Saturday, April 14, 2018

it is Friday. So it must be Otley.

 Friday. It is the day for Otley. I managed to completely stress myself out over a really stupid idea to get the sun room extension at the front of the house replaced. We can not afford to do this. So I went ahead and ordered one anyway.
I started stressing about it and worrying about the money. So I then cancelled the whole mess .only  Then we went to Otley just in time for lunch.
After parking the fonz car we headed off towards the Catholic church this time and went past the old court house and this sculpture of the Yorkshire rose.
This sculpture is by a local artist who lives and works on the Otley Chevin. Lucky person!!!!
Shane Green it is and we came across his work before on the Otley Chevin in a sculpture trail walk one beautiful summer day. This one was outside the old Grammar school and today we came upon it on the way to a new church . not the one I usually visit.
 Our Lady and all Saints, Otley. I have not been inside this one before. so today we entered through the creeking door. to complete silence. I whispered as I did not want to disturb the peace. Doors to places I visit always clank squeek or creek. Have you noted that too?
The place where this church now stands was a medieval manor house of the Archbishop of York..Built at the expense of Thomas Constable a local Catholic for a large immigration of Irish during the potato famine.
 It has a very long isle which I found quite daunting. Then I guess I am supposed to aren't I?
 Quite a modern looking window.  designed by Anne Southeran a local artist who works out of a studio in York          .  Here is a link to her website if you are interested.    and here is a link to the Otley chevin cross being put up. Easter weeks are nearly over. It will be coming down again this week.........
 Otley are having A Chippendale festival this year. As we walked a different way this week we came to his statue outside the old grammar school          .    and now here is a link to 300 years of Chippendale as well..........

On we went up the high street to the old Victorian arcade......

Where the "nostalgia shop" had these dolls in the window.

 I am tempted by the Rosebud doll on the left. But should I pay that much for her?
 These are cute too.....may be we should go back to day and get them.
 The maypole has been replaced now. It was a danger at one point and was removed around about the Tour De France time . It was thought that it might fall on someone. Anyway it is back now.......
 We bought lunch and sat in the old shelter by the market square and the pigeons all came and rooted around our feet for crumbs. always of the opinion that they can share are those pigeons......

We sat and ate our chicken pasties from Gregs and mused on what we were going to do about our sun room which I cancelled the rebuild of.......

"rip the roof off and build some new joists." said Lee
"we can do that can we?"
"yep. easy. Need some better weather though. it could just fill with water then we have a swimming pool."
"so....what was I about to pay five thousand pounds for!? That would have been loads of over time and I would never be here. ....."

"what's the point of paying that much for a roof that I can do?"

"WE can? "
So that was the 20pence shop purchase for this week.....a moxie doll with very good hair and outfit. YES!!!! 20p!!!!

So then we went home and I did all the things that I wanted to do around the house but the damn double glazing man was there for hours yesterday...........complete waste of an afternoon!!!!! and it was a day off. A real waste of time lovelies!!!!!

1 comment:

polkadothill said...

love the moxie! and otley! do not stress yourself out!

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...