Saturday, October 20, 2018

The light you see.......

 The light you see on the path here is the old guys making bacon sandwiches for the boat club members. It is about 6,45 or there abouts and I am out with my 1950's bride doll again.
Today....I put bacon in the oven before I came out! HA! I thought as I let myself out into the cold morning.
I wanted bacon the other day after smelling it cook here...but there was no way I was going to a well lit supermarket to buy some with no make up and pyjamas! trotting around in the half light yes....full view? no chance even if I am wildly hungry. Vanity first.
 So to day I needed to be quick, as I put on the bacon when Lee was making tea......only then he went back to bed. So there was no one watching over the cooking as I stood taking these photos....
 " morning!" said the second old guy "what doll yer got te day? 1950's eh? beautiful dolls yer ' yer know yer med a hand fer that other doll? what did yer use? broke 't arm off me man on't boat like. Ah wants te mend 'im up nice like.....Milliput? ah yeh...where? Boyes? Ilkley...where's that un then? right eye...I find 'em..."

So quickly I took these photos and got home just in time to rescue the bacon....
 As you see the day is different all over again today....
 I brought the sandwiches upstairs and Monza hopefully jumped up on the bed. he now thinks it is time to get up.....well he would . Bacon sandwiches are no good to dogs...unfortunately this one does not see it that way.
 Lee has just discovered that I bought a pattern on ebay to make a dress for this doll.

"what yer spendin' fer? you can mek that pattern"

 Well yes possibly thirty years ago I could. I had all the pattern blocks and half an idea how. Now? no idea...except making the pattern on the doll and just cutting at fabric and hoping......And I do not have much time off at mo either. So i go for an option I know works without mucking about.
I will be wanting a trip to the Harrogate fabric shop next week too.

Saturday. Time to go on Monzas dog walk as I am "out" until 9pm to night on a long shift again.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...