Sunday, August 13, 2017

More tea!

Monza came politely to my side of the bed and politely stuck his nose in my ear. I pretended to sleep. Monza is wise to that one and started to lick. He knows you see that the sun is well up and I did not go out for a walk yet. He also knows that I am happier early, and I am much better all day if I go out early and see the light on the water at the Tarn lake. The last few days I have not gone and consequently been quite miserable letting people winge at me to make themselves feel important. Generally I do not like people and take not a slight bit of notice of what they say.
So out I went as instructed by Monza dog.
 A fabulous sunny Sunday morning. That would be how it is as I have had my holiday and it drenched with rain every day I wanted to go out. Today I deal with the public and their children on summer holiday. Monza is right! it does make me feel much better to be up and out to see the beautiful light before work.
 My  dolls came too. And I am up to my old tricks of Pyjamas and a long cardigan with flip flops instead of dressing in proper street clothes. Yes there were lots of dog walkers and runners about. Not to mention the fisherman who were talking so load I could hear them from the opposite side of the Tarn, where I went to avoid them.
 I could clearly hear them in the quiet asking each other what I was doing....even commented on the rag dolls they did.
 I met a squirrel whos love of ice cream was far greater that his dislike of people. I can go with that one Mr Squirrel. he could hear the fishermen on the jetty too I expect. They had  not caught anything. They had a tent thing, so I am guessing they been there all night.
 I finished these raggy dolls last week. I have another on the kitchen work top to be sewn together.
 I headed to the kids play ground. I usually do not go there ...I do not know why. I guess I think I am not welcome. I think it is something about the metal and colours that I dont like...but any way here they are....
 Just not a welcoming place....possibly because it is new?
 and characterless surrounded by railings. AHHH!!! I know what it is. Controlling. That is why I do not like it. it is like a prison surrounded by metal railings...
 This is for kids to play!? what happened to freedom and imagination?
 Well...that was that.
 So I headed home and more tea.
 Monza was waiting and followed me back upstairs to put these photos on my blog and drink tea.
 The garden and log cabin are looking good too.
 Unfortunately the log cabin still has others rubbish stashed in it. when the van was towed away I had to empty it out. I had stashed all the stuff stored in the log cabin so I could use it. Now it is all back. Not even my crap. The owner doesnt want it either. Last time I ever do favores like that. Tuesday is my day off and it is going......I am dumping it on the owners door step. They can stash it.
 I am now much better equiped for listening to people winge. Why do they all winge? or yell into their mobile phones and chuck money and cards at us? well it makes them feel important.
Makes them feel alive and lets them think they are important for the few seconds they have their say. Before they die and are buried under a stone that say s
"fell asleep in 2017. sadly missed"
Then if they are lucky someone will put some fake roses on the grave and they will become weathered and sad because they can not die.

1 comment:

polkadothill said...

people puff themselves up and try to feel important... blah, I say... the dolls look like they enjoyed the playyard.. they wanted their picture taken!! ahh, life is more enjoyable with your morning pictures, they benefit us in California......

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...