Saturday, November 25, 2017

Another Friday. Then the world was white.

 Whilst Lee defrosted the car I went over to the Tarn and took some chilly photos.We were up early as we had a parcel to collect from the sorting office and a very lot more to receive. I did not want to miss any.
Yesterday just as we got back from Ikea the flue for the wood burner arrived.......a huge box!!!!!
 Today there were loads of people and dogs about but no one in the model boat club hut drinking tea this morning. All the dogs wanted to pull towards me as always .
I skudded part of the way to take these pictures....very quickly worked out it was well slippery and tottered home for some tea. It is very very beautiful and quite cold. Not as cold as Yorkshire can be but cold enough for gloves. The only small problem with gloves is that the operation of the camera becomes impossible.
 Now as I wake up and look out of the french windows it is white. The world is all white on a Saturday morning. It is cold and we left the heating on all night. And no I am not going out in my pyjamas to take photos. You will have to wait until the doggy walk and a load of proper winter Yorkshire clothes have been applied to wrap up this chilly human.
Monza I note is sitting in the warm dog place on the bed and is in no hurry to leave. He wears a large fur coat. That tells me what I need to know about the situation.
I did my late Friday shift last night and coming home at 10 last night the world was working on being freezing. Monza was nonplussed as I came into the house. He obviously knew it was me and stayed on the bed  too. Had I not been me the scenario would have been a bit different as he was expecting me only.
 We spent Fiiday receiving parcels and collecting more parcels from the post office depot as they were delivered when we were out. A lot of what was delivered can not be mentioned here as Lee will cast his eye balls over this text and discover what is for Christmas and where it all is hidden. And yes he will go and poke and shake it all. So the things I can tell you about are The wood burner flue......
That was the first to arrive in a huge box that appeared to be walking down the terrace on two legs of it's own. The guy delivering it was not visible behind the big box...just two legs beneath which looked really bizarre....just a box delivering it's self.
 This happened again at the front door as I answered  to a pile of parcels standing on the step on two legs again....this modern world of parcel delivery is hilarious.
so what did I order? the whole of Ebay ? well not far off.......just the important things like Barbie as Marilyn......a Bratz doll bundle.....complete with four dolls and rock angelz guitars and clothes and feet etc ( for my Bratz Christmas wedding display......) curtains...for the living room......totally loads of stuff for I don't need that Lee which is not to be mentioned and then more stuff for lee,
 As we went to Ikea yesterday we spent most of the day  claiming boxes and putting together the ikea stuff for the kitchen.....
We have a lot of experience in this as when we ran the Man with a van business one of the services we offered was collecting and putting together Ikea flat packs.........any one else that offers them too for that matter.....
we have been with out the van now for nearly six months.....putting together and even naming ikea furniture stayed with us so we knew to de box...and chuck out the instructions. The instruction books are the root of a lot of relationship disintegration. we have witnessed this first hand.And been stuck in the centre of a marital hissy fit....... so chuck out the instructions........believe me if you can not construct an ikea item with out don't do it at all because it can ruin your life.
 Ikea is not what I wanted. But it is what I got as it fits in the funny little space I have. I looked at having a pine dresser made for the space in my kitchen as I wanted an old looking pine dresser type arrangement to display my mad hatter tea party cups and odd china.....I had this priced at £650.00.
We went around the junk shops and old haunts of charity furniture shops and quite honestly I have taken better stuff to the tip as useless that they had to offer.
So Ikea it is. It cost me £60.00 for that part! we actually spent a lot more that that in total but it still was not as much as getting a dresser made. So to me that was a no brainer and possibly why Ikea has put all the local crafts people out of business.

 So more tea we are having this morning whilst the world is white and cold. we still have our feet toasting on a warm dog.
The wood burner is to be delivered on Tuesday and I have not yet got a date for be quick me thinks....the snow can only get deeper now.
 The sun is now up as far as it gets this time of year and it looks really warm and beautiful. the snow is melting on the roofs...and still I am in no hurry to go out!!!
 I think there will be plenty of chances to photograph snow this year as a white Christmas is forecast and the Queen herself has put up her Christmas decorations according to the radio....
 So to day I am putting up curtain swags and more Christmas decorations. If the Queen says it is okay then it must be the thing to do. The Christmas decorations I mean as I guess the Queen already has curtains and swags and would not shop on ebay in the dead of night anyway.
 Monza is giving me the German Shepard side glance. The woolfy look that says ...I am going to chuck you on the floor . Get up, !!!!
So here is Lee putting together my new Ikea kitchen unit.......on the new rug.

The world looks really beautiful and Monz has decided he wants his walk.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...