Up and out early I was this morning.My first for this year! The light has started to arrive at a reasonable time. Just about 7am which is far more acceptable. I was also up to my old tricks of pyjamas hidden under boots and coat. These new pyjamas have not had an outing to the Tarn yet as I got them for Christmas.
The weather and dark mornings have meant that I was to damn lazy to go out in the cold to take photos. So this pair of fluffy animal pyjamas had there first morning outing, they are complete with ears and sparkly fur top and spotty trousers so looked a treat with my white yeti fur boots and coat.
The old guy who sits outside the boat house told me that I was too late for the best sun rise as half an hour ago it was stupendous. Must try harder and be out earlier tomorrow.
I left Lee and Monza in bed and let myself out of the back door. It was not really too cold......I planned this last night. It is my day off. this week I have been at work for 44 hours. This is purely for the money as Lees birthday is coming up in February and I want us to actually go out to lunch.
This would be actually "do it" as opposed to standing in the street looking at the menu and saying "we will go there one day!"
So this morning some quicky photos. No hanging around and going back to bed! up out and then home for tea.....
Put on proper street clothes and then walk Monza on the way to Harrogate to go fabric shopping and tool shopping respectively.
Monza was so excited that I was actually there and nearly knocked me over and jumped on me before I could get me boots on to take him out. Getting as far as the car took twice as long for a short trip as it should as Monza kept running around and around me and as a result I could not got anywhere ......
We walked Monza in the old grave yard first until people started to appear ....it seems like months since I last walked him. It is in fact a week. only a week. And it feels like months since I had a day off too. ......I am going to be careful not to over do the work thing....yes I know!!!!!but it will all be worth it.
We parked up the Fonz car and left Monza dozing in the back and headed off to the charity shops and the tool shop for Lee.......
The tool shop.....well what can one say!? it is full of tools and stuff that men get excited about. This one certainly did.

Inside we found a coping saw...which is just about the only tool he has not already got........so that the skirting boards can be made for the long suffering loft.

After much contemplation and arguing over what he was to buy.........yep! we spotted this shop a few weeks ago and decided to make a special outing to go here and then in true Lee fashion he would not pay the prices on the tickets.......

This shop stocks a lot of tools......and these lovely metal signs. I got this one of a Monza dog. It cost an arm and a leg. Lee paid for it at the same time as his saw. once out on the pavement he lit up a ciggy and said " I need a smoke after that....."
On we went around the charity shops. I saw a few things....Like Bruce Springsteen vinyl of "the River"....a Bad company album and some Clannad..too. Bruce Sprinsteen was a fave for a while . The album was my ex husbands "thing" he adored that song the river. I think it had more to do with his first wife than me. Looking back, everything always came before me.......not just his first two wives..... any way I did not buy any of it so the damn thing does not need to haunt me in these days now.
I saw a pink fluffy jumper in one shop. £10.00. Well this is Harrogate.......and decided it was nice...but I would not be paying that much for it today. besides I think it would have made me look like a stuffed toy....
Which brings me on to the visit to the fabulous fabric shop......
Which is just next to this old fashioned butchers........Pheasants!!!!you can tell you in a posh area when the butchers sell pheasant.
And so to the fabric shop. I had come armed with my latest pattern purchases from Etsy,,,,,,

and settled on one piece of fabric to make a stuffed giraffe doll. ....was tempted to buy more, but I did not!!!!
So back to the car where Monza dog was waiting and home eating our lunch of chocolate eclairs on the way.
We did find some DVDs I did not already have.....50p each......and note "FAME" !!!!!!
1980!!!!!! Alan Parker!!!! hell's teeth that is a blast from the past. First year of my degree course in Bristol.
I even had the record of this.....The street scene! all dancing on cars and what not.
Baby, look at me
And tell me what you see
You ain't seen the best of me yet
Give me time
I'll make you forget the rest
I 'm gonna live for ever.... Well way back then I never thought about it much. we didn't did we. !!??
On the way to Harrogate....past the Stray.
We drove the long scenic route to Harrogate. It is only twenty minutes away.....but there is road works on every route.......
did I watch FAME!? no. but I will tomorrow after we have been to Kirkstall to the new big charity shop.