We are tired today. The excitement of getting the Fenix Frontera delivered yesterday and Lee's birthday generally have made us tired as hell. And we did not even do half what I planned......like going out for the day and lunch! still there you go that is birthdays for you.
This morning I woke up late for me it was half past seven and the day was nearly gone by my standards........We went to Otley on a Saturday...The place where we have parked for years...and I do mean years....has now got an hour restriction on it at weekends. So this was a really quick visit.
We only did the 20p shop and 99p shop as there was no time to go through all the other faves.....
the 99p shop had a "sale" and so I bought Ariel doll and Skipper Mattel dolls for 50p each. I do nor really need either but Ariel had on the dress in the photo plus her original mermaid green tail......
And from the 20p shop I got an old Lewis Collins film on DVD...."who dares wins" , "Swordfish" with Halle Berry, John Travolta, Hugh Jackman........
came home and redressed some 1960s dolls.....
So that was Saturday dealt with and my evening shift all done and dusted.
I woke up this morning....I am always pleased about that too and got up and did a load of stuff that you do when rattling around on a cold dark morning in February. Five thirty it was so I washed up did the laundry laid some carpet squares in the cellar...those left over from the loft....put down an old rug in the cellar and re carpeted the entrance at the back. I drank tea as I went and contemplated putting on "swordfish" DVD from yesterdays finds but ended up hoovering instead.
I have put up all the "new" pictures I have collected of Whitby opposite the bed. So I now wake up to the hundred and ninety nine steps at dawn. Some of the collection are Glenn Kilpatrick the Whitby photographer....others are old prints.
as the light came up I could quite clearly see the Fenix Frontera parked up where there was decking a few days ago. So it is true then....I really did buy this beast on Ebay. It really is here.
A Vauxhall Frontera. I can tell you this. It is a damn HUGE vehicle. I just looked it all up. The one I just bought is quite rare as it turns out. AND look! you can even buy yourself a mug of it. This will possibly be a present for our wedding anniversary then.
and here we have Richard Hammond reviewing the 1999 version. Ours is a 2003"facelift version" . Lee told me that. do not go thinking I know anything about cars because I only know what I have looked up and what Lee tells me. Expert I am not.

Mine or ours as I bought it for Lee's birthday...is a Vauxhall Frontera 3.2 V6 limited edition. So there you have it.
The forerunner of this was the Isuzu MU that was produced by Japanese based manufacturer Isusu. this became Opel Antara in Europe and the Vauxhall frontera in uk. it was launched in 1991 and built at the former Bedford van factory in Luton. This became known as IBC factory (isuzu Bedford company) in 1980s .
So The monster I have bought was made in Luton. The last time we were in Luton was as "a man with a van" and we stayed at the Travelodge. It was the last time that Rusty van went on a long journey and it was Monza dogs first big journey with us as we only had him a few weeks at this point.
I can not now remember much of the delivery to Olympia for an Education show involving a government ministers speech and a load of Technology. The whole thing turned into a fiasco as the assistant to the director of the company was sacked. She was the person coordinating all the deliveries. So without her co ordination the computers which were the pivitol point of the exhibition were left in Halifax where they should have been was London at the Olympia show. We had loaded Rusty van the night before and set off to Olympia in the early hours. A second van was to be driven by one of the staff of the computer owners and was nothing to do with us......only they forgot to load the computers and drove to London without. When this was discovered the pooh hit the fan and they had to go back to Halifax and get them.
As this played out Lee and I and Monza dog were arriving at the Travelodge in Luton as we had done our bit and been paid.
We Managed to get Monza dog into the building and up the stairs as far as the fire doors by a lift on the first floor. we were just starting to go down a long corridor to our room when a guy coming the other way started walking from the opposite end.
It was that moment we discovered that Monza dog hated greying tall men. Even worse as it turned out if the greying tall man had a brief case....Evasive action was required and fast...so we went back to the other side of the fire door. Monza dog...who is a huge animal had to be dragged by both of us to stop him eating the guy. At the other side of the fire door he attacked the door both paws up on the widow ..........
Lee and I were the only casualties. we both got bitten. Though we did manage to keep Monza out of the way after the guy went downstairs. We got him to our room and closed the door shaking......
We left Luton at 3am. It was quiet and no one was around. That was the only way we were getting out of that building. That was our last visit to Luton!
Yep. It is still there that Vauxhall Frontera called Fenix. Lee has wrapped it in blankets because the weather is coming in badly....well it would. I have this week off.
1 comment:
love all of the photos in your room!
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