Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Not one word.

It is Wednesday. So it is injection day. Injection day? yep. Lee has his third dose of his weekly new medication today. And is it working? I just asked him and the reply is Yes...slowly. The swelling on his hands is much less on one side. The hands are a good indication as to how the arthritis is reacting everywhere else in his body. So we are getting some where with this but it is a bit agonising in more ways than one as it turned out this week.
Just lately I have had a selection of bad "Karma" or what ever you want to call it...bad luck.....stuff going wrong or just put it how it is...a pile of shit hurled into my life's path which I then have to paddle through and not come out smelling very nice. The shit has stuck I am afraid. I have made myself quite unpopular and a few more "enemies" now haunt my list.
I do not like people and this week has proved my point.
Do I need to bore you with all this? well no probably not. but I will anyway.  So what has gone on is this....and not in any particular order here....I think that the bad parts have been going on from the beginning of my move to Yorkshire eleven years ago. The place I moved from which was Cornwall did not work out that well either but we will not go into all that again. So I came to Yorkshire for a " new life" and a new start. I got one all right. A new selection of  things not to work for me and a whole different world of people to dislike me. pity really as in the last three years I had grasped life by the horns and made the most of the little I have. And it is amazing how well I made a very little go a long way. As every other phase of my life it all comes back and a kicks the life out of me again.

So here I am with a job , money, a house and two cars( neither work properly but that is an entirely different issue) and of course the selection of dolls I collect. We rely on the job which pays for everything now.....and this was working just fine until two weeks ago when all over time was cut. That was that. No further discussion. As a part time worker the over time was the key to a proper workable salary which just covered all the bills etc. That gone I was not at work so much any more and this high lights a miriad of other problems preying and creeping around me.
I discovered I had a stalker. As I was no longer in work he came looking for me out in the real world and by chance found where I lived as he saw me coming out of my house.

Why would any one in their right mind stalk me? well this one is not in his right mind and not in the first flush of youth either. why does he want to stalk me? I tell this I have no idea why me. The thing here is I really do not want to think about it much as I suspect that I will not like any answers to that one that I come up with. So day off spent in a police station.
This week after much shenanigans getting the stalker banned from the place I work and getting him a police warning....I came home on Monday in a state of stressed out stuttering lagooburty .
As I walked down the terrace doom ascended and I noted the Fonz car up on a jack and axle stands. no wheels and the bonnet up.......saw dust on the path and power steering fluid all up the path and street.
I had not even changed into my own clothes had tea or greeted Monza dog before bully neighbour got wound up and set off like a clockwork action man.This is West Yorkshire I have said before when all goes pear shaped.....Do not expect help or sympathy. It will never happen here. I was not however expecting to be verbally attacked  yelled at sworn at and threatened.
Bully neighbour did not approve of the saw dust and the power steering fluid it was on the piece of ground he parked on. Yes the same tiny bit of earth that he does not own and has no rights to....yes that old parking and right of way argument that blew up out of all proportion when he attacked Lee last year about it all. yes this is the same one that I said that I would not blog about again. So here it all was yelling shouting threatening......What did I do ? I tried to keep myself between bully posturing about and stop him hitting Lee. I figured he would not hit me.
That turned out to be very stupid as in retrospect now I think he would hit me and not think a thing about it.
So I have a stalker. A car up on axles and a violent threat.
 Not bad for a Monday.

This is as much as I am going to write about this. Reason? I am not going to put in a public blog what I intend to do about all this . I have told you all what happened at that is now all I am saying. I have learned not to ask for help. Never to expect help and no one gives a shit. Look after myself. I want something pay for it or organise it for myself.
Whilst all this was going off....and I really had got myself into a complete stuttering mess I could hardly speak and had begun to stutter too...this I have not done for years.....I phoned a friend and other neighbour. The phone was "off" so I left a message. They never even called me back. The same person came home to walk to their door. They did not even acknowledge me. bully boy was in good voice and still yelling at me as they passed to.
As I say. This is West Yorkshire. Never expect help sympathy or friendship.  There were most other people in their houses too. All would have heard. It was a hot day. Windows and doors were all open. others were sitting out in gardens.

Not one has asked if I am okay.

Not one word.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...