Saturday, October 6, 2018

Moving out.

The Cult. Eddie. Another link to a great Goth song.

So to day some of my dolls move out. The time has come. I have so many now they worry even me and We can not have that now can we? All the ones that are moving on are dolls I bought in junk shops over the last ten years. Mostly ratted out Barbie dolls, a few modern Sindy dolls and loads of just junk. Bear in mind here that at one time I went to "junk and Charity" shops just about every day.....and I usually came home with at least one doll each time. At this time....and I am still working on this....I have fifty dolls that have gone into an Ikea bag, then to. Ebay . Lee has been enlisted as final executioner and photographer. The Ebay account is his. And if I list them myself I will just want to keep them...and this defeats the objective totally!!
I have promised myself that if I cull I can have more different 1960's and Bratz which I love.Modern Barbie dolls do not really hold much fascination for me. I do like modern dolls but not as much as 1950's 1960's or Gene dolls. So out the modern Barbies go I am afraid!

I am still in bed. That is to say that I have got back into bed...that would be more accurate. As I have been up to move around the doll collection and my film collection which was all in tottering piles with Barbie dolls balanced around and amongst the mess.......I am now drinking tea and rewarding myself with a quick strawberry yogurt before bagging up more dolls then going out for the day.

There are no photos of the sun rise there was not much of one and it is dark and raining. A perfect October day then.
 This day I find some pictures I did before.....a good dog walk.

 And some raggy dolls I made other years for Halloween.
 Are you getting that I like Halloween?

 This photo is from two days ago. Lee pointed out a load of Mushrooms in the corner there.....

Are they edible? yes is the answer. They are out in time for Halloween in a grave yard. So yes they are edible if you want to die.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...