It is Wuthering Heights day. And did you know that Kate Bush and Emily Bronte were born on the same day?
Emily Bronte Born 30 July 1818- to 19 December 1848
Kate Bush Born 30 July 1958--Still around.
Kate Bush wrote the Wuthering heights song when she was 17. Emily Bronte wrote her novel , I no not how long this took..... and it was published in 1847 a year before she died aged 30 years.
Kate Bush Wuthering Heights link
Well. I had to didn't I? Wuthering heights. One of my fave books of all time. Right up there next to Lord of the rings.

Emily Bronte a drawing by her brother Branwell Bronte. Emily is my favourite of the Brontes as she had a "difficult personality" and was quite antisocial. I do not think she liked or got on well with others. I can identify with that!!! My only hesitation about her is that she mistreated and beat her dog. So she did not get on with animals very well either. I read that her dog was vicious. I have seen the drawings of it. ...It was vicious. So was she I guess. Any way She is the author of a novel that I must have read about 100 times....
I have (currently) three copies of this book. The first I kept from a book case belonging to my grandma. It was one of the books she had mixed in with her Agatha Christie novels that she brought from London with her in the 1950's. I borrowed this book and it went with me to boarding school and later to Bath. I still have it today. This book made it back to Yorkshire with me ten years ago.
The second copy is something of a door stop containing all the Brontes novels that I bought for 20p from the junk shop in Otley. The third is a present I was given recently. It is an old fashioned reproduction of the original bought at the Parsonage shop in Hawarth itself.
These photos were taken on my last visit to Hawarth a few weeks ago now. So this is the street leading from the parsonage past the grave yard to the pub...The Blackbull where Branwell frequented.
The grave yard....This is much closer to the parsonage than it looks. This grave yard is practically the garden to the house. it dominates the house completely.
Look at any way you like in any kind of light and weather. It remains creepy and dark as hell.
And in Emily's day it would have been remote, creepy and dark.
Religion and death. Patrick Bronte was reputed to be a vicious old sod as well. Quite into punishment and God fearing rants. His children had a fantasy land which they wrote about in code as a consequence.....Also he had bad eye site so it was written in small letters in code just to make sure.
We were there on a sunny day. Imagine this in the Yorkshire rain on a dull day at dusk.....
The church and the cobbled street next to the grave yard are not too commercial now. Turn the corner to come out by the old chemists shop and real modern commercialism hits like a ton of bricks.....There is even "Bronte ales" not to mention all The Bronte inspired cafes......
The main street is still very beautiful provided there are no people in it...
The next part is Top Withens farm. These pictures are from an exhibition I went to At Cliffe Castle. I do not know if I can use these images here. I was allowed to take the photos at the time so I guess I can.
So here they are.
Wuthering Heights day.
Northern ballet. Wuthering heights. A link from 2016.....

A passionate and obsessive story. Wuthering heights day 2018.
Emily Bronte Born 30 July 1818- to 19 December 1848
Kate Bush Born 30 July 1958--Still around.
Kate Bush wrote the Wuthering heights song when she was 17. Emily Bronte wrote her novel , I no not how long this took..... and it was published in 1847 a year before she died aged 30 years.
Kate Bush Wuthering Heights link
Well. I had to didn't I? Wuthering heights. One of my fave books of all time. Right up there next to Lord of the rings.

Emily Bronte a drawing by her brother Branwell Bronte. Emily is my favourite of the Brontes as she had a "difficult personality" and was quite antisocial. I do not think she liked or got on well with others. I can identify with that!!! My only hesitation about her is that she mistreated and beat her dog. So she did not get on with animals very well either. I read that her dog was vicious. I have seen the drawings of it. ...It was vicious. So was she I guess. Any way She is the author of a novel that I must have read about 100 times....
I have (currently) three copies of this book. The first I kept from a book case belonging to my grandma. It was one of the books she had mixed in with her Agatha Christie novels that she brought from London with her in the 1950's. I borrowed this book and it went with me to boarding school and later to Bath. I still have it today. This book made it back to Yorkshire with me ten years ago.
The second copy is something of a door stop containing all the Brontes novels that I bought for 20p from the junk shop in Otley. The third is a present I was given recently. It is an old fashioned reproduction of the original bought at the Parsonage shop in Hawarth itself.
The grave yard....This is much closer to the parsonage than it looks. This grave yard is practically the garden to the house. it dominates the house completely.
Look at any way you like in any kind of light and weather. It remains creepy and dark as hell.
Religion and death. Patrick Bronte was reputed to be a vicious old sod as well. Quite into punishment and God fearing rants. His children had a fantasy land which they wrote about in code as a consequence.....Also he had bad eye site so it was written in small letters in code just to make sure.
The next part is Top Withens farm. These pictures are from an exhibition I went to At Cliffe Castle. I do not know if I can use these images here. I was allowed to take the photos at the time so I guess I can.
So here they are.
Wuthering Heights day.
Northern ballet. Wuthering heights. A link from 2016.....

A passionate and obsessive story. Wuthering heights day 2018.
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