Wednesday, January 14, 2015

snow! Turned out nice again.

Snow. That could put the kibosh on driving today. The seagulls are all circling outside the french doors. A bad weather warning if I ever saw one. I ONLY  live About two hours from the coast....... Depending on the Whitby road being summer it is jammed with caravans so can take even longer.
 So the sea gulls are inland?........Yeh....said Lee. They usually are this time of year.
So that is not bad then?
Na. its only an icing sugar coating......
I seriously decided to stay in bed. This is instead of seriously getting up.
 I should be out there being all arty.
More tea please.
Then I will get arty

This is how cold it is . Monza decided to stay in bed too......

It has turned into a beautiful day. The tea is working. And a big monza dog blanket keeping my feet warm.
 Then we went out. Then we got arty. Just as we left the house, father in law called te cum up o't bus.
 We had about half an hour to wait we walked by the Yeadon Tarn......It is cold and sunny.
 Turned into a beautiful day. The guys from the model boat club were out, with mugs of tea. I also noted a wood burner in their meeting hut. Brilliant idea! a perfect way to spend this day...a mug of tea and a model boat race on the tarn.
 Lee wore his junk shop alaskan fur hat. he needed it! the swans saw us coming and thought we had brought them some bread......we usually do! I did not know that swans could tell one person from another...never mind remember the ones with bags of bread...

 A very bitter cold beautiful day........we then poddled down the high street, it was a bit slippy. just enough for me to hang onto Lee....and make it to fave junk shops..... and went inside a few more junk shops to warm up. Monza dog saw us pass the end of the terrace and began to me me me ......

Monza is a bit better with people after three years. But still he is no good with strangers at the tarn. He mistakes them for breakfast. This can be quite hard to explain away.
 Monza went out much earlier before everyone else was up. He has a lovely quiet walk, with no excitements.

We went to the supermarket before father in law arrived to get some bacon for sandwiches........I went home.
Lee was left to shop with father in law......
Doin' a quicky lightning flash...ahm going straight back ont bus. it be bloody cold. give me little mate Monza a kiss fer me.....
With that...he arrived..took his usual three steps out of the bus. stopped ..... lit up a ciggy. Blew the smoke in the persons face who banged into him.. glared at all the other people who banged into that person........gave Lee some money. said Ahhhm off. bye. Turned and banged into the rest of the people trying to get around the original people crash caused by his giggy break. had a last toke on his ciggy. put it out and then back into his tin for later.
And got back ont bus.

Customer phoned to it still okay for 2.30 today!? to move a corner sofa!?...........fortunately it is only an icing sugar coat of the time I was going home it had begun to melt.

Monza the dog was still barking. very upset he was that we went without him. Bacon sandwich Monza!!!!!!!!!!!
Right. arty time it is. to finish the Mad hatter doll.......

1 comment:

polkadothill said...

this day was complete!

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...