Extreame wind we have today.as I sit here in the warm looking out of the french windows it has started to pelt with rain as well. Have a yellow weather warning we do.....the wind is being a bit naughty and wrecking the place. I took photos of my beautiful purple clematis yesterday ....the forecast was not good. the flowers on this poor climber will be gone by now. We got back from Harrogate and Lee started climbing on to the long suffering wood store roof...No it is not finished and it needed screwing down before the wind began....I weeded the garden....again! I know the wind will wreck alot of it. This is why there are few great gardens in this area! we have got lulled into a false sence of security by the lovely weather from the last few weeks. Like Corfu it was.Very unusual for here.
Yesterday I was out before the dawn chorus. This began as I walked. Here is the airport preparing for the day...clearing the run way before the sun rise....
Waiting for the sun out by the airport....
So were these sheep. They ran away when they saw me and ran.......
the rain and wind are now thundering at the windows. Monza has given me the look which says ...You are kidding me? I am not getting my fur messed up in this rain mate. So we are not going on a dog walk yet. The way it is and weather warnings it is likely that the Fonz car would get blown over any way....It is that severe. Father was coming up today......It is very unlikely that he will leave his house. It is also very unlikely that he will bother to tell us this either.
" he's 76 now" stated Lee " a fully qualified old duffer"
" I will remind you of this when you get to be 76 if I am still here." i told him." he got really huffy because we were out yesterday. He did not tell us he was coming on Wednesday. This does not stop him thinking we just wait for him to arrive because we have nothing else to do!"
So we wait. Just as the phone rings. It is the hospital phone appointment this was booked by letter. This is how the NHS conducts some appointments now as it is cheaper. So Lee told the nurse that called that he is much better in himself and the swelling in his joints is slowly going down. The nurse told him that this med can take up to three months to take proper effect.....I did not know this up to this point! any way we are on the right track and Lee is not getting any of the side effects that can happen yet either. Lee complains of Dizziness. The nurse told him that is dehydration and that he has not eaten enough. He does not eat unless I cook a meal and present it under his nose complete with knife and fork and a command to "EAT it!" So they are getting to know him finally.
so that phone call done. now we are waiting for father. I think we possibly wait in vain. We can not really go anywhere until the wind drops a bit.......
Any way. Back to the airport on my walk yesterday morning....the sun came up and I got some different pictures....
I came back through the old grave yard where we walk Monza......
Back past the tarn....and yes the swan family were up and out....
the sun brought out other people and dogs...so I headed home.
Then over to Harrogate.......
Next are some other pictures I took in Harrogate on the way to the gardens. ....
Flamingos are well in fashion....
We did not go into this church this week we were on the way ...we had a plan this week....
past tempting looking watering holes.....
to Valley gardens.....This is the pump room museum. I want to go here too...but it costs loads to go in. So that is not happening......
These are more photos from the New Zealand Garden......
The chinese garden.....
The model boat pool.....
general sculptures and garden.....
wishing well....
Past "Bogs field".......reading this plaque I see why the water looks so horrible. In the old days people came to Harrogate for the healing waters.......
This is the healing water. Harrogate made a lot of money from this!!! this is why Harrogate is considered posh!
More plants.....
As we walked we wandered what this plant is.....as it gets huge, likes water and would look really good by our pond....though would it be okay in the funny weather we get in Yeadon...a lot of cold wind basically. Valley gardens are quite sheltered!
I love Acers too...I have just had three drop dead due to the cold winds...that they do not like.
loved this......just not the price tag. and so we found ourselves passing the theatre. I could not contain my nosey self, so we went inside.
Going back through photos from yesterday I noted this time that there is a Knights Templar in this frieze at the theatre..... it is without doubt a Templar as he is dressed in white with a red cross.....
This fieze was added in 1911 and was not part of the original decor of the opera house as this building was. It was designed and carved by a female artist called Francis Darlington. Miss Fanny Taplin Darlington...1880-1940 and active as an artist from 1900-1920....and Guess what? she is from Leeds....She was born in Headingley Leeds and her father was Latimer John de Vere Darlington a solicitor with offices in Harrogate.....fanny studied sculpture at the Slade sghool of art , London and Exhibited at The Royal Academy.
At the Slade school of art and design she studied under Sir George Frampton ( he dod the Peter Pan sculpture in Kensington gardens commissioned by J.M.Barrie himself...) and was only 17 when she attended this art school.. There she was a contemporary of Gwen John, Augustus john , Edna Clarke Hall, Gwen Smith and Ida Nettleship. the last three I have never heard of either. My research turns up they are "forgotten female artists".

This is Frances Darlington And she had her studio in Knaresborough and spent a lot of time in Ilkley in the growing up years......

So there you have it.....Oh and I was very right about the clematis it has been totally wrecked by the wind. Father did turn up...I was wrong about that. He has just gone.
"that fiasco just sucked the energy out of me" stated Lee....
The phone rang and it was father. He was on the bus and wanted us to meet him at supermarket in 15 minutes
" I am not dragging round bloody supermarket !" I stated
" bloody annoying! it is blowing a gale and I have not finished me breakfast" stated Lee
"I am not dragging round . It is my day off. I work there. I am not going." I stated.
"FULL Stop!!" I then added.
Yesterday I was out before the dawn chorus. This began as I walked. Here is the airport preparing for the day...clearing the run way before the sun rise....
Waiting for the sun out by the airport....
So were these sheep. They ran away when they saw me and ran.......
the rain and wind are now thundering at the windows. Monza has given me the look which says ...You are kidding me? I am not getting my fur messed up in this rain mate. So we are not going on a dog walk yet. The way it is and weather warnings it is likely that the Fonz car would get blown over any way....It is that severe. Father was coming up today......It is very unlikely that he will leave his house. It is also very unlikely that he will bother to tell us this either.
" he's 76 now" stated Lee " a fully qualified old duffer"
" I will remind you of this when you get to be 76 if I am still here." i told him." he got really huffy because we were out yesterday. He did not tell us he was coming on Wednesday. This does not stop him thinking we just wait for him to arrive because we have nothing else to do!"
So we wait. Just as the phone rings. It is the hospital phone appointment this was booked by letter. This is how the NHS conducts some appointments now as it is cheaper. So Lee told the nurse that called that he is much better in himself and the swelling in his joints is slowly going down. The nurse told him that this med can take up to three months to take proper effect.....I did not know this up to this point! any way we are on the right track and Lee is not getting any of the side effects that can happen yet either. Lee complains of Dizziness. The nurse told him that is dehydration and that he has not eaten enough. He does not eat unless I cook a meal and present it under his nose complete with knife and fork and a command to "EAT it!" So they are getting to know him finally.
so that phone call done. now we are waiting for father. I think we possibly wait in vain. We can not really go anywhere until the wind drops a bit.......
Any way. Back to the airport on my walk yesterday morning....the sun came up and I got some different pictures....
I came back through the old grave yard where we walk Monza......
Back past the tarn....and yes the swan family were up and out....
the sun brought out other people and dogs...so I headed home.
Then over to Harrogate.......
Next are some other pictures I took in Harrogate on the way to the gardens. ....
Flamingos are well in fashion....
We did not go into this church this week we were on the way ...we had a plan this week....
past tempting looking watering holes.....
to Valley gardens.....This is the pump room museum. I want to go here too...but it costs loads to go in. So that is not happening......
These are more photos from the New Zealand Garden......
The chinese garden.....
The model boat pool.....
general sculptures and garden.....
wishing well....
Past "Bogs field".......reading this plaque I see why the water looks so horrible. In the old days people came to Harrogate for the healing waters.......
This is the healing water. Harrogate made a lot of money from this!!! this is why Harrogate is considered posh!
More plants.....
As we walked we wandered what this plant is.....as it gets huge, likes water and would look really good by our pond....though would it be okay in the funny weather we get in Yeadon...a lot of cold wind basically. Valley gardens are quite sheltered!
I love Acers too...I have just had three drop dead due to the cold winds...that they do not like.
loved this......just not the price tag. and so we found ourselves passing the theatre. I could not contain my nosey self, so we went inside.
Going back through photos from yesterday I noted this time that there is a Knights Templar in this frieze at the theatre..... it is without doubt a Templar as he is dressed in white with a red cross.....
This fieze was added in 1911 and was not part of the original decor of the opera house as this building was. It was designed and carved by a female artist called Francis Darlington. Miss Fanny Taplin Darlington...1880-1940 and active as an artist from 1900-1920....and Guess what? she is from Leeds....She was born in Headingley Leeds and her father was Latimer John de Vere Darlington a solicitor with offices in Harrogate.....fanny studied sculpture at the Slade sghool of art , London and Exhibited at The Royal Academy.
At the Slade school of art and design she studied under Sir George Frampton ( he dod the Peter Pan sculpture in Kensington gardens commissioned by J.M.Barrie himself...) and was only 17 when she attended this art school.. There she was a contemporary of Gwen John, Augustus john , Edna Clarke Hall, Gwen Smith and Ida Nettleship. the last three I have never heard of either. My research turns up they are "forgotten female artists".
This is Frances Darlington And she had her studio in Knaresborough and spent a lot of time in Ilkley in the growing up years......
So there you have it.....Oh and I was very right about the clematis it has been totally wrecked by the wind. Father did turn up...I was wrong about that. He has just gone.
"that fiasco just sucked the energy out of me" stated Lee....
The phone rang and it was father. He was on the bus and wanted us to meet him at supermarket in 15 minutes
" I am not dragging round bloody supermarket !" I stated
" bloody annoying! it is blowing a gale and I have not finished me breakfast" stated Lee
"I am not dragging round . It is my day off. I work there. I am not going." I stated.
"FULL Stop!!" I then added.
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