Saturday, September 8, 2018

Old doll.

 September 2018. in fact 15th of September. The summer is gone and the Autumn is underway. This mornings sun rise and dawn light was well worth getting up and out to the tarn water for this morning.
 I took along the old doll that one of the guys from the boat house gave me to look over asking " is there out yer can do wi' it?"......
There most certainly was. And here she is. The guy who gave her to me is on holiday in Greece. The "other old guys" were sitting on their cushions watching the light over the water with huge mugs of tea as every day.
 Rather sensational it was today.....
 They exclaimed over the doll and said that it looked entirely different. I explained that I had repainted her and mended the bashed eye........
 She turned out really well. This poor girl spent the last 50 years in a shoe here she is out and about this morning.

 I have named her Eve, the clothes came on another composition doll I bought on Ebay. They suit her very well and so she gets to keep them.

This is not my doll. It belongs to the guy from the boat house who saw me out most mornings with a doll and a camera. He was "getting rid of stuff" from his sister's place who was going into an old peoples home. He found Eve in a shoe box and told me 
"she hadn't 'ad it out in fifty year. Ah don't bother about it. no rush I'm not bothered about it. yer see what yer can do wi' it"

This is how she arrived. 

I took her out of the carrier bag and sat her on my work top......
There are a couple of others that I am working on, so she came to the right place.......

The brown all over her is in fact nicotine.......

And yes the head is Armand Marseille.  I have looked up this head mould and it is from 1900.1920. So that is how old she is.......VERY!!!!!!
I took her to bits.........
and gave her a good clean......
The body is papier mache. There is not alot I can do with I left it alone....

I ended up completely repainting her head with a spay gun.......... 

Bit of a mess she was at that moment. I took her apart and mended the bashed eye and reset her eyes. I have found her some clothes and given her a clean.......if it was mine I would have given her a new body and a respray too....but she is not. so she has to go home now.

I photographed her at the tarn this morning. The guy who's doll it is was still on holiday. The other old guys said
"we try and persuade him te let yer keep 'er! she looks right at home wi' you"

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...