7th of August 2018. This is a Tuesday and we have been over to Harrogate. I really wanted to go to Knaresborough castle. There are road works out that way. We got as far as the turning to Harrogate and discovered this. So quick change of plan. I was disappointed but soon recovered. I had packed up dolls to photograph with Knaresborough in mind.......
All these dolls in the following pictures were sent to me for my birthday this year, and were the girls that arrived in the big box from California. Not all of the dolls have been out yet. .
This lady was first out to the Yeadon tarn on a sunny afternoon. In fact the same sunny afternoon that the box arrived. I lost no time in going out clutching Gene Marshall doll and a camera.
I have been writing a blog for a good many years now. My original blog was was "dolls, dogs and life on a rusty old van" and this was just that...some of the tales of customers and places we visited with our dog Casper. Rusty van has been gone for well over a year now so there are no more tales from that time. I changed the name of my blog and now it is "Some dolls, a dog and a car called The Fonz". As we are no longer self employed or making a living from collecting junk and out and about I do not write about all those characters and places anymore. I got me a proper employed job with a salary. I can not write about that as I wish to keep my job with salary as we now rely on the money. Anyway my employers frown upon social media. well actually they frown upon facebook mostly and comments from customers and employees...this can be a sacking offence if you get it wrong!!!. So that is now something I can not write about anyway. The lady who insisted upon typing the name of said new employer in a comment box over and over thinking she was really funny is now blocked and as far as I gather from other sites she is blocked from them too. A local history and photo site were particularly incensed...answer to that one is "just do not go there".....I felt really rotton at the time. It is after all my living we are talking about here and not one of the commenters will give a rat when I get my marching orders...so blocked she stays.
Lee has rheumatoid arthritis and we became regulars at a local hospital. I nearly blew it for him by taking pictures and selfies of us going into the hospital last visit......so now I do not write about that either as we do not wish to offend the powers that provide Lee with very expensive and new drugs to control this disease . Taking photos and blogging about it all is not worth it! This hit me like a wet fish around the head when some one at" work" yelled out in front of a cue of people
"I been readin' yer blog all about the hospital an' how yer got security in a rag....."
So I came to the question. "why do I write this blog?"
To them it doesn't matter. It is just a passing amusement for a lunch break...... so that is that. This now leaves me with dwindling things to write about....as neighbours get really upset when mentioned.....as do former van customers.
Now that leaves me with writing about me..Which is not going to fill much space with interest!........
Then of course there is always my stalker. I suppose he is fair game, though I do not want to give him any credence at all. I know he reads this blog. He is blocked on facebook but that will not stop him. It is my choice to write this blog, but only as far as it amuses me to do so and does not jeopardise life's balance and screw up finances or medication. As far as stalker man can go? well best not let him have any material to work on. For example he does not need to read all about the police report I had to go and make or that I know he has done all this before to others and it is well documented. He does not need to know that I have heard all about it and his former police warnings......Very practised is this stalker. Is there any such thing as a "professional stalker"? Well if there was he would get the job. I came back home one day this week...Lee asked me if I had already been home and found him out. No.....??? well the back door leading to the porch was open. Funny that mr stalker was loitering around me staring to intimidate me most of the morning then was it not? I do not have any proof that it was Mr stalker who opened the door seeking into my house...but it is funny that he was hanging around wasn't it? What can he possibly want with me? He is a weird twisted spiteful man. I am about to find out how weird and spiteful and vindictive he can be. we are at that stage now. You see this has happened to me before. The last guy was almost exactly the same "type" of person. right down to the mannerisms and grey hair. It was years ago now when I lived in Bath. A man called Mr Brown who found out where I lived and started to turn up and loitered around when he knew I would be walking my dog......What happened to him? well my employers at that time made sure he had a police warning....and then they got me a court order banning him from going any where near me. This stopped him. And the fact that he had his nose broken and face splattered all over the pavement outside my local pub one new years eve when he tried to grab me at midnight for a new year kiss. It took that much extreme action before he took the hint......The blood from his broken face seeped into the pavement and Bath stone of the building. The blood stains remained. They were still visible when I said good bye to Bath four years later.
Now in 2018 I have no one to give this support Mr Stalker knows that the police will do nothing . I have no landlords who were ex bouncers as friends here in West Yorkshire.
So now I write about dolls and photos that I take without other people involved at all as far as I can.

Gene Marshall is a doll. She started to appear in 1995 and is based on old Hollywood the stuff of dreams a legend . Artist and illustrator Mel Odom invented and designed her.
Gene is 15.5 inches tall, and is very addictive collectable fashion doll. Each doll has a movie themed back story like a dream.
This doll is " breathless" dressed in a pale blue gown as she is going to her own movie premier. released 1999 era circa 1956 produced by Ashton Drake.
The back story for this one is......And I got it from "Fandom"
The photo below was taken at St, Stephen's Church in Kirkstall Leeds. and the doll is Gene Marshall " will you marry me? "
The Jazz Age. Flaming flappers. Brilliantined sheiks. Flivvers with rumble seats, petting in the park, hip flasks, and turned-down hose.
St Stephen's Church, and grave yard Kirkstall, Leeds. We stopped off here on the way back from shopping. Lee used to play here as a child. He was born just a few streets away and his father still lives in Kirkstall.
" Hello Hollywood" at Yeadon tarn.....
The producer, Erik von Sternberg, inspected his newest starlet through a monocled eye. "You climbed onto this train, clutching your daddy and your teddy bear, a little girl--a nobody! But when you step off this train in Hollywood, Miss Marshall, you're stepping off this train a star!"
Seated in the luxurious limo between her dream idol and powerful mentor, Gene whispered in Teddy Bear's ear: "Pinch me, Theo! It's everything I ever dreamed of! Oh, hello Hollywood--hello!"
"Monaco" Gene Marshall bride doll.....
"Love at first sight" is the Gene Marshall doll that I bought myself for my own birthday. Well actually it was bought with money Father gave me for my birthday. I phoned him up and thanked him and told him how clever he was to have found her.
Here she is at Guiseley Church...Where the Bronte sister's parents were married.....
The next photo was taken on the Otley Chevin....
And now we have caught up...we are at today.........
In Harrogate , the Monpelier Quarter with Lee posing big time in the background there.
This doll is "love Paris"
Gene outside the Betty's tea rooms....
Henry, the kindly doorman at her New York apartment, greeted Gene with interesting news as she stepped from the studio's limo. "Two large packages from Paris arrived for you today, Miss Marshall," he said. "I'll send them right up to you."
This Lady I bought from Ebay. She is a Gene with red hair as I do not have one......
Outside the theatre in Harrogate. Now it has to be one of the places I want to go inside sit down and watch a play. I have not been to the theatre since I lived In Cornwall and I went to the hall for cornwall to see King Lear.....and that is getting to be a long time ago again.
We went to the french quarter and took photos in this big frame....
Yep. I look fat. That is because I am. Chocolate eclairs every day can do that to a girl. so be warned.
Lee however is looking thin as a pencil with the wood shaved off. Though he is much better since the swift steroid injection in his back end.
After this we went for a Womble. you do not know what a Womble might be? well the Wombles of Wimbledon common made use of things that others left behind. that is what a Womble is....finding junk.
So one more doll went out this morning. I will quickly add "tea at the Plaza" Gene Marshall doll....
The boat house at the Yeadon Tarn this morning.....the tree Gemima ducks in the back ground....
Gene Marshall...tea at the Plaza . A very beautiful morning at Yeadon tarn.
Friday 10th of August already. We are drinking tea and preparing for our Otley trip....it is raining. Do I take a doll with me to photograph any way?
All these dolls in the following pictures were sent to me for my birthday this year, and were the girls that arrived in the big box from California. Not all of the dolls have been out yet. .
This lady was first out to the Yeadon tarn on a sunny afternoon. In fact the same sunny afternoon that the box arrived. I lost no time in going out clutching Gene Marshall doll and a camera.
I have been writing a blog for a good many years now. My original blog was was "dolls, dogs and life on a rusty old van" and this was just that...some of the tales of customers and places we visited with our dog Casper. Rusty van has been gone for well over a year now so there are no more tales from that time. I changed the name of my blog and now it is "Some dolls, a dog and a car called The Fonz". As we are no longer self employed or making a living from collecting junk and out and about I do not write about all those characters and places anymore. I got me a proper employed job with a salary. I can not write about that as I wish to keep my job with salary as we now rely on the money. Anyway my employers frown upon social media. well actually they frown upon facebook mostly and comments from customers and employees...this can be a sacking offence if you get it wrong!!!. So that is now something I can not write about anyway. The lady who insisted upon typing the name of said new employer in a comment box over and over thinking she was really funny is now blocked and as far as I gather from other sites she is blocked from them too. A local history and photo site were particularly incensed...answer to that one is "just do not go there".....I felt really rotton at the time. It is after all my living we are talking about here and not one of the commenters will give a rat when I get my marching orders...so blocked she stays.
Lee has rheumatoid arthritis and we became regulars at a local hospital. I nearly blew it for him by taking pictures and selfies of us going into the hospital last visit......so now I do not write about that either as we do not wish to offend the powers that provide Lee with very expensive and new drugs to control this disease . Taking photos and blogging about it all is not worth it! This hit me like a wet fish around the head when some one at" work" yelled out in front of a cue of people
"I been readin' yer blog all about the hospital an' how yer got security in a rag....."
So I came to the question. "why do I write this blog?"
To them it doesn't matter. It is just a passing amusement for a lunch break...... so that is that. This now leaves me with dwindling things to write about....as neighbours get really upset when mentioned.....as do former van customers.
Now that leaves me with writing about me..Which is not going to fill much space with interest!........
Then of course there is always my stalker. I suppose he is fair game, though I do not want to give him any credence at all. I know he reads this blog. He is blocked on facebook but that will not stop him. It is my choice to write this blog, but only as far as it amuses me to do so and does not jeopardise life's balance and screw up finances or medication. As far as stalker man can go? well best not let him have any material to work on. For example he does not need to read all about the police report I had to go and make or that I know he has done all this before to others and it is well documented. He does not need to know that I have heard all about it and his former police warnings......Very practised is this stalker. Is there any such thing as a "professional stalker"? Well if there was he would get the job. I came back home one day this week...Lee asked me if I had already been home and found him out. No.....??? well the back door leading to the porch was open. Funny that mr stalker was loitering around me staring to intimidate me most of the morning then was it not? I do not have any proof that it was Mr stalker who opened the door seeking into my house...but it is funny that he was hanging around wasn't it? What can he possibly want with me? He is a weird twisted spiteful man. I am about to find out how weird and spiteful and vindictive he can be. we are at that stage now. You see this has happened to me before. The last guy was almost exactly the same "type" of person. right down to the mannerisms and grey hair. It was years ago now when I lived in Bath. A man called Mr Brown who found out where I lived and started to turn up and loitered around when he knew I would be walking my dog......What happened to him? well my employers at that time made sure he had a police warning....and then they got me a court order banning him from going any where near me. This stopped him. And the fact that he had his nose broken and face splattered all over the pavement outside my local pub one new years eve when he tried to grab me at midnight for a new year kiss. It took that much extreme action before he took the hint......The blood from his broken face seeped into the pavement and Bath stone of the building. The blood stains remained. They were still visible when I said good bye to Bath four years later.
Now in 2018 I have no one to give this support Mr Stalker knows that the police will do nothing . I have no landlords who were ex bouncers as friends here in West Yorkshire.
So now I write about dolls and photos that I take without other people involved at all as far as I can.
Gene Marshall is a doll. She started to appear in 1995 and is based on old Hollywood the stuff of dreams a legend . Artist and illustrator Mel Odom invented and designed her.
Gene is 15.5 inches tall, and is very addictive collectable fashion doll. Each doll has a movie themed back story like a dream.
This doll is " breathless" dressed in a pale blue gown as she is going to her own movie premier. released 1999 era circa 1956 produced by Ashton Drake.
The back story for this one is......And I got it from "Fandom"
It was one of those glorious California evenings that shimmered with magical electricity. The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel was ablaze with lights from dazzling crystal chandeliers, spotlights, flashbulbs, and the incandescent star-power of Hollywood's brightest luminaries celebrating mogul producer Erik von Sternberg's 55th birthday.
The cub reporter stood alone outside the front door, fiddling with his camera. The flash hadn't worked all evening. He nearly wept thinking about how furious his editor was going to be with no photos from the party of the year. He might even lose his job!
A sleek, white limo purred up to the long, red-carpeted stairs. As soon as it stopped, Gene Marshall stepped out and hurried up the stairs. Suddenly all the magic of the night came alive. Gene's celestial blue gown glimmered in the moonlight, softly reflecting on lustrous pearls, satin, and gleaming gold. Her shawl floated behind her as diaphanous as a heavenly cloud swept with golden stars. Her face lifted skyward and he caught his breath at such inexpressible beauty, luminous in the starlight. He readied his camera and called, "How are you tonight, Miss Marshall?" "Breathless!" she laughingly replied, kindly pausing to pose. Miraculously, the flash popped!
"Breathless" was the morning edition's headling under her photo. To that cub reporter, Gene was the angel who saved his career.
The photo below was taken at St, Stephen's Church in Kirkstall Leeds. and the doll is Gene Marshall " will you marry me? "
In the '40s, the Roaring Twenties was a time just long enough gone to be fondly remembered. And although Gene had been only a toddler through most of the twenties, now was her chance to step back in time. She had been personally selected by Reuben Lilienthal to portray Monolithic Studios' silent star Ida Best. Ida Best had been the savior of Monolithic Studios during the silent era, bringing class and "it" to a studio known mostly for slapstick two-reelers.
The costumes in Gene's film were dreamy recreations of the era. Gene remembered her parents' friends arriving for parties at their Cos Cob home, wearing some of the same chic chiffons, lovely laces, and divine satins and silks. Peering from the top of the staircase, toddler Katie had longed to dress in those frivolous fashions. Now she could.
As the cameras rolled, Gene as Ida made her way through a twenties garden party, filled with beautiful people and Prohibition champagne. Suddenly, the actor playing the count was kneeling at her feet, saying, "Ida Best--will you marry me?"
For a moment, Gene put her fingers to her temple. She felt strangely dizzy. Was it the studio lights--or was this really the way Ida Best felt when her count proposed...?St Stephen's Church, and grave yard Kirkstall, Leeds. We stopped off here on the way back from shopping. Lee used to play here as a child. He was born just a few streets away and his father still lives in Kirkstall.
" Hello Hollywood" at Yeadon tarn.....
The producer, Erik von Sternberg, inspected his newest starlet through a monocled eye. "You climbed onto this train, clutching your daddy and your teddy bear, a little girl--a nobody! But when you step off this train in Hollywood, Miss Marshall, you're stepping off this train a star!"
Gene didn't know how true these words were until the train pulled into the depot. To her amazement, a crowd of photographers and curious onlookers were swarming around a billboard bearing her picture and new name! As she stood poised on the train steps there was a moment of awed silence at her beauty. Suddenly the crowd came alive with a sea of popping flashbulbs, microphones, and excitedly waving autograph books. Gene was overwhelmed, and gasped when her favorite movie idol appeared at her elbow, presenting her with pink roses, a dashing smile, and a gentlemanly hand down from the train!
As they posed for the photos by the billboard the crowd buzzed her name, enthralled by her winning smile, genuine warmth, and incredible beauty. Only when her slender, perfect legs folded gracefully into the limo did the crowd disperse, still chatting excitedly--"Gene Marshall!"
Seated in the luxurious limo between her dream idol and powerful mentor, Gene whispered in Teddy Bear's ear: "Pinch me, Theo! It's everything I ever dreamed of! Oh, hello Hollywood--hello!"
"Monaco" Gene Marshall bride doll.....
The fairy-tale comes true for Gene Marshall in Monaco, her newest film for Monolithic Studios. She plays a girl of common birth who wins the heart of her nation's handsome prince. Her wedding scene is the dreamiest on film yet...but we can't say more! Our guess? A host of filmstruck 1950 brides will be trying their best to duplicate this look for themselves.'
Monaco is a fabulous bridal ensemble, much imitated in its time. The gown has a bodice of lace over satin with collar, cuffs, and bowed belt of satin. The skirt is a confection of layered tulle with hand-fashioned ribbon roses and a separate tie-on net slip. With "pearl"-trimmed headpiece and veil, bridal bouquet, matching shoes, seamed hose, and jewelry. Circa 1950.
Every era has its own Cinderella story...and every actress wants to play the part! When it comes to you, you must seem born to the role of an everyday girl who wins her handsome prince with beauty, unassuming charm, and sincere love.
Gene does seem born to the role, in the film called Monaco. In the climactic wedding scene, she plays a lovely peasant girl who rises to untold wealth when she marries her adoring prince. This film, made in the early 1950s, would prove to be prophetic...for just a few years later, Grace Kelly would wed her very own Prince Rainier...in Monaco!
In this coveted movie role, Gene is a dark-haired beauty, wearing an airy "bubble-cut" hairstyle that softens the sleek lines of her magnificent wedding ensemble...for years to come, brides everywhere would emulate this sleek, chic bridal style.
Here she is at Guiseley Church...Where the Bronte sister's parents were married.....
"Look at the time!" Cedric Beston (who was one of the world's most respected photographers) snapped his pocket watch shut. "Here I am photographing a most promising model and time just slipped by."
Gene, still new to New York and to modeling, blushed prettily at Mr Beston's offhand compliment.
"I'm supposed to photographer Elsie Paxwell's cocktail soirée tonight for Deluxe magazine," he continued, "but I'm afraid your glow has thoroughly bewitched me--I really must be off immediately, my dear."
"Of course--thank you so much for your patience today, Mr Beston. I've learned so much." Gene started to go, but Beston's voice stopped her.
"Why don't you join me tonight, Miss Marshall? It would be good experience for you."
Gene's eyes lit up, but then her joy faded. She really didn't have anything appropriate to wear to such a gathering.
"I'm afraid I can't, sir. I, um, have other plans."
But Beston saw through her bravado. "Nonsense--you're coming along," he insisted, "and please wear the ensemble you're modeling now. I assure it will be love at first sight at the soirée--for both the outfit AND you!"
And for the second time that afternoon, Gene blushed.
And now we have caught up...we are at today.........
Gene outside the Betty's tea rooms....
Curious, for she wasn't expecting anything, Gene opened the first box and gasped with wonder. There, neatly folded amid colorful sheaves of tissue, was a jacket and circle skirt of the softest dove gray silk tweed with dashing black accents. Drawing it out, she gasped again...what an innovative fashion design! So flattering, so feminine, such a new, fresh look! A fine vellum letter fluttered out from the sweeping folds of the skirt, and with mounting curiosity, Gene read the brief note..."You are an inspiration, a breath of fresh air. I hope you like wearing my newest fashion. Love, Paris."
The second box contained an elegant rose suede hat and accessories to complement the outfit perfectly. Gene immediately decided she would wear this remarkable fashion creation the orphans' charity fundraiser the next afternoon. As she had hoped, the press went wild over this revolutionary new fashion when she walked into the room. The media attention brought a storm of publicity to the orphans' charity, making this fundraiser their most successful ever. Gene's secret admirer never came forward...but every year after that, Gene unfailingly sent a bouquet of perfect pink roses to a certain famous Paris designer in gratitude and admiration.
A little shopping we did. Not in these posh shops I hasten to add, we stopped off at all the junk/charity shops and I bought a book about the Titanic, some DVD's and not a lot else .....This Lady I bought from Ebay. She is a Gene with red hair as I do not have one......
Outside the theatre in Harrogate. Now it has to be one of the places I want to go inside sit down and watch a play. I have not been to the theatre since I lived In Cornwall and I went to the hall for cornwall to see King Lear.....and that is getting to be a long time ago again.
We went to the french quarter and took photos in this big frame....
Yep. I look fat. That is because I am. Chocolate eclairs every day can do that to a girl. so be warned.
After this we went for a Womble. you do not know what a Womble might be? well the Wombles of Wimbledon common made use of things that others left behind. that is what a Womble is....finding junk.
So one more doll went out this morning. I will quickly add "tea at the Plaza" Gene Marshall doll....
She was a famous--many would say infamous--columnist, notorious for ferreting out scandal, backbiting gossip, and tattling rumors. Hers was a formidable name in Hollywood, with the power of a million avid readers behind her. One word in her weekly column--a subtle insinuation or a catty opinion--could spell disaster for a career. Movie stars dreaded interviews with her. That's why the gossip columnist was surprised to receive an invitation from Gene Marshall inviting her to tea at the Plaza Hotel in New York. Gene had just won a Golden Star for her role in Black Ribbon, and the gossip columnist jumped at the chance to dig up some exclusive dirt on this new star.
Gene was waiting for her amid the Grecian columns, flowers, and exquisite settings of crystal, silver, china, and linen at the Plaza's High Tea. From the first, the gossip columnist found herself disarmed by the genuine warmth of Gene's welcoming smile. She mentally awarded Gene points for her impeccable ensemble and thoughtful conversation. Gene was so candid, so amiable, that before the notorious gossip columnist knew it, they were chatting like dear friends. She even confided to Gene her dreams for writing a cookbook. When they finally parted--Gene to meet her family for dinner, and the gossip columnist to write a glowing report--they both cherished the feeling that an abiding friendship was born over tea at the Plaza.
The boat house at the Yeadon Tarn this morning.....the tree Gemima ducks in the back ground....
Gene Marshall...tea at the Plaza . A very beautiful morning at Yeadon tarn.
Friday 10th of August already. We are drinking tea and preparing for our Otley trip....it is raining. Do I take a doll with me to photograph any way?
1 comment:
i am glad that this was posted on my wall as I missed it and had not read it on the feed...I think the world of dolls holds so much fascination and I adore the gene backstories and the photos for sure.....! people are so judgmental.. makes a person walk on eggs with some... I find the dolls to be more than an escape... but a lifestyle of creativity......love your blog............
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