I just decided that we were going here today. I looked it up on google it was twenty minutes from our actual destination. This was my school. I left in 1979. It was a Methodist Girls boarding school.Just near Scarborough which is where we were actually heading.

It was truely weird and surreal or whatever you want to call it. I felt totally detached, like I had never been there before but I still knew my way around like a ghost from the past.
I tried explaining it all to Lee. It was like I was telling silly stories about something that never really happened. It was a dream never a reality at all.
Here is Lee on the main Quad. In school days this would never have happened. It was a girls boarding school. Men never allowed.
First I wandered around on my own. Lee stayed in the car with Monza dog. I would have loved to have shown Monza around....I think the ladies standing around gossiping would have called the police if I had. Monza is beautiful and my treasure,,,but posh he is not.
We took a load of selfies.....
I went back to the car to get Lee...and he wandered around with me. No one took much notice. I think they are used to old girls taking photos and wandering around in a dream....it really is another world.
This is the main portico, complete with clock and leading through to the Quad, fish ponds assembly room and classrooms.
The school closed in the 1980s. The buildings and lands were sold to a developer and it was made into luxury flats......

I gather from details of flats sold that they kept some of the features in the chemestry labs.....like bunson burners etc. I do not know how true that is.....
The head girl board under the portico, All those names half remembered and mostly forgoton...
All those years half forgotton. I looked and thought but I could not remember which of these dorm windows would have been mine.I could not remember the words said every assembly when looking at the old hall. so many prayers said and I can not even remember the school prayer.
We were all in "houses" the name of which was taken from ancient families who were lords of the manor here. I was in Constable. Though I am damned if I can remember the other three.Their coats of arms remain in the stained glass of the widows
The original old Hall .
here I am sitting in bed Monday Morning just before getting in the shower. Why I am having a shower at all is a mystery as it is howling with rain outside and I will be wet again the second I step out of the front door.
The photos I took on this Saturday...only one day ago! were in one of Yorkshires "sunny intervals" and the day looks gorgeous.
I did go on to get a complete soaking at Ayton tower house ruins later, but at this stage all was well.
So here we have the gate that led to the sixth form houses and the music practice rooms and the music room itself complete with grand piano.
The dining room.....
Old gym and the arch which led to the swimming pool
The old house back door...this was the servants entrance and another way into the dining room. There was also a phone box somewhere here if memory serves...we used all cue to make calls home.....
The posh entrance leading to the big headmisstresss office, staff room and deputys flat. i remember this part best...that is I actually do remember it! my mum was house keeper here for a short while and this is the part of the school I lived in.
In my opinion...this is the best part of the place. It is the original hall built to resemble a ship, because the Lord of the manor who originally built the place was an admiral...and wanted a replica for his kids to play in......hence the port holes and ship shape of the front....
sorry folks I went through the garden gate but did not go any further....asI it is now private property...it is run as a kind of hotel this part....and I no longer live here!
This window here was my mothers room when she was housekeeper. Term beginnings I would stand here for hours watching everyone return and bring in their school trunks......and belongings.
The gate was ajar...I stepped through and took photos of the old ship shape hall.
Inside ....now I hope it has not been modernised as it was oak...medieval and with a red carpeted sweeping stair case to the first floor dorms and deputy heads flat.......the rest of this old hall was a warren of small rooms and a strange mezzanine area and attics where the "domestics" lived. we called them that in those days. My mum was one of them....so I supose I was a domestic too in that case. There were a series of house keepers, maids and cleaners. I was a "domestic" in the school holidays and an "HH Girl" in term time.. Did I get looked down on? oh yes.
I did make some friends.....though it was not until invited to their houses that I realised what it was that I did not have.
Because what I had never had I did not miss. Still don't as a matter of fact. ....As i say it is completely another world this money privileged life I was educated to part take in.
My mum and I lived here. this was the window. I was given another room to sleep in in the warren of domestic quarters...but to be homest I did not like being on my own at night there. so I slept on the floor in my mums room. this part of the house was haunted as hell.
I lived there. I spent a lot of time on my own here. I will qualify this...I do not believe in ghosts . I think when we go we leave to another world. The only thing about my theary is that the spirits in this building did not know that. Trust me they are still there.
I could tell you who and where but I am not going to. I did not at the time so I am not going to now....You would not believe me anyway.
So Hunmanby Hall. My old school. I would like to say that I have happy memory's. I actually have very few now. I am in contact with about two people I knew then. There were others on facebook but I unfriended the lot of them. I do not remember being their friends at the time so why drag it all out again now I am an old lady eh? cancer does that to you....it really sorts your head out.
What I have never had I do not miss. I was never really a part of this place, it was somewhere I passed through and survived.

It was truely weird and surreal or whatever you want to call it. I felt totally detached, like I had never been there before but I still knew my way around like a ghost from the past.
I tried explaining it all to Lee. It was like I was telling silly stories about something that never really happened. It was a dream never a reality at all.
Here is Lee on the main Quad. In school days this would never have happened. It was a girls boarding school. Men never allowed.
First I wandered around on my own. Lee stayed in the car with Monza dog. I would have loved to have shown Monza around....I think the ladies standing around gossiping would have called the police if I had. Monza is beautiful and my treasure,,,but posh he is not.
We took a load of selfies.....
I went back to the car to get Lee...and he wandered around with me. No one took much notice. I think they are used to old girls taking photos and wandering around in a dream....it really is another world.
This is the main portico, complete with clock and leading through to the Quad, fish ponds assembly room and classrooms.
The school closed in the 1980s. The buildings and lands were sold to a developer and it was made into luxury flats......
I gather from details of flats sold that they kept some of the features in the chemestry labs.....like bunson burners etc. I do not know how true that is.....
The head girl board under the portico, All those names half remembered and mostly forgoton...
All those years half forgotton. I looked and thought but I could not remember which of these dorm windows would have been mine.I could not remember the words said every assembly when looking at the old hall. so many prayers said and I can not even remember the school prayer.
We were all in "houses" the name of which was taken from ancient families who were lords of the manor here. I was in Constable. Though I am damned if I can remember the other three.Their coats of arms remain in the stained glass of the widows
The original old Hall .
here I am sitting in bed Monday Morning just before getting in the shower. Why I am having a shower at all is a mystery as it is howling with rain outside and I will be wet again the second I step out of the front door.
The photos I took on this Saturday...only one day ago! were in one of Yorkshires "sunny intervals" and the day looks gorgeous.
I did go on to get a complete soaking at Ayton tower house ruins later, but at this stage all was well.
So here we have the gate that led to the sixth form houses and the music practice rooms and the music room itself complete with grand piano.
The dining room.....
Old gym and the arch which led to the swimming pool
The old house back door...this was the servants entrance and another way into the dining room. There was also a phone box somewhere here if memory serves...we used all cue to make calls home.....
The posh entrance leading to the big headmisstresss office, staff room and deputys flat. i remember this part best...that is I actually do remember it! my mum was house keeper here for a short while and this is the part of the school I lived in.
In my opinion...this is the best part of the place. It is the original hall built to resemble a ship, because the Lord of the manor who originally built the place was an admiral...and wanted a replica for his kids to play in......hence the port holes and ship shape of the front....
sorry folks I went through the garden gate but did not go any further....asI it is now private property...it is run as a kind of hotel this part....and I no longer live here!
This window here was my mothers room when she was housekeeper. Term beginnings I would stand here for hours watching everyone return and bring in their school trunks......and belongings.
The gate was ajar...I stepped through and took photos of the old ship shape hall.
Inside ....now I hope it has not been modernised as it was oak...medieval and with a red carpeted sweeping stair case to the first floor dorms and deputy heads flat.......the rest of this old hall was a warren of small rooms and a strange mezzanine area and attics where the "domestics" lived. we called them that in those days. My mum was one of them....so I supose I was a domestic too in that case. There were a series of house keepers, maids and cleaners. I was a "domestic" in the school holidays and an "HH Girl" in term time.. Did I get looked down on? oh yes.
I did make some friends.....though it was not until invited to their houses that I realised what it was that I did not have.
Because what I had never had I did not miss. Still don't as a matter of fact. ....As i say it is completely another world this money privileged life I was educated to part take in.
My mum and I lived here. this was the window. I was given another room to sleep in in the warren of domestic quarters...but to be homest I did not like being on my own at night there. so I slept on the floor in my mums room. this part of the house was haunted as hell.
I lived there. I spent a lot of time on my own here. I will qualify this...I do not believe in ghosts . I think when we go we leave to another world. The only thing about my theary is that the spirits in this building did not know that. Trust me they are still there.
I could tell you who and where but I am not going to. I did not at the time so I am not going to now....You would not believe me anyway.
So Hunmanby Hall. My old school. I would like to say that I have happy memory's. I actually have very few now. I am in contact with about two people I knew then. There were others on facebook but I unfriended the lot of them. I do not remember being their friends at the time so why drag it all out again now I am an old lady eh? cancer does that to you....it really sorts your head out.
What I have never had I do not miss. I was never really a part of this place, it was somewhere I passed through and survived.
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