This may bank holiday. Is it a bank holiday? I just asked Lee. He thinks it might be next week. But hey. It is Sunday and I have work for this day anyway.
The Goth week end is going on in Whitby and other things keep popping into my head about bank in May there are two and in the old days and another life I would have been going to Corfu. Absolutely loved Corfu. I do not expect to ever see it again but that's another deal. I will not be going to the Goth Weekend either .
So onto today. Today is a really pretty and what looks like a spring day. It is cold. Cold enough for me not to go out in my pyjamas and coat. there was Beautiful light but I could not be bothered with it.
I am having a downer on myself I guess. I have "painted myself into a corner " again.
That is because we started to get happy, buy stuff for the house and finally go to some of the places with paid entrance that we could never afford.
I got all excited and started to make plans in my little head for outings and summer days. Then bad luck takes over as ever and work have no more extra hours. Therefore I have no more extra money and we are getting into debt again.
So yes I am about as pissed off as I can get and I have to find a second job to fit in with this crap as well. So yes. downer it is today.
Never mind all that. I acquired this doll the other day. I always want Marilyn dolls but can never afford them. This one is not magnificent but it is okay if I photograph her from the right angle!
This one is Marilyn Monroe collectors series . Spotlight splendour by D S I. This is part of a six part series. I have found one ! One is better than none!
I have seen these dolls on Ebay. they are usually the cheapest of all the Marilyn dolls but I still did not buy as I do not like the face much. from a distance it is not bad...but close up...sorry it is horrible.
I have done what I can with these photos however.
I also found a Panre Spanish expression doll in the same state........This little girl is a whole other blog on her own!...... AND a monster high Gorgon raggy type doll which I had not seen before.
I spent ten pounds in all. The realisation that I can not afford ten pounds on such things again had not yet set in. This realisation became reality this morning. It has been nagging at me but I thought "it will sort it's self out" ......
so this is possibly my last extravagance. No days out. No visiting stately homes no "going somewhere" and taking photos. That all stops until I can get myself another job.
1993. This doll is from that year. the company who made these dolls specialises in celebrity dolls and also did a passable Elvis. They went into liquidation in 2003.

fur fantasy Marilyn. evening splendor silver sizzle sparkle superstar
emerald evening. spectacular show girl.
Spot light splendour Marilyn is the one I have. Limited edition of 50,000.and comes with a certificate and a number.
So off I go. I have had breakfast and a lot of tea. So out to face the public and earn a crust.
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