One hundred and ninety nine steps. Whitby. I just bought this on Ebay.
It is very early on a Tuesday , which as you know is the day I insist is my day off. Lee has been up since 3.30 am because he can not sleep. He knows we have plans afoot to go to Harrogate today. The Fonz car it seems is not about to blow up as we thought last week. Lee now thinks the problem is something "completely else" which I will not bore you with. ( this is basically because I have no clue as to what he is telling me about leeks and car parts and what not). Monza dog is dozing on the bed now whilst Lee watches utube videos about time travel....this is possible since Egyptian times . yep.
if it on utube and has an american accent it is all true of course. To day we are just going to Harrogate, which is a whole different world but does not count as time travel quite.
A New year. I am going to finish and decorate the top bedroom. This was a loft conversion at great expense which was now ten years ago. I met the builder who did this work yesterday.....he has been retired for a few years...and still remembers this loft! I told him that I was finally putting carpets and finishing touches up there
"given yer time to properly consider it all. Not rushin'" he replied!

All of this now has to be fitted. It will be no good if I order it all and then leave it in piles in amongst the junk. So next stage after Harrogate visit is "clear the junk" which will be lots of uping and downing and driving about in the car.
I have also ordered a new mattress for the bed. One that fits! and some dressings for said bed....The bed was something I aquired about two years ago from a "clearance job" with my old rusty van. It is a Brown "Malme" from ikea. A super king size too...
AND a new picture of the top of the hundred and ninety nine steps at Whitby by Glen Kilpatrick (the Whitby photographer).......He becoming a fave. I have plan to visit Whitby too soon....I am not telling Lee yet as he still has to get over the expense of decorating. There is a cafe called Windy Corner where these photos are for sale from the wall.....so guess where we are heading......
And so that is the decorating part. The light is still not up but we are getting up and ready for a doggy walk and Harrogate on my day off.
By 11.30 we have walked Monza dog in the drizzling rain and parked The Fonz car. The Fonz is showing no signs of smoking this week . We went to all the trouble to find another car too as we thought the Fonz was on his final journey. still things have looked up since then.
We took along my new mobile phone. The new phone is still in good condition and has no scratches or Monza paw prints. It is still in full working order . I have turned off the sound as it keeps peeping and ringing. That I supose is the downside of modern tech. still it takes great photos......the actual phone part is totally wasted on me sadly. I hate phones and refuse to answer even if it was allowed to ring!!!!!
So google maps on my new phone were employed today to take us to the mercer art Gallery.
I took these photos on the way around this week.....a street scene of pavement cafe and shops.....
Duttons for Buttons, stuffed with inviting wares, needlepoint, haberdashery and of course buttons of every type and discription.
pavement art outside the Theatre.....we did not go inside this week as we were on the way to the art gallery, We get just two hours parking so we keep moving and plan ahead.......
so through the centre past the war memorial, Bettys and Monpelier.....
The Jamie Oliver restaurant. Would love to have stopped for lunch. Lee would have had an episode at the thought of the bill...... I love his cook books. and would also love lunch here too. What are my chances of that one? ...none? well we see. If I make it to my 57th birthday and ...this is the AND I have some money I will be in this place eating my lunch.
Old turkish baths ...now a restaurant...
loving this shop window......then we went into the tourist information centre and got ....A MAP!!!!! much easier than google maps on the mobile phone....
past the Baths museum and to the Mercer gallery.......
This was built as the town hall......
once inside we found most of the rooms closed for rehanging of the pictures.
The exhibition we did see was Katherine Holmes in Grandmother's footsteps.....
Katherine's Grandmother was Constance Pearson who was an artist that lived in and painted the Yorkshire dales. She lived in a barn conversion in Malham, North Yorkshire. The exhibition is about Katherine painting some of the same scenes as her Grandmother.
I bought a print of this picture.....

Which will be going up in our bedroom......
This gallery also owns some Atkinson Grimshaw pictures of moonlight painted around Leeds. So I will be back at this gallery next week when the new exhibition starts.
We had two hours parking and had already been over an hour......we headed back to the junk shops ....
This week we knew which shops to head for and I found a lot of the stock to be the same as last week....though I did find these two Monster high girls in quite good condition and with shoes too.
I still have not finished this blog.......
Finished a rag doll, collected the mattress from Bradford, staked all the junk up out of the loft conversion and then cooked roast chicken.
1 comment:
looking at all of this.. I am so ready to come back!! love and love!
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