I was up. Now I am not. I had all my clothes ready to go out and my camera charged. The weather in Yorkshire did not agree so I listened to the rain on the windows in the dark morning and finished off my Halloween decorations.
I have given the Monster High Doll collection a dust and organise.....
I also have some dolls I am making into Halloween witches with glue, wigs and last years costumes from junk shops.
It is Friday. It is the Friday that Princess Eugene gets married in St Georges Chapel at Windsor. I love a good wedding. This one some how does not do it for me.....Lee is definately not interested at all. The Fonz car is out on the hard standing on axle stands as he could not finish putting the wheels back because of rain. He now needs the wheels on the car so we can take out Monza dog.
A royal wedding? not at all interested now. We need to get the Fonz through an MOT. that is the reality today. No MOT , no car. So Princess Eugene's wedding dress and who is attending is all fantasy stuff...my bashed up car is out of action. Now that is important.
I wish her all the best and yes I will have the telly on as I finish off my witch dolls....can't resist really.
The Bratz collection....Other Royal weddings I have made a display of Bride dolls. Not this one.

The Rock Angels....
And yet more Barbies.....
This morning I did not take any more photos. the ones I do take now I do not always put on facebook anymore. The thing is this ...How should a feel about my photos being downloaded by others and printed off? I am not happy about it, but also acknowledge that I put them on social media in the first place! so they are out there in the public domain. I watermark all my photos too. This still does not sit right with me.
The person I know does this for sure has told me "I have stolen a load of your photos again.."
So...if you want to see my photos they will be on this blog in future. ....sorry and all that but it is my "art" and peaceful time going out to take photos......great photographer I am not, but even so you want great photos for your wall ? go out at dawn and take your bloody own.
LINK TO ARTICLE ABOUT PHOTO THEFT. I am not going to mention this again. And I am simply not putting up photos on facebook anymore.
Saturday morning.
I know I said I would not mention this again...just a note.....My husband Lee says that it is a compliment. and if it bothers me just simply do not put them on facebook. Point? yep.
So I will put up and shut up about it. I like taking too many photos and putting them on facebook! what else am I going to do with them???now that I think about it.
I have given the Monster High Doll collection a dust and organise.....
I also have some dolls I am making into Halloween witches with glue, wigs and last years costumes from junk shops.
It is Friday. It is the Friday that Princess Eugene gets married in St Georges Chapel at Windsor. I love a good wedding. This one some how does not do it for me.....Lee is definately not interested at all. The Fonz car is out on the hard standing on axle stands as he could not finish putting the wheels back because of rain. He now needs the wheels on the car so we can take out Monza dog.
A royal wedding? not at all interested now. We need to get the Fonz through an MOT. that is the reality today. No MOT , no car. So Princess Eugene's wedding dress and who is attending is all fantasy stuff...my bashed up car is out of action. Now that is important.
I wish her all the best and yes I will have the telly on as I finish off my witch dolls....can't resist really.
The Bratz collection....Other Royal weddings I have made a display of Bride dolls. Not this one.
The Rock Angels....
And what is left of the Barbie collection.....
This morning I did not take any more photos. the ones I do take now I do not always put on facebook anymore. The thing is this ...How should a feel about my photos being downloaded by others and printed off? I am not happy about it, but also acknowledge that I put them on social media in the first place! so they are out there in the public domain. I watermark all my photos too. This still does not sit right with me.
The person I know does this for sure has told me "I have stolen a load of your photos again.."
So...if you want to see my photos they will be on this blog in future. ....sorry and all that but it is my "art" and peaceful time going out to take photos......great photographer I am not, but even so you want great photos for your wall ? go out at dawn and take your bloody own.
LINK TO ARTICLE ABOUT PHOTO THEFT. I am not going to mention this again. And I am simply not putting up photos on facebook anymore.
Saturday morning.
I know I said I would not mention this again...just a note.....My husband Lee says that it is a compliment. and if it bothers me just simply do not put them on facebook. Point? yep.
So I will put up and shut up about it. I like taking too many photos and putting them on facebook! what else am I going to do with them???now that I think about it.
1 comment:
why are people such rots that they would steal your photographs???????????????? it makes me so mad!!!!! I did enjoy seeing all of the dolls today! I love the bratz rocker collection and the whole doll room... simply fabulous!
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