No. Not the ones you think.Not at all ! The prince was the Duke of Clarence and the Actress was Dora Bland. The times were the 1700s. This modern Royal wedding jogged my memory. Prince Harry is about to marry his actress. This drew my attention to a pile of papers and photos in my "to do " stash.
Dora Bland was also known as Mrs Jordan which was her stage name. There was No Mr Jordan and Dora never married. Dora was a great comic actress and courtesan, royal mistress to the future King William 1V.
She was born in Waterford in 1761 to unmarried parents. She had five brothers and sisters. When she was 13 her father abandoned his family and went off to marry someone else with money. Dora's mother was an actress and saw the potential in her daughter and put her on the stage to support the family.
Dora had a personal life that was extremely racey for the day. In fact it is quite shocking to read of it in the year 2018. By 1780s Dora had appeared in most theatres in Ireland and Britain with Drury Lane in London as her base..... Where in 1776 Richard Brindsley Sheridan took over as manager. and remained until 1809 when the theatre burnt down.

" extremely racey?" oh yes.
She had an affair with the married manager of the Theatre Royal in Cork. Some articles say she was imprisoned and raped by him. Any way she had her first child with him. After this she had a proposal of marriage from army Lieutenant Charles Doyne. This she turned down and went to work for Tate Wilkinson at his theatre company and had an affair with him too . until she met George Inchbold the lead actor if the company. She fell maddly in love and did hope to marry him. There was no proposal forthcoming so she moved on to Sir Richard Ford, a police magistrate, with whom she had another three children. Sir Richard never proposed marriage either so she left him too! moving on to The Duke of Clarence.
In Dora Bland's day she was The Duke of Clarence's mistress and companion. Her profession and the times she lived made it impossible for her to be a princess and legally married into the royal family..
There are a few other actress's that have caught the royal eye. Lillie Langtree who was known for her Royal lovers. These included the Prince of wales, Lord Louis Mauntbatten and the Earl of Shrewsbury. Nell Gwyn who in her day was a well known actress and prostitute became mistress to Charles 11 The times, politics and social standing meant they could never be wives in the royal family. though they all had a lot of power just the same..
All the illegitimate children the then Duke of Clarence had with Dora could not inherit the throne. When he married Charlotte of Mackenburg-Strelitz and dumped Dora Bland out of duty. He died with no legitimate heir and his niece Victoria inherited the throne.
Dora and the Duke had a ten children together.
I have written about Dora before and included photos of myself looking very like her. I am not going to do anything like that this time. I make no claims as to my association with Dora Bland or the family that come from Waterford Ireland. My father's family are Bland. my mother's family were Power and came originally from Waterford also. My parents met in Cornwall. There is no one that still lives and has any dealings with me that can tell me if they knew they were related before marriage
So I write the story and you see what you think.
My interest in Dora Bland has been rewoken by a lady who comes through my till "at work". She is a psychic.We chat over the grocery packing. There are a few others that chat too and I let them talk. mostly it is chat about health and weather. I have had trouble before with people "facebooking me" and have blocked one woman who insisted on commenting and diatribe all over the page.....and there is now a man who turns up at my house with photos from the Tarn. He tends to be around alot and I see him out of the corner of my eye Yesterday he came and knocked on my pourch window. That was with Monza dog inside going mad and he just stood there!....Monza practically came through the glass to rip his face off. He still stood there going " hello! you are cute" in that stupid voice people who don't like dogs employ. What he doesn't know is that Monza can work the handle on that door............Any way I take it because he found me so easily he has been snooping around. Lee will be having a word when he turns up again. He wont like it much but I can not have people like that just turning up at my house and following me about.......So with this Psychic lady I just let her talk and tell me ! I really do not need any more odd balls from work.
Anyway this psychic sees me in a large Georgian house with servants and a lot of children. She thinks I am an actress closely associated with the Theatre Royal and Bath.. Every time she sees me there is a girl with me. She thinks it is my daughter. I was very rich , had beautiful clothes and was part of the Royal family in her visions of my past life.
On Saturday night I work an evening shift. This can be a bit slow. So these "chats" liven up what could be a boring evening. ....She has a dog too that is tied up in the entrance and barks for the duration of her visit so we all know when she arrives!
I used to live in Bath in one of the famous Georgian Crescents. Lansdown Cresent in a top floor flat in what would have been a huge three story house with servants quarters in the basement..Designed by John Palmer and built between 1289 and 1793. I owned the top flat and loved to climb out onto the roof and balustrades where there was a clear view over Bath as I was up on a hill and so the view lasted for miles.
I had the top floor flat at the far end two doors up from the Beckford bridge which you can just see there.
I lived there originally with my mum. We both had a thing about the Theatre Royal in Bath and went to every play and show performed there....I had a stack of programmes as a vast collection at one time. They were lost in one of my moves later on...but I saw all the greats at Bath and The Plays usually came to Bath first before the West end ....I was always to be found at this theatre in the bar.....For a short while I worked there too selling programmes. So did my then husband Who was brought up at 11 Royal Crescent , Bath. The same house owned by Thomas Lindley and the same house that His second daughter Elizabeth Anne Linley Eloped with Richard Brinsley Sheridan the play wright and later politician.
My last husband was brought up in this house. His parents moved when he was about eighteen years old. One opening of the Bath festival night...Where all the houses on the Royal crescent have open doors and a traditional candle in the window....I got to see inside. It is totally beautiful with stained glass and grand staircase. At the time that my husband lived there the owner of the next door house was the manager of Roxy Music.... and often held parties which they went to......
but I am getting away from my story.
Dora Bland played Lady Teazle in famous play School for scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan...
This play and Dora Bland was performed in "the duchess" movie staring Kiera Knightley.
On Friday's we usually go over to Otley to go to the charity shops, get lunch and sometimes go to see the old effigies at the church. A couple of weeks ago we did just the twenty pence shop I found a old Bonhams auction catalogue. flipping through it I saw a portrait of Lady Augusta Margaret Fitzclarence (1822-1846) and it was price at £4,000 -£5,000.
I bought this old Bonhams auction catalogue and put it in a pile of papers by the sofa. I only picked it up again today as the lady in this portrait is the daughter of George Augusta Fitzclarence, Earl of Munster. This is Dora's Eldest son by The Duke of Clarence. Later King William 1V.
The Earl of Munster committed suicide on 20th March 1842 and his wife died shortly after. Augusta and her brothers and sisters were left as orphans.
Why did he commit suicide? well we will never know, but I think He had great expectations for his life and hoped one day to inherit the throne from his father. He was illegitimate and therefore side lined. The throne should have been his birth right.
The Reverand Lord Augustus Fitzclarence became the children's guardian as their uncle. This portrait was sold from his estate. At this time he was living at Mapledurham in Oxfordshire Where he was the vicar.
In 1884 Augusta left England to MarryBaron Knut Philip de Bonde. She married him in Paris and then went to live in Swededn. She had one daughter also named Augusta. She died six days later. Her daughter went on to marry Gustave Armand, Duc d'Otrante in 1865 and spent the remainder of her life in Sweden.
This find sparked a whole new flurry of interest in Dora Bland.....
The psychic lady I think sees Dora Bland. I am not a great believer in Psychics who claim all sorts of vision but it livens up an otherwise boring shift at work. I was going to print off all my info on Dora and This portrait and take it in for her. I have decided not to get involved any further than chatting over the groceries as I am asking for trouble as I have proved by being nice and chatty to other customers. So I will write the story here and She can google it all for herself if she is really any kind of psychic.
Strange that she came up with the Theatre and Bath unprompted though.
Dora Bland was also known as Mrs Jordan which was her stage name. There was No Mr Jordan and Dora never married. Dora was a great comic actress and courtesan, royal mistress to the future King William 1V.
She was born in Waterford in 1761 to unmarried parents. She had five brothers and sisters. When she was 13 her father abandoned his family and went off to marry someone else with money. Dora's mother was an actress and saw the potential in her daughter and put her on the stage to support the family.
Dora had a personal life that was extremely racey for the day. In fact it is quite shocking to read of it in the year 2018. By 1780s Dora had appeared in most theatres in Ireland and Britain with Drury Lane in London as her base..... Where in 1776 Richard Brindsley Sheridan took over as manager. and remained until 1809 when the theatre burnt down.

" extremely racey?" oh yes.
She had an affair with the married manager of the Theatre Royal in Cork. Some articles say she was imprisoned and raped by him. Any way she had her first child with him. After this she had a proposal of marriage from army Lieutenant Charles Doyne. This she turned down and went to work for Tate Wilkinson at his theatre company and had an affair with him too . until she met George Inchbold the lead actor if the company. She fell maddly in love and did hope to marry him. There was no proposal forthcoming so she moved on to Sir Richard Ford, a police magistrate, with whom she had another three children. Sir Richard never proposed marriage either so she left him too! moving on to The Duke of Clarence.
In Dora Bland's day she was The Duke of Clarence's mistress and companion. Her profession and the times she lived made it impossible for her to be a princess and legally married into the royal family..
There are a few other actress's that have caught the royal eye. Lillie Langtree who was known for her Royal lovers. These included the Prince of wales, Lord Louis Mauntbatten and the Earl of Shrewsbury. Nell Gwyn who in her day was a well known actress and prostitute became mistress to Charles 11 The times, politics and social standing meant they could never be wives in the royal family. though they all had a lot of power just the same..
All the illegitimate children the then Duke of Clarence had with Dora could not inherit the throne. When he married Charlotte of Mackenburg-Strelitz and dumped Dora Bland out of duty. He died with no legitimate heir and his niece Victoria inherited the throne.
Dora and the Duke had a ten children together.
I have written about Dora before and included photos of myself looking very like her. I am not going to do anything like that this time. I make no claims as to my association with Dora Bland or the family that come from Waterford Ireland. My father's family are Bland. my mother's family were Power and came originally from Waterford also. My parents met in Cornwall. There is no one that still lives and has any dealings with me that can tell me if they knew they were related before marriage
So I write the story and you see what you think.
My interest in Dora Bland has been rewoken by a lady who comes through my till "at work". She is a psychic.We chat over the grocery packing. There are a few others that chat too and I let them talk. mostly it is chat about health and weather. I have had trouble before with people "facebooking me" and have blocked one woman who insisted on commenting and diatribe all over the page.....and there is now a man who turns up at my house with photos from the Tarn. He tends to be around alot and I see him out of the corner of my eye Yesterday he came and knocked on my pourch window. That was with Monza dog inside going mad and he just stood there!....Monza practically came through the glass to rip his face off. He still stood there going " hello! you are cute" in that stupid voice people who don't like dogs employ. What he doesn't know is that Monza can work the handle on that door............Any way I take it because he found me so easily he has been snooping around. Lee will be having a word when he turns up again. He wont like it much but I can not have people like that just turning up at my house and following me about.......So with this Psychic lady I just let her talk and tell me ! I really do not need any more odd balls from work.
Anyway this psychic sees me in a large Georgian house with servants and a lot of children. She thinks I am an actress closely associated with the Theatre Royal and Bath.. Every time she sees me there is a girl with me. She thinks it is my daughter. I was very rich , had beautiful clothes and was part of the Royal family in her visions of my past life.
On Saturday night I work an evening shift. This can be a bit slow. So these "chats" liven up what could be a boring evening. ....She has a dog too that is tied up in the entrance and barks for the duration of her visit so we all know when she arrives!
I used to live in Bath in one of the famous Georgian Crescents. Lansdown Cresent in a top floor flat in what would have been a huge three story house with servants quarters in the basement..Designed by John Palmer and built between 1289 and 1793. I owned the top flat and loved to climb out onto the roof and balustrades where there was a clear view over Bath as I was up on a hill and so the view lasted for miles.
I had the top floor flat at the far end two doors up from the Beckford bridge which you can just see there.
My last husband was brought up in this house. His parents moved when he was about eighteen years old. One opening of the Bath festival night...Where all the houses on the Royal crescent have open doors and a traditional candle in the window....I got to see inside. It is totally beautiful with stained glass and grand staircase. At the time that my husband lived there the owner of the next door house was the manager of Roxy Music.... and often held parties which they went to......
but I am getting away from my story.
Dora Bland played Lady Teazle in famous play School for scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan...
This play and Dora Bland was performed in "the duchess" movie staring Kiera Knightley.
On Friday's we usually go over to Otley to go to the charity shops, get lunch and sometimes go to see the old effigies at the church. A couple of weeks ago we did just the twenty pence shop I found a old Bonhams auction catalogue. flipping through it I saw a portrait of Lady Augusta Margaret Fitzclarence (1822-1846) and it was price at £4,000 -£5,000.
I bought this old Bonhams auction catalogue and put it in a pile of papers by the sofa. I only picked it up again today as the lady in this portrait is the daughter of George Augusta Fitzclarence, Earl of Munster. This is Dora's Eldest son by The Duke of Clarence. Later King William 1V.
The Earl of Munster committed suicide on 20th March 1842 and his wife died shortly after. Augusta and her brothers and sisters were left as orphans.
Why did he commit suicide? well we will never know, but I think He had great expectations for his life and hoped one day to inherit the throne from his father. He was illegitimate and therefore side lined. The throne should have been his birth right.
The Reverand Lord Augustus Fitzclarence became the children's guardian as their uncle. This portrait was sold from his estate. At this time he was living at Mapledurham in Oxfordshire Where he was the vicar.
In 1884 Augusta left England to MarryBaron Knut Philip de Bonde. She married him in Paris and then went to live in Swededn. She had one daughter also named Augusta. She died six days later. Her daughter went on to marry Gustave Armand, Duc d'Otrante in 1865 and spent the remainder of her life in Sweden.
This find sparked a whole new flurry of interest in Dora Bland.....
The psychic lady I think sees Dora Bland. I am not a great believer in Psychics who claim all sorts of vision but it livens up an otherwise boring shift at work. I was going to print off all my info on Dora and This portrait and take it in for her. I have decided not to get involved any further than chatting over the groceries as I am asking for trouble as I have proved by being nice and chatty to other customers. So I will write the story here and She can google it all for herself if she is really any kind of psychic.
Strange that she came up with the Theatre and Bath unprompted though.
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