St Martin's. Allerton Mauleverer. The first church on this site was founded by Richard Mauleverer in the first century. Here we are today on a beautiful sunny day in June 2018 with husband Lee and Monza the dog. We are visiting this lonely old church so I can go and say "hello" to the effigies of the Mauleverer Knights. These are my absolute favourites of all my finds on these outings to old houses and churches. These also are the ones that caused much excitement.....mostly for me and then the enthusiasm was caught by ancestors of these knights who flew to Yorkshire just to meet them.
There is a huge and impressive pile of Gothic stones modelled into a huge Gothic house just a few yards away.....this is not the house that the Mauleverer family built here at the time....but is here now. So they went to see that too on a guided tour. These only happen on a Wednesday this time Lee and I did not go to the house. Lee has never been inside this church either. When I first realised how close these effigies are to my own house we were on our way somewhere completely different in our old rusty van. I just saw the road sign and Lee did a quick Uturn.
This day Lee wanted to walk around the outside and the grave yard first. So this we did. Then we entered the church through a groaning clanking old studded door.
This is the first photo I took. Then I headed straight to the effigies whilst Lee wandered about.
These are wood effigies and they survive to this day from the 13th Century. They depict two cross legged knights of the Mauleverer family. Originally they would have been painted to look more like a portrait of the deceased in life. These look to me just like Knights Templar effigies I have seen.
These two Effigies are alabaster and dated from 1475. They are John Mauleverer and his wife Eleanor daughter of Sir Peter Middleton.( of Stockheld)
The Mauleverer coat of arms in the stained glass window.....
The Mauleverer family were long established here in Yorkshire by the time John Mauleverer represented the county in the parliament of 1334. He was a tireless and enthusiastic campaigner against the Scots, and served in many "raids" and commissions of "Array". He was also a justice of the peace in the West Riding as it was .The estates here gave Sir John a very influential position in the community. His Father was also a Sir John and died in November 1400, and was a shadowy figure and had much involvement in Scottish raids in the 1300's .....William Wallace and all that invading of Northumberland.......and Guisborough ETc ETC.......which we will not get distracted by!.....
Sir John (the younger one) had a son called Halnath who came of age march 1395 and a grant of land was confirmed in Rawdon and Horsforth made by his ancestor to Kirkstall Abbey.
Allerton Maulever was the family seat of this ancient family for over 600 years and the founder was William Mauleverer who came to England with William The Conqueror. He fought on the field of Senlac ( the first battle of Hastings) As a reward for his services he was given these lands around Allerton Mauleverer. His name is to be found amongst many distinguished Knights at Battle Abbey.
Sir John Mauleverer was a knight involved in the Crusades of the time of Edward1

a knight Templar showing 1300s attire. I found this image on google.......
and was one of the chosen Yorkshire Knights to attend the nuptials of King Edward 11 at Bologna in 1308. In 1314 King Edward 11 gave license to Sir John to erect the chantry in this church

The wedding of Edward 11 to Isabella. Just as a note here........Edward11 was king of England from 1307 and deposed in 1327.. 1308 he married Isabella of France. His close friend Piers Gaviston joined his household in 1300. Edward11 was a very week king lets not muck about pussy footing around this tale! And gay as Piers Gaviston was without doubt the love of his life. Gaviston was an arrogant power hungry manipulator and he really caused a lot of unrest and trouble amongst the Barons. I wonder if Sir John Mauleverer was one of them? any way Edward11, his wife Isabella and his lover Gaviston spent a lot of time in Yorkshire. Gaviston was exciled for a while and managed to inveigle his way back into the kings fancy. They were reunited at Knaresborough and Gaviston moved into Scarborough castle.
Scarborough castle was besiged by Henry Percy (my fave ruin at Spofforth just down the road was his castle) and Robert Clifford mainly and after much shenanigans and negotiations with the king they beheaded Gaviston.
Mean while Queen Isabella who is now famous for her beauty and diplomatic skills and intelligence now has a reputation for being a "she Woolf" was taking lovers of her own and plotting to be Queen on her own terms. Eventually she had Edward murdered.........
So how much of all this do you think the Mauleverers were involved? I have looked into it but can only find news of the Cliffords and Percys involvements with this and the battle of Bannockburn, Robert de Bruce and William Wallace. The film Braveheart was set at this time too. It unfortunately offers me no clues to this story, is mostly Hollywood fluff . having said that it is one of my fave films !even though the costumes are all wrong as well......
now I have got distracted again...
This is the first time that Lee has actually seen these effigies. The other times I have visited here he has stayed outside or he did not come out on the day. Now he sees for himself just what the fuss is all about......
This brass is in the floor......just by where Lee was standing........I love the dog on the right there.
The written note below is on the wall by this I take it that it is a translation from the Brass plaque........however It might not be! my latin is not up to much, so I do not know for sure.
The King to all to whome & c., greeting. Although of common council, &c., yet by a fine which our beloved and trusty John de Mauleverer has made with us we have granted and given license for us and our heirs as far as in us lies to the same John that he one messauge six bovates of land and twenty solidates of rent with the appurtenances in Hopeton (Hopperton) and Quixle (Whixley) may give and grant to a certain chaplain to say mass everyday in the church of St. Martin at Allerton Mauleverer in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary forever. And to the same chaplain that be the messauge land and rents aforesaid with the appurtenances from the aforesaid John may receive and hold to him and his successors aforesaid to say mass every day in the aforesaid church in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary for ever is aforesaid by the tenor of these presents we have likewise given special license. Being unwilling that the aforesaid John or his heirs to the aforesaid chaplain or his successors by reason of the statute aforesaid by us or our heirs, should be annoyed, molested or burdened in any way. Saving however to the chief lords of that’s fee the services there from due and accustomed. In witness whereof, & c. Witness the King at Westminster, 28th day of May. By fine of sixty shillings.
This is a translation of the original charter that I borrowedt from the Allerton Castle website.
These are alabaster effigies
I think these wooden effigies are the two Sir John Mauleverer 's. Father and son. I also think that they were Knights Templar. Why else would the Templar cross be here on the church gates, and some graves ?
So here they all are. You make up your own minds who is who.
These are what I came to see! and yes they are just as fabulous every time I see them. I never loose the excitement over them. They are incredible. especially as they are so old.
The whole church is very beautiful and has been taken on by a conservation trust. parts of the roof have been repaired. Since I was here last some very obvious conservation work has gone on....I am pleased as it was looking in very bad way..... So this is the double decker pulpit from the 18th century
The alter and what is left of the stained glass in detail here.....
Very beautiful is it not!?
The huge dramatic painting of Moses and Aaron hanging above the chancel arch illustrates the ten commandments. Here is Moses with horns of light flaring from his temples....(they are not horns.....!!!!)
The Ten commandments, Let me remind you......These are the rules of God.
1. I am the lord thy God. thou shall not have any gods before me.
2. You shall not make yourself an idol in the form of anything.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the lord your God.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5. Honor your Father and Mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.
10. You shall not covet your neighbour's house, wife, or property.
Simple isn't it when it is all written out like this with photos of this ancient and beautiful church?
Templar cross on the gate and stone gate post. It is a Templar cross? looks just like one to me too!
This looks to me like a Templar cross as well.
Grave yard......
The organ and pews are is the pulpit.
This huge tomb holds the remains of Mrs Mary Thornton who died 1800. He husband Colonel William Thornton purchased the whole estate for her and remamed it Thornville Royal!!!
These lamps look very like my old school lamp. Hunmanby hall near Scarborough. " may the spirit of the flame burn in you and kindle other hearts."
This window dipicts the coats of arms of the Arundell family , who inherited Allerton Mauleverer when the last Mauleverer died in the 1700s.
Here is Lee. As you see this church still needs plenty more restoration. It is under way and money is being raised to pay for the work.
So we went back outside and collected Monza the dog from the car. He was barking as he wanted a look too....
Templar cross on the gates to the grave yard.
Monza dog stayed in the car. Eventually he did get a look.....
So we headed off to Wetherby and stopped off again at the old Police box. I have wanted to go and find the Dr Who tardis for a while but we always usually just go junk shopping in the centre of Weatherby.
Here it is. We parked up by the police station to take this photo. This is all it is. Not in very good repair either......I had a qick look inside. No sign of the time machine. perfectly ordinary and a bit scruffy actually.
Now we are on to the dolls part of this blog......
I found these two dolls both from the 1960's. Neither have a makers mark, The lady in the coat is in a
really good condition with gorgeous hand made clothes. She has underwear,,,,dress coat and knitted gloves......
This lady is quite small with a plastic body and vinyl head. How do I know she is from the 1960's? well I dont really...except that I had one like her at that time/
We went all around Weatherby and I took some pictures. I am running out of time here and I have gone on a bit, so I will put them in another blog
There is a huge and impressive pile of Gothic stones modelled into a huge Gothic house just a few yards away.....this is not the house that the Mauleverer family built here at the time....but is here now. So they went to see that too on a guided tour. These only happen on a Wednesday this time Lee and I did not go to the house. Lee has never been inside this church either. When I first realised how close these effigies are to my own house we were on our way somewhere completely different in our old rusty van. I just saw the road sign and Lee did a quick Uturn.
This day Lee wanted to walk around the outside and the grave yard first. So this we did. Then we entered the church through a groaning clanking old studded door.
This is the first photo I took. Then I headed straight to the effigies whilst Lee wandered about.
These are wood effigies and they survive to this day from the 13th Century. They depict two cross legged knights of the Mauleverer family. Originally they would have been painted to look more like a portrait of the deceased in life. These look to me just like Knights Templar effigies I have seen.
These two Effigies are alabaster and dated from 1475. They are John Mauleverer and his wife Eleanor daughter of Sir Peter Middleton.( of Stockheld)
The Mauleverer coat of arms in the stained glass window.....
The Mauleverer family were long established here in Yorkshire by the time John Mauleverer represented the county in the parliament of 1334. He was a tireless and enthusiastic campaigner against the Scots, and served in many "raids" and commissions of "Array". He was also a justice of the peace in the West Riding as it was .The estates here gave Sir John a very influential position in the community. His Father was also a Sir John and died in November 1400, and was a shadowy figure and had much involvement in Scottish raids in the 1300's .....William Wallace and all that invading of Northumberland.......and Guisborough ETc ETC.......which we will not get distracted by!.....
Sir John (the younger one) had a son called Halnath who came of age march 1395 and a grant of land was confirmed in Rawdon and Horsforth made by his ancestor to Kirkstall Abbey.
Allerton Maulever was the family seat of this ancient family for over 600 years and the founder was William Mauleverer who came to England with William The Conqueror. He fought on the field of Senlac ( the first battle of Hastings) As a reward for his services he was given these lands around Allerton Mauleverer. His name is to be found amongst many distinguished Knights at Battle Abbey.
Sir John Mauleverer was a knight involved in the Crusades of the time of Edward1
a knight Templar showing 1300s attire. I found this image on google.......
and was one of the chosen Yorkshire Knights to attend the nuptials of King Edward 11 at Bologna in 1308. In 1314 King Edward 11 gave license to Sir John to erect the chantry in this church

The wedding of Edward 11 to Isabella. Just as a note here........Edward11 was king of England from 1307 and deposed in 1327.. 1308 he married Isabella of France. His close friend Piers Gaviston joined his household in 1300. Edward11 was a very week king lets not muck about pussy footing around this tale! And gay as Piers Gaviston was without doubt the love of his life. Gaviston was an arrogant power hungry manipulator and he really caused a lot of unrest and trouble amongst the Barons. I wonder if Sir John Mauleverer was one of them? any way Edward11, his wife Isabella and his lover Gaviston spent a lot of time in Yorkshire. Gaviston was exciled for a while and managed to inveigle his way back into the kings fancy. They were reunited at Knaresborough and Gaviston moved into Scarborough castle.
Scarborough castle was besiged by Henry Percy (my fave ruin at Spofforth just down the road was his castle) and Robert Clifford mainly and after much shenanigans and negotiations with the king they beheaded Gaviston.
Mean while Queen Isabella who is now famous for her beauty and diplomatic skills and intelligence now has a reputation for being a "she Woolf" was taking lovers of her own and plotting to be Queen on her own terms. Eventually she had Edward murdered.........
So how much of all this do you think the Mauleverers were involved? I have looked into it but can only find news of the Cliffords and Percys involvements with this and the battle of Bannockburn, Robert de Bruce and William Wallace. The film Braveheart was set at this time too. It unfortunately offers me no clues to this story, is mostly Hollywood fluff . having said that it is one of my fave films !even though the costumes are all wrong as well......
now I have got distracted again...
This is the first time that Lee has actually seen these effigies. The other times I have visited here he has stayed outside or he did not come out on the day. Now he sees for himself just what the fuss is all about......
This brass is in the floor......just by where Lee was standing........I love the dog on the right there.
The written note below is on the wall by this I take it that it is a translation from the Brass plaque........however It might not be! my latin is not up to much, so I do not know for sure.
The King to all to whome & c., greeting. Although of common council, &c., yet by a fine which our beloved and trusty John de Mauleverer has made with us we have granted and given license for us and our heirs as far as in us lies to the same John that he one messauge six bovates of land and twenty solidates of rent with the appurtenances in Hopeton (Hopperton) and Quixle (Whixley) may give and grant to a certain chaplain to say mass everyday in the church of St. Martin at Allerton Mauleverer in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary forever. And to the same chaplain that be the messauge land and rents aforesaid with the appurtenances from the aforesaid John may receive and hold to him and his successors aforesaid to say mass every day in the aforesaid church in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary for ever is aforesaid by the tenor of these presents we have likewise given special license. Being unwilling that the aforesaid John or his heirs to the aforesaid chaplain or his successors by reason of the statute aforesaid by us or our heirs, should be annoyed, molested or burdened in any way. Saving however to the chief lords of that’s fee the services there from due and accustomed. In witness whereof, & c. Witness the King at Westminster, 28th day of May. By fine of sixty shillings.
This is a translation of the original charter that I borrowedt from the Allerton Castle website.
These are alabaster effigies
So here they all are. You make up your own minds who is who.
These are what I came to see! and yes they are just as fabulous every time I see them. I never loose the excitement over them. They are incredible. especially as they are so old.
The whole church is very beautiful and has been taken on by a conservation trust. parts of the roof have been repaired. Since I was here last some very obvious conservation work has gone on....I am pleased as it was looking in very bad way..... So this is the double decker pulpit from the 18th century
The alter and what is left of the stained glass in detail here.....
Very beautiful is it not!?
The huge dramatic painting of Moses and Aaron hanging above the chancel arch illustrates the ten commandments. Here is Moses with horns of light flaring from his temples....(they are not horns.....!!!!)
The Ten commandments, Let me remind you......These are the rules of God.
1. I am the lord thy God. thou shall not have any gods before me.
2. You shall not make yourself an idol in the form of anything.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the lord your God.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5. Honor your Father and Mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.
10. You shall not covet your neighbour's house, wife, or property.
Simple isn't it when it is all written out like this with photos of this ancient and beautiful church?
Templar cross on the gate and stone gate post. It is a Templar cross? looks just like one to me too!
This looks to me like a Templar cross as well.
Grave yard......
The organ and pews are is the pulpit.
This huge tomb holds the remains of Mrs Mary Thornton who died 1800. He husband Colonel William Thornton purchased the whole estate for her and remamed it Thornville Royal!!!
These lamps look very like my old school lamp. Hunmanby hall near Scarborough. " may the spirit of the flame burn in you and kindle other hearts."
This window dipicts the coats of arms of the Arundell family , who inherited Allerton Mauleverer when the last Mauleverer died in the 1700s.
Here is Lee. As you see this church still needs plenty more restoration. It is under way and money is being raised to pay for the work.
So we went back outside and collected Monza the dog from the car. He was barking as he wanted a look too....
Templar cross on the gates to the grave yard.
Monza dog stayed in the car. Eventually he did get a look.....
He wanted to go inside the castle too. So did I! not open today. Lee would never have paid the money to go inside any way!!!!
Here it is. We parked up by the police station to take this photo. This is all it is. Not in very good repair either......I had a qick look inside. No sign of the time machine. perfectly ordinary and a bit scruffy actually.
Now we are on to the dolls part of this blog......
I found these two dolls both from the 1960's. Neither have a makers mark, The lady in the coat is in a
really good condition with gorgeous hand made clothes. She has underwear,,,,dress coat and knitted gloves......
This lady is quite small with a plastic body and vinyl head. How do I know she is from the 1960's? well I dont really...except that I had one like her at that time/
We went all around Weatherby and I took some pictures. I am running out of time here and I have gone on a bit, so I will put them in another blog
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