Tuesday, February 27, 2018

here it comes......and...this is it! and again.

They say we are getting a "beast from the East" as far as weather goes.All manner of excitement is forecast. Snow snow and more snow. In fact loads of snow.
On Monza's walk it threatened .......Lee wanted to go home quickly as the cold really effects him badly.
Monza was not to keen and slowed after about ten minutes of the biting cold and demanded buscuits and going back to the Fonz car.
A big hairy dog is Monza. He spent the rest of the day after this in the warm house. In fact he is snuggling on the bed as I write this.
He spent alot of the afternoon barking at Lee because he wanted to go out into the garage with him. Very much too cold for him to be outside. He is a seventy year old dog in doggy years.
We went over to Guiseley....Lee would not let me hang about to go to the charity shops as He thought the snow could start at any moment.
The Fonz car is lovely. But we are not sure of his performance in snow.
Straight from Dog walk down Carlton Lane to Guiseley. It all looks really angry.....
I insisted on stopping at Guisely  church hoping to get some great angry sky pictures.....
The snow was just starting to come down and it was bitterly freezing and nipped all my hands making my trigger button hand hurt....

When my ears joined in I ran back to the Fonz car for a warm up.
Snow drops in the church yard.......

And then a very quick super market......we had a table booked for lunch and I need to get a prescription filled.
Home and then very quickly walked to the pub for lunch.........

It's a coming!

 Woke up before 5am. went out.  Here is the Fenix car ....Lee wrapped him up in blankets in anticipation of his treasure getting cold.
 There is some snow as it turned out.....though I have seen thicker and more dramatic frost.
Disappointed I came home and thought that I would wait for the light to come up and then go out again.

I started rattling about in the house...washing cleaning stuff........then quite honestly I could not be bothered.
A great big disappointment.

Later......on Tuesday

 I could not resist.....I took these photos on the way to the supermarket. Lee stayed home as the cold is causing him problems and it is better if I go!
 So I went to the Tarn first and then charity shops on the way to the doctors surgery to pick up my prescription......

 It looks great ....however it is very very cold!!!

Wednesday now. Wednesday morning we are both exhausted and slept in. I missed the dawn. I missed the snow storm and woke up and looked out onto a whiter world.

We dare not take the Fonz car out so Lee and I walked over to the shop. First I insisted on going to the Tarn to take some more snow pictures.....

 We went down the front path just as neighbours were coming out. They could not get to work in Bradford this morning.....and now as I write it is Wednesday night and the snow and wind is here big time.!! So work is not looking good for some tomorrow at all.
 The back of the house and the log cabin. Lee has wrapped up the Fenix with blankets and boards to stop the freezing cold getting into the engine. Work can not start on the Fenix until this all clears up......pity really as he is a big powerful four wheel drive and would have been really useful in all this snow.

 Everyone else managed to get to work......then more snow came and filled in all tracks back and front and recovered the road.

 As we approached the Tarn there was a beautiful wintry pale sun.....
 and the Swans were there to day. There are parts of the tarn that are frozen...so the birds were left with a small bit of water.....
 beautiful isn't it?

 Lee was getting very cold by now....so we headed into Yeadon and the shops. A very bracing walk we had....

 The One Show on BBC 1 was dedicated to the weather and the consequences. I think we have escaped the worst of it. Scotland! now that really has been hit hard.
The beast from the East!? well yes. Now we have it. And it is set for another few days yet.

Wednesday night and we are in bed now with our feet under a warm Monza dog. Monza insisted on bed time as he then commanders the hot water bottle for his own back end.
I am on holiday this week and can not take "extra hours" at work. The holiday was allotted to me as I had some left from last year and it has to be taken or loose it. So I am here in the snow being paid for sitting around not going anywhere much.  I was hoping to go and pick up a Barbie plane that I won on Ebay........and go to Ikea over in Burstall to get some more display shelves for the doll room.........

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...