Before I tackled the tedious boring mess that is the loft, we went over to Kirkstall to see a new charity shop I spied the other day on the way home.
We did not go to the usual doggy walk today as it is much too cold for Lee to be out. He has no tolerance for cold like this now.
Today is not that much different other than the freezing wind and the snow and sleat showers.
On the way back whilst eating our lunch and blueberry muffins I insisted on stopping to take these photos.
Kirkstall Abbey.
Monza and Lee stayed in the warm car. I went out and got my self around the abbey. I wore gloves, but had to take one off to operate the camera.
By the time I got back to the car my hand felt like it was missing until it began to warm up. Then it hurt like frost bite. More likely like I would think that frost bite hurts. Which is a lot by the way.
I took this doll along in my pocket. This is how I found her in the charity shop in Kirkstall. She is Ella the chemotherapy doll from Mattell Barbie dolls. As far as I know...which is generally not very far, she was not released in the UK. So how she came to be in the new charity shop is anyones guess. I knew what she was in amongst a few sorry Bratz and wrecked Barbies...but had never seen one. She was one pound. So I bought her and some frames for some photos I am going to print from my own camera.
And so to painting. I got on with this asap after arriving home.
Yep. This is it. this is what cost me a very lot of money. My loft conversion that happened over ten years ago when I first came here to Yorkshire.
We bought this old house and gutted it and made it into an open bathroom, kitchen and plumbing and wiring. it cost a small fortune. the small fortune ran out and we had to let the builder go before the work was ever completed......
Today...which is 16th of January 2018 and a Tuesday which is my day off I am painting out the mould....yes it has been neglected that long.....and putting down the carpet squares ...then stair carpet from good old ebay.
The real challenge and adventure part is going to be getting that super king mattress up to the loft. there is not a lot of space. it looks okay in photos...but the real reason that this has never been finished is that I hate the damn thing. Most of the upstairs it is impossible to stand up straight in.
Any activity in this area requires a hunchback of Notre Dame impression whilst inavertantly wanging your head on the ceiling because you forget to remain bent double whilst trying to move stuff...or painting.
The photo shows part of the carpet squares having been laid. They are okay at best. I bought then as a reclaimed office carpet that is slightly worn. I figured better this than nothing. Also the chances of getting a carpet role up here is nil. carpet squares can go up in small piles......
even this is hard work as my balance requires me to hold( there has been no railings or anything else put up yet either......) on as well as carrying these carpet tiles so it is a bit of a fiasco. Still I am determined that fiasco will ensue and this area WILL look like it should in my very over imaginative mind.

There is sleat and snow now coming down fast.We will be lucky if we get as far as the Tarn tomorrow now.....So here is where I will be covered in paint splatters.
1 comment:
despite everything I think the loft will be a true much work and wishing you to be quite careful... love the new doll and misty photos!!!!!!! keep us posted on the fab blog!
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