Friday, August 3, 2018

Let's try that again.......

I have not been out this morning. I may never go out again! I went to make the obligatory cup of is okay I have ended up with three huge cup fulls as Lee is up too and ripping through the morning in take like a demon with it's tail on fire. I have them lined up whilst I write this.
as I say I have not been out. I started Looking at the dolls in the kitchen. Everything happens in my kitchen. everything ends up or starts life in this house in this space,,,,
"yer wants more tea? yer still got two! ah yer do right...yer downing it a bit quick there..." as Lee went downstairs stepping over Monza dog.
So I started looking at my dolls which arrived in a big box from California. The big box was delivered after much anticipation and checking of the tracking site for ten days. I woke up this morning and was momentarily lost as I did not need to do this anymore, It had become a bit of an obsessional habit if I am honest about it. As with all addictions when they are taken away you get a bit "lost".
Never mind all that. I got over it very quickly the second my eyes lit up over the piles of boxes and perfumed tissue paper. My kitchen is sometimes used for cooking meals,though there is not a lot of space as the counters are all loaded with dolls and projects I am working on.

Okay. I will put in some pictures now. Kitchens and tea drinking are not that interesting to read about.

 It is early.We usually go junk shopping in Otley on a Friday. As it is Friday today and I got paid.....that is not what we are going to do. Instead we are going for a second attempt at Lee's hospital appointment. The doctor called and made arrangements to meet us in another department because of my mistake with a mobile phone debarkle on Tuesday. This resulted in Lee not getting his appointment that he so badly needed, I have beaten myself up over this enough. so I move on. Though I can tell you that all my cameras. dolls etc I intend to take out today will be left out of site. I will go into the hospital without even a handbag in future. So yes. I am going with Lee and Yes I am not going to take it any further...that is of course unless it is held against Lee and his treatment is effected again. Did I mention that I am a trustee of this hospital? NO? well I signed both Lee and I on as trustee members of this hospital when Lee was first diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis. I figured we would be spending a lot of time there and may as well have a say in how it is run. Up to this point I have not said anything about it. We are definitely members of this hospital. They send us invites to the public meetings about fundings and events and how they spend their money etc. The rude receptionist may want to take note.
So I pack up Rose doll......

 Charge my camera battery as we plan to go to Temple Newsam after the appointment.
 This is how we planned last time....only I did not have this doll on Tuesday!

So later I will catch up with you.......and yes I do remember that I was to write up the story of Lee's old Band Big Bad.
All in good time. first things first. let's get Lee the hospital appointment he so needs. We hobbled to the last one twice. This time I can not see that they will hang around. I think it will be amazingly simple this visit....we turned up early last time because Lee really needed to be seen. His feet hurt again and he can not walk properly and his hands are swollen and painful. In himself he is better...not so depressed from the pain....and the new meds have given him a little hope. so the officious receptionist with holding his notes and way laying him on the way to the doctor was well out of order.
As I say....I will not push it if Lee is treated properly and on time. If not the world is about to find out that I was not always a white haired eccentric old lady.

1 comment:

polkadothill said...

as trustees. they had better listen to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so happy to see rose about in the garden...............!

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...