Sunday, September 30, 2018

The dawning of October 2018

 Last night Lee came haring in to the kitchen, having been out for a smoke
"Fire in the sky! get yer camera and open the french windows....!!!"
So this I did. Here is the setting of the month of September. All done now.
 This morning October dawned. Golden and shiney it was too.... Here it is just as it is as I do not have time this day to play with the photos. I was up at 4am or there abouts to wash and start decorating my dolls house and rescued dolls from Friday.
 October 2018! not only does this herald Halloween it also means that I live to see another year. Might even make it to Christmas at this rate.
This morning I actually planned to go out as I wanted to welcome October as this is now time to find all my Halloween decorations. Also it is Monday...this is a new week with new days off to be had......
 Today....I have Raven Queen doll. I did not walk all the way around the water this day as I have things to do before I go....
 This is dawn light....
 and it was cold...but not too cold. Just cold enough. The trees are loosing their leaves and changing colour.....
" i just seen a robin bobbin about ..." stated Lee coming in from his morning smoke.
 The swans were ready for the old guy to feed them swan treats...

 to day's outing was short but very effective......

 I cut back across the grass as I wished to avoid the people out side.the boat house. I had said good morning and given Bab's dog a doggy tickle already.
The crazier I am the more dogs like me. So this day I must be giving off wafts of totally off my trolley signals as all the dogs were heading towards me this day.

The swans briefly headed to see if I had food.....I didn't so they lost interest and sailed off into the sun rise.
So that is October so far. I have been up and cleaned the dolls house.....done the washing....washed all the rescued dolls and clothes....washed up and drank a lot of tea.
So more tea and Halloween decorations out then.

The dolls house .

 A lot of tea at dawn this morning. I did not miss it I just did not go out . I put on the washing and the slow cooker instead. This means clean clothes and food. It was one or the other. I chose the food thing for later.
Yesterday I took loads of photos anyway so There is no shortage of new pictures as we went out to the sticks and stones near Haworth to pick up a dolls house. This was arranged for me from one of the "free to collect" sites on the computer. Do I need another dolls house? no really little dolls are all in a plastic box not having any fun so when I have done it all up...this will be their new home.
First we had to find the farm to collect it from. so off we set with an excited Monza dog and drove out into the country across the moor past Bingley.
 This is proper Yorkshire, and tourists would call this "Bronte country" we just call it home. This is why I came back really. I grew up on a farm in the sticks up on the moors by Whitby. I was living in Cornwall....which is very beautiful too how ever it is not Yorkshire and of course the people are all Cornish too. To day was a real treat of a trip out. Monza dog heartily agreed and barked himself into a gruff woof.
 The closer we got to our destination the more excited he got. To the point where he was trying to get out of the car window. ....Had he been here before?
 He was so excited he was howling at one point. I have certainly never brought him this way before...we have been to Haworth with him but not this far out in the country....
 This is a little Monster high doll I found in Otley on Friday....
 So...Had Monza been here before. I would say yes from his reactions . We rescued him about seven years ago he was found stray and starving in Leeds. we bought him from Dogs trust.
 Monza is a pedigree long haired German Shepard. He is a huge beautiful dog. From his reaction today I would say he was bred here. Possibly on one of the farms we passed......when we got to the farm we collected from he was barking and howling so much the car was rocking....
 out past keighley and Howarth in a farm up a farm track with a lot of cows and sheep......
 There were hens wandering about too. Monza was now frantic to be let out. when we parked the lady came out of the house and gave me the dolls house. I dare not even mention the jumping car and monza barking out of the window......
 I looked up German shepard breeders out this way and there is one who is specific to long haired German Shepards. not far from where we stopped either. So we will never know... for sure but I think it is where Monza dog was born out this way.
 As a pedigree pup he would have cost someone a lot of weather he was bought and then taken to Leeds as a pet, and the owners discovered how huge he got or that he was used as a guard dog and then abandoned because they could not control him I can only guess at. Some of his training when I first met him was some what dubious at best.
 He was certainly used as a guard dog and tied up and starved that is without doubt. He has also been taught to attack and steal. Both of which he does not do to me....He is fine with me. Though I am pretty much the only person he likes. oh and he loves Lee too. He spends most of his time with Lee fixing up stuff in the garage.....
 Any way we drove around for a fifty mile round trip to pick up the dolls house....
 We pulled over in the Fonz car with monza and I took some really great photos on the way around.....

And here is the dolls house....

Free it was. It was from toys r us and the whole thing will be just fine when I get to work on it.
I am still fixing up A 1930's doll, but I have a new set of days off coming up so this will be ideal for all the bits a pieces of fabrics and wall papers I have collected. My little dolls will be pleased to be out of the plastic box too.
So ....I have discovered another piece to the puzzle of Monza. We will never know for sure but I think His reaction tells me all I need to know. Other places he has a reaction to are Harehills in Leeds. He is just plain scared there...where as here he was pleased to see it all.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

There once lived a witch.......... If you click on this link you will find the blog I wrote about this witch here.
I was given these monster high girls with the words "i hope to see then out on your travels..."
So this day they went out with me and I photographed them up at the old grave yard on a walk with Monza dog.
The story above is about the farm you see in the background here. I have been told since that is probably not true.Do we care? nope not a lot. I think it is though. so make up your own minds.,....

Novia farm it is called and is privately owned . So this is as close as I get. This farm...back in the days of the witch would have been a lonely place in the middle of a moor with a track across the moors leading from worlds end. The airport, graveyard and buildings now leading up Cemetery road would not be there. Yeadon was what is now Albert square....and high street and mostly the steep........The street built for the mill workers would have just being built.
The grave yard would have come round about late 1800s to accommodate these.
Any way. I am still not out this day. I did not go out this Saturday for sunrise......though we are just setting off to Bingley moor.

I have a dolls house topick up from a farm out that way. So best get to it.......

Friday, September 28, 2018

Fluffee. A good dolly day.

Fluffee arrived in a big box. Poor love was folded in half and bubble wrapped into a bin liner. I arrived home after a rather good dolly day. But first things first. I need tea and to look out of the window and see if the light is worth going out with the camera for. Mostly I need tea and my rice crispies ...note here I have not mentioned chocolate eclairs yet..
This doll was made by J. Halpern & Co Dolls 1923 -1951. from Pittsburgh. USA. A company who made composition Mama dolls to hard plastic transition dolls until 1951. Most of these dolls are un marked.
My Fluffee arrived today and is a transition doll. By transition  doll it is meant that the doll was made half way between composition and hard plastic and she has both elements. This girl has a cloth body, hard plastic head with composition arms,.....a transition doll!
A 1930/1940s Halco doll about 24 inches tall with a mohair wig Sleep eyes with upper lashes, painted lower lashes, . A Shirley Temple look a like doll. Her wig needs a bit of work but hey she is an old girl much older than me too.

Image result for halco dolls
Yes folks this is the doll that I bought from Ebay the other day and this is the doll that all the guilt has been heaped upon my head for buying and not here she is! it is too late. she is sitting in my kitchen. 
Sunday it is now. The last day of September 2018. And not only is it too late to worry! she is sitting in the kitchen in a new dress as I had another good dolly day in the junk shops at Otley on Friday.....

 A Bingo Bonza Burty haul if ever there was one!.....all from the same shop too......

 The day was already a good dolly day as the old guy from the boat house at the tarn came over to thank me for repairing his doll that belonged to his sister and said that I could give her a home. He is bringing her out one dawn to leave in the boat house for me.....
Then a lady appeared with two Monster high dolls.....

 Like this! pictured here with a rather delighted Monza who knew dinner was cooking for him.....These dolls are a present for photographic adventures.......
 This is the little doll that I repainted for the old guy....
And I also arrived home to a message about a free dolls house that I need to pick up out by Haworth on yes all good on the doll front......

Dawn now. And yes I have walked all around the water with my Fluffee doll..... 
 Very cold with winter light this Friday. I wished I had worn gloves. I know that My plants will be happy as they are all in the sun room warm. It is very very cold out.
  I met  Babs , with her dog and daughter. I noted that they were wearing gloves and scarf this morning.... They asked about the doll and said good morning....there were plenty others out as well. It struck me that there are way too many about for me today....
 I took a few photos.
 ..... then headed past the boat house. Said a quick good morning, showed the old guys the doll for this morning...they like to see which one i have out.....and then home for tea. A very lot of tea and to put on the heating.

 .Fluffee is a big doll. Also she came to me dressed in bright yellow. This morning people stared at me even more than usual....It is possible to overlook a Barbie doll in the dawn light...this girl was impossible to miss......

   The last day of September. 

Monza has insisted that we go to bed  as we have to be up early again tomorrow. WE?? I mean me. I will  hopefully be up to take more photos.

The dolls from my big haul are all still waiting to be washed and redressed and the dolls house I was given is waiting also for a clean and a make over I have plenty to fill my days off this week.

Dolls house certainly does need a clean!!!!!

And here are some more photos I did of Fluffee....I really am going to have to rename her!

 When she first arrived,,,,,
 A new dress found in Otley. I have found that she fits nicely into toddlers clothes.....

Good night. And good bye to September. October tomorrow and the first day of October. Time to get out all my Halloween decorations and dolls. Oh goody!

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...