Friday, September 1, 2017

my little world

In my little world the Autumn light is just kicking in and the views are all golden glow. I took these pictures very quickly yesterday and have only just had time to take them off the camera.
I avoided all people and had the peace and quiet all to myself. This day all the swans were already up and out on the water.
Just me, the golden light and swans with a plane taking off on the runway in the distance.

The day was perfect up to this point.

The Fonz car is broken. This was an inevitability with an old wreck bought for two hundred odd pounds.....the brakes do not work and the handbrake does not hold, so parking on a hill is totally not happening. I wanted to go back to the Otley Chevin today to take more photos of the witch tree and the "hells teeth" rock fence. Lee is fixing the brakes and The Fonz car is up on axle stands..... so far so good.
I hoped to return to a fixed car last night. the day started so perfectly and ended so very badly. The car wars have broken out on the terrace. Old Albert's house has been put on the market and has sold to a new family. The paper work has finally been completed and they have the keys. At the week end they arrived and the work they wish to do on the house has begun. They are excitedly taking out all the old decor and filling up skips. The skip is parked in front of their garage and land and they expect access to the skip and their garage and their new house. As the house as been empty for so long others have taken over the parking spaces and consider it their own. The new family have reclaimed their land and space which was also being used as storage .
a  van and a new car, both of which are parked on old Albert's  land. The terrace is old. It was built as houses for workers at the local mills. The reason there are paths back and front are for access for the "knockers" who's job it was to knock up the next shift in time to work in the mills. These mills worked twenty four hours. Some of the houses have all this space on their deeds along with access rights, the rented houses have no land at the back just access.  we all just "worked it out" by talking to others about times etc. and who needs to leave first in the mornings.
 Lee caught the brunt of displeasure last night. I had only been back long enough to change and I heard yelling and swearing.
 Lee was laid into,  big time as he took out the bins Lee had to pass  the van  blocking all access   twice. . the ti-raid was as follows.....
"Don't you f***in ask me if I'm alright. You f***in tosser. Yer should be ashamed of yer self tellin me where te park. I will park were I F***in like. Who are you te tell anyone...F***in tosser yer sit in yer garage all bloody day drinkin an smokin mekin bombs out of f***in coke bottles an mints. yer dont know the meaning of work. F***Cin work shy git....whilst yer wife works. yer just pissed  tosser...Who are you te tell anyone...yer tosser. Who are you te accuse him of bein' a drug dealer?
Do F***n tell me where I can park...Ill deck yer if yer ask me how I am again...F***in tosser........"

and so on.
"will someone please tell me what is going on?" I demanded

"your F***in husband. Should be ashamed of himself. Next time I see him cutting stones up and filming himself I am going to report him"
"it can not be that bad!" I stated
"yes it F***kin is" yelled Mr Bricks and slammed the door.

So that ended the day.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...