Friday, March 2, 2018

We have a beast from the east and a storm Emma. Still in bed.

 Go out and take some new photos? you must be kidding. I am still in bed. In fact I have been in bed so long that I have seized up. My back does not work if I stop moving around. This is why I am up usually. I got up to make tea and found my back useless which spreads to my legs and balance if not rectified by a good walk.
We have not been able to walk Monza for the last few days as we dare not take the car out either. We are all still in bed as it is warm! The wind outside is freezing and very strong. I went over to the Tarn to take photos yesterday and nearly ended on the ground from a sharp unexpected blast.
 I am going to have to move soon otherwise it will not happen at all. This is something I need to bear in mind since surgery.....keep on moving keep on going then I will be fine.

As you see from the photos the Tarn is frozen over. The radio is reporting standstills on some roads mostly going over to Manchester and some further up north. We have snow still but no more since yesterday. The roads are kind of passable but I really would not recommend driving. Hence why I am still in bed again!!!
 I am "on holiday" this week. fortunately it was not a holiday I wanted. but it has worked out quite well as I am being paid to stay warm in bed. I had holiday left over from last year and it had to be taken or I would loose it. so here I am in bed warm and drinking tea contemplating making some raggy dolls and reorganising my doll collection. so happy days
 The cold badly effects Lee's Rheumatoid arthritis. So he is here wearing loads of clothes still in bed with his feet under a warm furry Monza dog.
We can hear planes taking off from Leeds Bradford airport, other than that it is quiet . no cars. just the sound of the wind howling.
 Blasty freezing wind it is that is circulating through the old "lean too" which was a new extension of a sun room way back in the 1970's. The roof now leeks and the glass is cracking from the winds here. The leeks are fixed at the moment as the roof is frozen with icicles coming down where the drips are in warmer days.
 This week there were no real plans...just to keep moving.
I have managed to fall out with yet another person too. It was someone I did not really know anyway...just another one to bite the dust. I am either getting more difficult in my old age or I just do not suffer fools anymore. This one was a customer. A very patronising customer who was posting on social media. Then posting on my photos ....then telling me that the roads were clear and my posts about weather were wrong. Other sites she posted on was a different story though. I had "limited" their access to my stuff before as they insisted on bugging me at work too. This time I just blocked .
Job done.

  Already complained about me at work before...... enough!. I just work a till. Keep off social media.
I have said this !!!!. I have had problems with this person before and having them on my social media list was against any best judgements.  I ended up taking all the photos and comments down as it all annoyed me so much. I should not need to do this at all. .. I directed her towards The One show on BBC 1 who dedicated the whole show to "the standstill" and weather pictures. She still insisted that the roads were clear......All she was doing was getting my attention for herself......And I am not the only ones she "irritates" on social media either. The same person held up a long que of shoppers to tell me that she "had upset the gypsies" and was scared that "they were coming to get her" she had posted about a load of horses in a field that in her opinion were not cared for......reported them to the RSPCA and then posted it on social media. Not for the first time either. ( the horses live in the field and are taken in to stable in winter)Done to get attention for herself...good or bad. If she had really wanted to help she would have done it......a drama chance with an audience. Why do I think this? well she came to tell me about it twice. I thought that was it for that day and then there she was again going on about it.The audeience of people were not especially interested or impressed either.
 A different day she told me all her "symptoms" I told her to contact a specialist.....I was just a cashier. we are not qualified to give out medical advice. The people in the que waiting all asked if she was a "friend". NO I said I only know her from here.
Many have been "reported" and then posted about on social media. Complaints about local business's customer service Etc  then posting it all over social media in a negative manner.... Then of course there was the adding me to a local group....."Hope you don't mind".......At this point I limited her view of my posts...Then I "snoozed "her also so that I could not see her winging. Why not just block her? well I relented and gave her a second chance. My faith in humanity was shattered this second chance time and now that is it Blocked!
She then wanders why people dislike her. So now she joins the other people  who dislike mother-in -law , my ex husband (dislike? no that is a bit weak. this guy all out hates me ) and now my father -in-law too.(he finally listened to his wife who loathes me and will not even sit in the same room.....) All fairly awful people and looking at this I can see why I do not like people generally if these are examples .
So now she  is  blocked and I have made another enemy. Oh well.....keep on going. keep on moving forward. do I look like I care!?
I am on a week off in the inclement snow with not a lot to do except post and share on social media and playing with my doll collection. This is supposed to be fun right?Instead I am having to be careful what I post and worry who is reading it etc etc. and I do not see or hear any of the above asking us if we are alright either
It has ruined the time a lot. so Block block block. Job done.
 Right!!!! it is 10am!! this totally outrageous. I am getting out of this bed and into the cold cold world.
 It is tempting to have yet another cup of tea and go through all the lovely snow pictures posted on social media......

Any way. I leave you with the Frozen Tarn. I have no real reason for going out today. But I should.

Just because!

Police are warning do not travel unless necessary and the army have been deployed to help clear the abandoned vehicles in the snow. it is bitter bitter cold. This is from the radio. Lee is sitting next to me, he heard it too.
it is not just me posting untrue stuff. I am going by the radio news and television pictures.

Just been out . Lee is very badly effected by the cold, so I went on my own.I tottered over the partly frozen compacted snow. It was not bad once I got going. it really helped un seize my poor body in the bracing cold.

"Work" asked me to do extra hours tomorrow. They will pay me holiday pay and for the extra hours on top! what else was I going to do? we can not get anywhere  I got caught by the supervisor on the way around.......When the weather clears we can spend the money on doing up the Fenix Frontera .New engine springs to mind!

I phoned up Lee's specialist hospital line for an appointment. His medication needs looking at and he is getting really bad headaches as a side effect of his new meds. His feet and hands are swollen and painful today.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...