Sunday, November 26, 2017

Nostalgia in a cue.

By the time we got up and went to Otley the snow was about all gone.I looked out through the new bedroom curtains in the early hours and it looked cold and white.
 By doggy walk time the sun was out and the world looked like summer. We were not fooled. I had on my zip up high duvet coat and gloves.

we did not get to Otley until nearly mid day. By the time we had lunch and did all the charity shops it was Monzas dinner time and he was not too pleased about being in the car instead of chomping his way through freshly cooked liver.

 I wanted to go to the Victorian Arcade. I have my eye on a crystal necklace in a cabinet there.....
This little arcade is a real favourite as it is small and not very commercial this is a big and they do not play music.
There is something here for most people too if they bother to discover it....tool shop....paper shop selling...well all kinds of writing papers calendars colouring books that type of thing and a cafe which is all cozy and serves tea and coffee...properly served too.
There are mostly second hand shops and an old fashioned sweety shop.
My fave of all time is the shop whos interior looks alot like my house. to day there was a window display that I would happily buy every item......I looked hard a realised I already have more dolls like these than the shop has. still tempted i was. there is a smaller one inside for £ week if it is still there.....
Also it was here that I spyed the crystal necklace......A lot over the budget of 99p it time as well when Lee is not looking.
so on we went to the 20p shop. I found a Barbie doll for 20p and a doll dress for another 20p and then went wild and got a pair of black shoes...flat ones that I can shuffle in for yet another 20p. just my size and perfect for work..........why pay more to look like an old lady when I can do it for 20p?

Then home we went eating chocolate eclairs in the car and remarkably keeping Monza dog from pouncing upon them from the back of the seats......once home we put up the new swag curtains
and perfected the new kitchen unit......

then it was time to go to work an hour early as i stupidly said i would......

this was an unremarkable shift and I was just ten minutes from the end with a cue of customers when a psychic lady started to tell me about my past life. The cue of people waited patiently for her to reveal my life in Bath as an actress living in a big house with servants and lots of children.
then she started on the girl that she sees with me...

The man behind her was now getting very cross and started to grumble......

her own dog that was tied up in the entrance started to bark....and everyone else in the cue started to shuffle and was now 2 minutes to finish and i needed to shut my till down and put money and vouchers in order.....and yes i can serve a cue of people in two minutes and still get off on time but i need to be left to get on with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she does this every time she sees me. usually on a Saturday late shift which is quite often a bit tedious anyway.....
I asked her if she sees anyone from the 1600s. We will see what happens next time!

1 comment:

polkadothill said...

best blog of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...