There are a few who live who could possibly tell me. I am unwilling to ask. so I make do with not knowing and a few misty memories.It is my father's birthday. 28th May 1923 which would make him 95.and 46 years old when he died in 1969. November 1969 just as all the Christmas shopping had been done. Mum had been squirrelling presents away for weeks. She had her purse stolen in Middlesborough with 200 pounds in it. money she had earned working at Middlesborough hospital. Nights as an auxillary in the morgue. reported it to the police. They told her it was her own fault for carting that much money. It was a very lot in 1969.
I have to admit now that I do not know very much about my father. I was 7 when he died and that would be fifty years ago now. that would be stuff I can write in a public blog and feel comfortable with.
I do not know where he was born or even the names of his parents. I called them Grandma and Granddad. I still have no idea what their first names were. My father had two sisters Greta and Nancy and a younger brother who still lives as far as I know called Bill.
Greta I have found an obituary for and she died in 2014. Nancy I knew most of my life as she kept in contact with my mum. Mum died in 1983 and Nancy about 20 years after. Bill still lives as far as I know. which is not very far as I only found out Greta died about ten minutes ago from a google search.
Nancy, I had a phone call a few weeks after she was already gone. Also Nancy wrote to me just before she died of cancer to inform me that "the bogie man had got her this time" . I have no idea what happened at her funeral or where it was conducted. Her husband Uncle Harry died shortly after. I can not remember how I found that out now.
So the information I write here is not a lot really. It is my father's ninety fifth birthday. Bank holiday monday in May 2018.

" 537 James Wm BLAND Scalefoot Farm, Commondale accidentally killed 15 Nov 1969 aged 46." father's grave stone at Danby Church. I have never been to his grave. I was not invited to the funeral as "it is no place for a child" I had left the home by then anyway.

More tea and finish this blog about my father. I am sitting here wondering what to write. I thought I had plenty I could write . When it came to it I have no really clear memories at all. fifty years is a very very long time ago.
so I just look at the photos. I have a few old pictures in frames that I keep on the windowsill. So I am used to the photos and see then every day. To day I actually looked.
other photos I have out are of my Grandma "mema" who's birthday was 23 May 1895 and so she would be 123 this year. My mother who's birthday was 25th May 1925 and would be 93. Just maybe it is time to put them away.......I have always had them out in all my houses. Maybe it is the time to move on at the age of 57!
Also this May week was Lee's father's birthday 27 May 1942 ( a war baby! his father was an engineer at Kirkstall forge and did not go to fight) and he is 76 and still lives . in fact he crashed his car and wrote it off a few weeks ago and went to play Bingo for his birthday treat yesterday. So he still lives after a fashion.
There is one more Birthday to remember in May. My ex husband. . 29th May 1958. So he is 60 years old tomorrow. How time flies. I messaged him a while ago. He replied only once and never really answered much. so there is not a lot of information to deliver this morning.
may is a bit of a funny month for me.
Still it is the end of it soon! A boring blog about not a lot this day. so off to prepare for work. Round Three with my stalker who I am told has done all of this before and had police warnings and banning s from local stores before. He has walked up to a previous victim and threatened them saying that they were trying to get him banned. May the good lord help him if he does that to me. I have had enough of cruddy people pushing me around.........I did not survive this long (so far , so good) ....just to have a creep like that ruin it all for me. That goes for bully neighbour as well by the way.
1 comment:
the photos of your father show a very handsome man......! it is so bittersweet to look at old photos... for me anyway.......so, do not let the creep bug you.. I know you won't!!!!!!!! I posted pictures of lee's dad today.... memorial day, and his dad died in ww2
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