Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Harrogate and some dolls and a big shoe

 I walked up the road past the tarn with my two "creepy old dolls" . They are vintage dolls that I have just started to collect and these two poor girls are a bit scary in this state of age and plastic discolouration or doll disease as it is known now.
I thought well they are I will go with it and here they are..........
 I walk to meet Monza and Lee who drive up to Monza the dogs walk. I need to walk and take photos. Monza finds this a bit tedious. He just wants his walk and sniffing about he does not want to stop all the time.
 We settled on a trip to Harrogate today after the doggy walk......
 First, Here is a Pedigree doll not yet washed or restored as she came to me to live out her old age.

 We went straight to Harrogate as the sun came out. by the time we had parked up it was a warm spring day and all up the stray were crocus and daffodil displays....

it felt like Spring had well and truely sprung!
We headed straight for the shops this visit and did not bother with any history, museums or art galleries. Just the "junk" or charity shop today.

 There is an old Victorian arcade that I have wanted to look inside.....and so we did this day.
I found it very much too posh for us with a beautiful cafe on the top floor. We dare not go in. Lee would have fainted at the prices anyway. Though I did note this great shoe chair. Wouldnt this look great in my new doll room?
 So here is Lee. This is as far as he would enter this arcade.......
 So we headed off quickly to the charity shops. .....the stock was much the same as my last visit....and there was a box of Barbie dolls in knitted clothes for £5.00 each. The knitted clothes were from the same patterns I use .....the stikatillbarbie site with hundreds of free knitting patterns for Barbie. So I was not even tempted
 We were tempted by a German Sheperd soft toy. Even then we went around the rest of the shops and went back to buy, as we did not find anything else to tempt us at all.
 Still never mind. the sun was out and it was a very pretty day.

 I was liking this "hen fabric" but did not buy. I know....I should have. still there is next week...
 So we headed back to the Fonz car where Monza and the two Scary dolls were waiting for us.
 Bought lunch of the inevitable sandwich and Chocolate eclair to eat on the way home. I had by now acquired a large German Sheperd toy which I gently carried through the huge supermarket.....

This is Harrogate. This kind of behaviour is thought very down market......
So we did our shopping, bought a new printer, some dinner and chocolate. Oh how they stare.

 Then home.
I photographed and cleaned up some more dolls and Lee ordered an you do! and arranged for it to be delivered after Monzas walk in the Morning.

Wednesday morning now.....A very very beautiful day. I have to get up and get going. I have an engine for the Fenix car being delivered this day..........
So the restoration of the Fenix Vauxhall Frontera which is parked outside by my log cabin can begin.....
Where you wondering what would happen with that? yes. so was I!!!

so save...publish....get up.... drink tea and get on with it I am

1 comment:

polkadothill said...

I love the vintage girl with the knitted sweater!! I think she is so fabulous and not scary at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...