Thursday, May 17, 2018

My last sunrise in pyjamas.(for now)

This would be the last time I should do this. The "this" being putting on day clothes over my pyjamas and shuffling off out in flip flops at dawn with my hair askew clutching my camera.  Most other people out at that time....if there are any take little or no notice of me.
I like to walk around the Tarn at dawn. Lots of others do the same...mostly with dogs or running. It is easy to avoid all and hear birds and aircraft from the airport only. Sometimes there are a group of people...some of which I vaguely know who walk around the tarn and then go to the model boat club for tea. And then of course there is the old guy who opens up the old boat house and comments on the swans sometimes.....mostly he says nothing too.
He spends most of his time sitting outside the model boat house drinking tea. He is the caretaker. the guy who makes sure there is enough tea and powers up the tea earn !.

The decision was made for me and circumstances make it a sad one..... . but really how many early morning photos can a girl take and put them on a blog every day?
well the answer to that one is quite a lot actually. It is different every day. that said it is time to move on anyway. Find something else to take photos of or something else to do when I wake up.......
These pictures were all taken a few days ago now.......
So here we all are the Thursday before the great Harry and Meghan wedding on Saturday. there is not a lot on telly except the press all interviewing each other and much speculation over "the dress".....

So here's my vote......

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...