Monday, July 16, 2018

drink tea. get on with it.

 So what are we waiting for? let's get to it. I am on holiday from "work". Let's kick off with a photo of yesterday. As the photos of this morning as you will see are a bit boring.
The night was quite exciting. Monza dog hid in the bathroom as there was a big rumbling storm with lightning and torrential rain which watered the garden and the inside of my ever crumbling sunroom at the front of the house. I came home to three bowls and a bucket to catch the water coming in through the flat roof with sky view.
 about 4.30 this morning. I faffed about a bit as I could not find my flip flops. but it was about then by the time I was out. I had to wear shoes! where are my flip flops then?
 I circled the tarn in shoes. all the birds could hear me coming and moved off quickly.
 It was dull this morning. it is now about 6.30 and the sun is out and the heat building already. We are going to York this day.
Why am I wasting time here then? no idea really.
 So I will get to it.
 No one about until irritating woman on bike appeared .....
So I came home.Not very interesting today get  on with the holidays.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...