Saturday, November 25, 2017

hot dogs and flat pack.

Today we are going to Ikea.  I am up well before dawn measuring stuff. important stuff. Like places to fit in other stuff and windows and where to put rugs and candles. How would the world of interior design be without Ikea!? well I do remember before the new Ikea store opened up just near us in Bath. We used to shop in Habitat. That is where we got all our wedding presents and candles from. Then ikea opened up just over by Bristol and my friend Angie and I went on a pilgrimage to fill up our yellow crunchy bag whilst grasping the bible of a catalogue which we had spent the previous night learning by heart including all the short cuts to the hot dogs and mustard. before leaving I always went to the food bit and bought some squeezy fish paste (cavier) in a tube. some meet balls and cheese. I love Norweigan brown looks like chocolate and the best thing about it is the cheese swipe slice that peels off a thin sliver.......oh yum.
want to get all measured up and get on the road but it is too early. I have looked it up it does not open for a few hours yet.....

I should explain,

I am old enough to get my pension. I used to be a civil servant for a short while. this short while was long enough to have me a nervous break down and acrue a small pension. I have just claimed this small pension as a lump sum because I can in this funny modern age. I am over 55. I will say that the lump sum is not quite so lumpy to day as we went extreme shopping yesterday.
Still it is lumpy enough for a trip to ikea to replace all the stuff in this house that is broken or never existed in the first place.

yesterday we went shopping. As I washed all of the contents of my pockets I had to call into work to find out what my hours for the day were.Then I could fit in all the shopping around this......on the way back to meet Monza dog on his walky.......I found these two prints......

Image result for grimshaw atkinson paintingImage result for frank meadow sutcliffe pictures
Atkinson Grimshaw........the painter of moonlight and local artist......

And another Frank Meadow Sutcliffe to add to my collection of Whitby.
So the day started well.....

So here we are the light is up and off we go to walk Monza first thing. Then Poverty Aid a huge charity shop in Burley that we used to haunt and we gave them a lot of stuff from various van jobs in the past. They obviously miss us greatly because inside I found that I have taken better stuff to the tip.So we carried on over to Burstall and Ikea.
so if I was willing to buy bashed crap then I should spend the money on new crap at least.

It is months   or possibly even years since we went to Ikea and we made sure we did it all.

And yes we had a hot dog at the end.....Lee was very shell shocked as he spent money. Not as much as it could have been either!!!!!
We got home very carefully as we are used to having a big van and just slinging stuff in the back. We now have a car with a huge German shepard in the back. Everything only just fitted along side him. The rest we piled onto me in the passenger seat. oh how we miss that rusty old van.
It was comparitively like going to buckingham palace for tea. Trying to get stuff home in a car is a whole different world.....especially as Lee drove like playing on the dodgems at a fair ground. I kept having to catch flying boxes and candle holders to avoid decapitation.
I now have the money to get another van. Lets do it ASAP!!!!!
Once home we discovered that we still had to go to the supermarket as we had in no being my day off we were going to do a big shop.....Ikea took a lot of time and made us loose the will to I photographed some Christmas decorations and
watch Sweeny Todd ( Jonny Depp) and looked at all the boxes piled up and waiting.....

New candles were amongst the stuff we bought. I am ditching all the mismatched stuff from charity shops and having a bit of co ordination......

Merry Christmas soo far.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...