Alan Titchmarsh reopened the Manor house in Ilkley. It has been closed for well over two years. We have tried going inside but it has always been closed with a notice on the door. There was a big Rowe about who should pay for up keep and what it should be used for. Bradford city council did not want the expence of the up keep of the oldest building in the area and no private owner could be found. They did try and sell it on, but the out cry was too much.
Then Alan Titchmarsh got invovled and became it's champion. so to day it reopened for public visits. The above picture is not mine. I have borrowed it from the internet.
We did not actually go in the end.
I had my outfit and had ready all my Alan Titchmarsh books to take along. I woke up in the morning and just did not want to go. So we didnt!
We walked Monza and then started tiding up the garden.
These photos are taken on other visits to Ilkley. The white cat always comes out and greets us by the old manor house.
So it is open. I will be going next week.......
Again. I have thought "why am I on facebook?" and "why do I write this blog?" I take loads of pictures and then transfer them to my computer. WHY?
Well any way......this computer causes me so much stress as it is slow and has trouble reading the card from my camera, eventually it does what I want but I feel the need to scream at it. which by the way does not help!
So Lee got out another lap top from his garage...in fact it was one I was given and I started it up and was playing with some of my photos from Bolling hall and the damn thing destroyed my camera card and wiped it.
So that is that for every photo I have taken since September last year when I bought the new camera. That computer did the same to the last camera card as well.
So this lead me to "why do I do this? why do I struggle with this bloody technology?"
Lee offered to buy me a new computer. So what difference will that make? still way too stupid to understand it all!
So that is pretty much it. The only pictures I have are the ones I saved. It is not that many as I stupidly thought the camera card was a good place to keep them.
See what I mean. way way to stupid for all this!
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