Thursday, October 5, 2017

Quakers and on the way to lunch at Wetherspoons.

This is what I came to Hull to see. Quaker records from the 1600s.

 I eventually got to Leeds train station. We all set off in the Fonz car in what I thought would be plenty of time. But it wasn't. Fortunately this is the days of mobile phone complete with live train apps so I could see that the train I was stressing about was delayed anyway.
The traffic is horrific in rush hour, and so was the train station. by the time I got to the platform I was a foaming mess. I was late and the train was a good deal later yet.
I messaged to say I was delayed. I did get to Hull and I got on the right train going in the correct direction. I was only half hour later.
I knew I was on the right train as Selby and the Humber bridge appeared through the window.I have not travelled by train for a good ten years. It stresses the hell out of me. I have no sense of direction. Not a lot of sense at all for that matter...

 The Humber this was a bit of a relief, as I was on the right train. The announcements were quite clear. So why did I not believe them.???I only panicked slightly more when the announcer apologised for the delay and said to report any strange packages.
 Coming into Hull and walking from the train to the exit. I had no idea what so ever where i was going. The last time I visited Hull was about 1979 when I went to see a friend at University. I can not even remember what the place was like at all. so arriving was a new place to me.
 Gill was waiting at the exit and jumped on me before I got chance to look around. After all these thirty years she had not really changed at all. Now in 2017 she had long hair......"you have hair!" i squealed. then we both squealed and had a hug.
Then off we went in to Hull. The Quaker records beckoned.

 Gill and I met with a squeal. followed by a hug. it has been nearly 30 years, so we just carried on the conversation just as if there had been no break. mind you we do message on facebook . still after all this time we are mystified as to why we took photos of each other as if in a murder scene in Bath . still....we might never know the answer to that one, as neither of us can remember the 1980s that well.
So first call...the Quaker records at Hull university.  Gill came with me ....and we whispered in the reading room which was otherwise a quiet reading room. considering we had so much to catch up on perhaps this was not the best of venues. 
We both looked at the old old old Quaker records from the 1600s and very quickly came to the conclusion that we were looking for something that very likely was not there.
 So we went out into Hull city centre to find what was out there to be explored in this year of 2017.....

 All the way we talked away......and first we went into one of Gill's Fave churches. Yes she does that too.......
 A very Catholic church. Can not beat a good Catholic church for atmosphere and ambience!
 This church left me in no doubt that I am a sinner and should turn to God immediately. Like Whitby church...if you have no religious tendancies on entering you sure will when you feel the hell fire singing your back end as you leave......
 Quite something. We had it all to ourselves. We continued our conversation from 1980 but whispered in the face of the lord. This is his house though I think he was out this day.
 The light! light in such a way that scares and inspires all at once.
 The alter. I am only a poor sinner.......

 I turned and took one last photo and then onwards to lunch.
 We did not know why these student types were walking and then running around this sculpture....but they were. Gill informed me that the holes in this structure form patterns and letters on the ground in light when the sun shines through. May be this was a sun ritual!? any way by now we were hungry, and the need to catch up on the stuff not on facebook was urgent. Love life and marriage and divorce. we are both very talented in these areas. thirty years is a lot of drama to impart.
 some lovely buildings........... So to Wetherspoons. Not the most exotic but I know what I am getting . So we paid our money and took our chances.
 We did first marriages with the baked potatoes.......

 Then realised we were about half way through the story and ordered a second course for the rest of the tales.....
Knickerbockers in glory x2......who cares about divorce. we stopped talking and ate the ice cream. priorty!!!

Thats the other thing about Wetherspoons.....the buildings are always worth a look.

After lunch we headed off into the city of Hull to discover the art and culture which it is now famous for. The maritime museum and the art gallery hosting the Turner prize enrtys for 2017.
This is as much as I have time for at the moment, The news is full of President Trump ending the world and my mortgage needs to be sorted out. so over to Otley we go and to walk Monza the dog.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...