Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Are we really that cute?

 Are we really this cute?

no not really. but it was a fabulous day and we went over to Ilkley to take some photos of some of the new dolls.

The cute couple Bratz dolls are out of the box and ready to go out for the day. I have a day off and resisted the morning sun and stayed inside and tidied up then deboxed and washed some dolls to take out to photograph.

 I promised Monza dog an adventure week as I was absent last week and he got very upset and would not eat his dinners.

 Gene is also ready to explore too.....
 This is the Guy!!! does he look like Lee!?

This is a lovely photo of Lee and I taken one lunch time in Otley.....possibly not as cute as the Bratz couple. I told Lee that the one with the wooly hat was him and he screwed up his nose in true Lee fashion.

 First The dog walk in the old grave yard. I actually got to go along today. I am having my Tuesday off even though I was called just as we were leaving to go in to work. I did get more hours for wednesday. I promised Monza anyway. so walkies we all went.....
 Then over to Ilkley to park up the Fonz car by the woods.
 We had the woods and the view all to our selves. The ground was still muddy from the rain, rain and more rain....so we walked along the bottom path instead of climbing.
 I tried going up the steep path and discovered that I took one step forward and skidded two steps back....So along the bottom path we trotted. The autumn colours are just beginning and the day was warm and sunny......in the shade it was another world. Freezing cold!
 un through the trees
 Enchanting light.
 So Monza got two walks. from this one he got a muddy under carriage and paws.......
 He was so excited to be here again after an absence of a few weeks. Either I have been working or it has been torrential rain, and this walk would be awful.
 There were other cars parked on the road, but we saw no one at all and had the woods to ourselves with just the sound of birds singing.

 Then back out of the gap in the wall to the Fonz car.

 Then I nipped back to take some cute doll pictures.

We parked up at Tesco car park and walked through Ilkley to the Church and The Manor house. I stopped off in Boyes and bought some Halloween fabric.

1 comment:

polkadothill said...

what a glorious walk in the woods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monza looks very happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the dolls and yes, they are cute as you and lee are!

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...