After much deliberation we set off finally . We walked Monza and then headed off to Kiethley via the Otley Chevin first.
I tried to get a different view. There was another photographer with more sophisticated equipment already taking photos. So I was on the right track.....though He was very obviously a professional!
So I said " good morning" then took a few photos then got out of his way.
I had already been out early. The sun was out a little. It is June so the light was fabulous anyway... This is a view towards Armscliffe cragg.
It was a lovely day. It looks was in fact a little nippy. I was still wearing flip flops though. Possibly not the best foot wear for a walk on the Otley Chevin, but I persevered and followed the paths back to surprise view by the Royality pub.
This sheep did not like the look of me much.....
or this cow. There was a bull in this field too.....
From the Chevin we went across the moors to Kiethley . Monza dog sat up all the way in the back of the Fonz car...this is just about his fave trip in the car.....Cows , sheep and horses on this day. He likes to see other four legs.
I had wanted to stop and go into East Riddlesdon hall. It is a National Trust owned house and costs a lot to go inside. So we pulled in and I took this photo. I really wanted to see inside....we turned around in the car park under scrutiny of the security guard...... There was no chance what so ever of paying £7.00 each entrance fee. So this is as good as it gets folks.
I took this picture of the Old barn whilst Lee turned the car around......This Barn can be hired for weddings. Fairy lights and log fires etc are provided.....The house and great hall can also be hired. the prices start at £2,500. I am told that this is quite a reasonable price..... If only!!! We still have not been forgiven for our wedding at Leeds registry office followed by a picnic at Kirkstall Abbey. It cost the registry office fees and food I bought in Iceland.......No one who attended talks to us now...ten years later. father is just about the only one now....and he. ruined the day for us.. So yes I would love a wedding in a beautiful place costing alot of is not going to happen now is it?
Link to Weddings here... Just in case you want to get married. I am very very tempted. But who would I invite???!!!!
Away we went and parked up at Cliffe Castle. Now this one is free admission.....and there is a new bird garden and atrium that we have not seen inside before...... And by the way They do not "do weddings" . May be they have missed a trick here.
Though there are dolls, fossils, stained glass and a lot of art.
New atrium and Lee.....A very lot of cactus plants.
Really loads of varieties . They look good all together....
And exotic plants.
The inside of the house has been refurbished and the stained glass cleaned. The gardens now have a huge water feature and fountain. This painting is still in the same place in the first reception room. Always loved it.....
The old part of the house is totally fabulous. This house was the treasure of a Victorian Textiles Millionaire called Henry Issac Butterfield. I do wander if he got called Harry?
Built in the 1880's this house was funded by the family empire, which included Textile mills and a shipping business which extended to America , China and Europe...
I am guessing this is how he met his wife.
So the Butterfields from Yorkshire became THE Roosevelt 's. Franklin D Roosevelt and all that money and political clought, empires and influence.....
Any way this was their house in Yorkshire where the Butterfield family made their millions too.
It is now owned and run by Bradford city council and all this work and restoration is paid for by lottery money.
And yes!!! here is the egyptian mummy. Every house should have one.
The ball an art gallery.
Dolls a bears. A whole room dedicated to doll houses and toys....
all in good played with condition.
This one below is from 1800's and is made from papier mache and a coat of wax to make it look more realistic.....or creepy depending on your take on this.
The dolls houses are beautiful.
dolls houses.....
These are what I really came to see. There is downstairs a huge collection of stuffed creatures in glass cases. we skipped them completely this they really are creepy.
Tristran and Iseult . A Cornish tale from the 12th Century.
Stained glass by William Morris of the Arts and Crafts movement.....
Tristran and Iseult....Now here is a good Cornish tale with many versions.......
The tragic story of adulterous love based in Cornwall and Brittany. A Cornish Knight called Tristran falls in love with an Irish princess called Iseult.
Tristran travels to Ireland to bring back Iseult to be the wife of his Uncle King Mark of Cornwall. Some where and some how they ingest a love potion..... This does it's work very rapidly and they fall in love.
Iseult still marries Mark, but the magic love potion makes Iseult and Tristan drawn to each other.The king tries in vain to have them tried for adultry...but they are very clever about it all and continuously escape .At one stage he has proof of their adultry and sentances Tristram to hanging and Iseult to be burned at the stake.(not messing about then)
Tristran escapes on his way to the gallows.....and rescues Iseult also...He then makes peace with Mark and returens Iseult to him as his wife.
Tristran then goes to Brittany as he promised to leave the country and give up his love for Iseult.
In Brittany he marries another lady called Iseult of the white hands..........
There are lots and lots of versions of this story this is just the basics of one of them...
Cliffe castle also has Bees.......
So today I leave you with the Bee's.
I have to get up as we are going to Headingly to pick up a huge television. Lee found this on Feegle and He is being give it. He plans to take it to bits.....There is another to pick up tomorrow from Alwoodley. This will let us into going to get another blood test for Lee's hospital appointment. They have lost the results from the last one a few weeks ago.......
1 comment:
what a glorious day!
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