Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Cold light of day.

 Cold light of very early almost day. It was very cold. It is August in West Yorkshire, even so it is cold. So I piled on woolly cardigans and boots. Very glad I was too as the fresh country air hit like a bucket of ice.

 Just writing this as Lee still sleeps and Monza dog snores, with the wood pigeons and the sound of the road waking up. lovely quiet and it is not raining. And I think it may not today too.

 about 4.30 am this morning I got up and looked out of the bathroom window...having stepped over Monza dog....who now thinks this room is his bedroom as the floor is cool.....and got myself dressed to go out with my camera. The view from the window looked very promising and as every time I do this the light on the water drew me along.
 Still very dark with the moon.......
 I could hear voices at the side of the tarn. It did not sound good so I did not wish to encounter the owners. One of these days I will . Lee is really uneasy about my morning outings. He says that you never know who might be around. Could be crazy people....

 Well, yes! a point.There is me for starters.

 Now 7am and Lee and Monza are now up and making me more tea.I have now finished two more raggy dolls and taken all the photos off the camera.
" it's Thursday again already!" exclaimed Lee
 Yep. Thursday it is.  More tea. sun coming out and just finishing these photos before going off to earn some money so I can take more photos and drink more tea and be able to afford to.

 This photo is my photo of the day.....Taken at about 5AM ....just at the end of my Terrace standing by the old pub looking towards the Tarn. A chilly morning, quiet with very fascinating light.

Drank a lot of tea and finished these raggy dolls. .....One from a pattern by Chestnut Junction and the other two my own........all aged and stained with coffee and baked in the oven....with painted faces.

Whilst I was out I had time to think. I am still researching The Fewston reservoir and the poet who had a "run in" with some local witches in the area. Last night I found a transcript of the poets own writings on the experience.....
Even reading this experience in his own words.....from  point of view now in 2017 he comes across as being crazy. Though I am looking into the background to this very carefully as times and attitudes were very different in the age of Elizabeth 1. Bearing in mind that this poet was a contemporary of Shakespeare, and Marlow and that I looked up poets and playwrights from this time and no where is he mentioned.
So more tea and on to write up my findings about these witches.

1 comment:

polkadothill said...

love your morning photos and yes, Thursday again!! your research is always so good!

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...