Thursday, August 3, 2017

Up early to see the weather coming down.....big time.

 4.45. A bit late today. Also I had to find camera batteries as I did not put them where I thought.
The weather is still coming down on West Yorkshire like a vindictive demon. As I write it is getting darker. It is still early, and this day the sun did not even bother.

 It ia totally freezing so I put on my winter cardigans and boots, I did not get wet yet, though there is plenty time for that later on the doggy walk.
 No one about, cold crisp and quiet. No birds singing either, weird actually.

No swans, most mornings there has been loads.

Still silent, so I headed to the high street .

 past the boat yard.

 "oh it's propper piggling" stated lee looking up from his Utube video about plumbing.....
so here I am back in bed. If I did not know better I would say this was a winter morning. Monza dog is snoring on my feet in no hurry to go out on his morning walk. He can hear the rain pounding the window panes.
 our neighbour Mr Stash was out late last night in the pelting rain scraping weeds from his path with a shovel. The sound reverberated along the terrace....The silence gave it a creepy his face again he put down bleach as weed killer in the end.
 This morning patches can clearly be seen on the flag stones. looks a right mess and the weeds are still nodding in the wind........
So what to do today?
 Even walking Monza is not looking good as the weather continues to disappoint.Yesterday Lee refused to get out of the car. today he is not even going to bother bringing it around....

We visited Father on the way to Kirkstall Abbey . He was there all on his own with step brothers dog .His  wife has given up trying to get him to go out with her and gone to her friends for the week, step son gone to Goole with latest girly friend. He  dog to" watch "Jeremy Kyle in peace. The rain in August does not bother him as he had no intentions of leaving his chair, where he naps all day just getting up to let  dog  into the sad garden.
I came here eleven years ago. This has never been any different. I put loads of garden ornaments from Cornwall and Bath that I had collected over a life time.  stupid enough to put them in his garden for safe keeping as he never went there himself...I fixed the garden as well...weeds at waist height there were...Any way he moved in his girlfriend who assumed they were all hers. The ones she did not like got smashed a buried.
We went out through the garden to the garage and I was so sad to see all my "bath ornaments" smashed and just left in amongst weeds. I asked if I could have the Gorgons head wall plaque as he clearly did not want it.
So......we are broke until tomorrow and it is really really rancid outside. Best finish off the rag dolls I started making the other wet dark day in July.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...