue.....
 There were only a few dog walkers about as well. No hords of people heading from the bus stop yet.

 Tea tea and more tea.
And I am gone.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...