we parked up just by here . It is stunningly beautiful. I thought I wanted to move here. It was a wonderful idea as I stood looking at the fabulous apartments with boats moored along the bank. Listening to the sound of the water cascading down the weir....
A dream, as reality dictates that it would really just be that. Firstly we can not afford an apartment. then of course there is the consideration of what we do with our substantial junk collection. Monza dog who would not get on very well in a modern apartment with lift and what about Lee's blossoming car collection? this is if you can call a blown up wreck and a Vauxhall Frontera with .....as I write this....separate engine under a tarp? You can call this a collection? well there is no space here in this beautiful place for such. Monza would love the walks and area. Living in a posh designer minimal space with modern floors and other "posh dogs" as neighbours? I can't see it going down too well with him. He likes his little life does Monza. .....

This is a stunning place to live. Way way out of our league.Two bedroom apartment £249,950. Castle mills Knaresborough.

Fabulous is it not? not at all "us" but a wonderful dream. That is what days out are for! I mean...just look at this bathroom! not a plumbing disaster in sight!
So along the waterfront we went to Mother Shipton's cave....which by the way is far more suited to our living needs. Still no room for our junk though!!!
This area of Knaresborough is stunning though!
This house is more like it! If you click on this link it will take you to a really fabulous house which is ideal for us our junk and Monza dog. The price is £940,000. So this is the type of price we are talking about for moving to Knaresborough in my little fantasy world.
Not going to happen. I have just told Lee that I have found us an ideal property.
"how many thousands?" he asked.
" we are only the full amount short then"
This one is totally the one.........
So on we went past the Easter displays ........
Whilst walking along I had with me my Peter Rabbit doll that I bought for 50p in Ilkley last week. We came upon people dressed as Beatrix potter characters out in the drizzle......
Here is squirrel Nutkin. I asked if I could take his photo.......
Gemima Puddle duck.......
This is my Peter Rabbit.....with the display in the background. There was no Peter Rabbit in this display! some of the children around did look on bemused as to why a white haired old lady was walking around holding a Peter Rabbit????
Here he is with Mrs Tiggywinkles washing......I have one of these dolls too that I knitted....I should have brought them all! it seams I have more of the models than they do!!!There was no Mrs Tiggywinkle either.
This lady kindly modelled for me too and invited us for a cup of tea.
Lee eventually relented. He let me take his photo with the rabbits by the river bank.
Peter Rabbit and a civil war gun from the castle just near......
There are loads of carving like this on the way around........
I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and as the waking up progressed I started sneezing and nose running. Pox! I have a disease. Pox pox pox! My week off work. There was no way that I was not going out so I padded my pockets out with tissues and dosed me with paracetomol. I do not like to take meds. I have to take the "heavy stuff" of Tamoxifen but do not like to take anything else. This was an emergency. I need to be out and about....so medication it is.
I looked like a boiled pig, and felt like I had been run over but we still went.
Wednesday morning and I am writing this and I am worse if anything. pox pox pox....I am still going to Kirkstall shopping and the junk shops though.
A dream, as reality dictates that it would really just be that. Firstly we can not afford an apartment. then of course there is the consideration of what we do with our substantial junk collection. Monza dog who would not get on very well in a modern apartment with lift and what about Lee's blossoming car collection? this is if you can call a blown up wreck and a Vauxhall Frontera with .....as I write this....separate engine under a tarp? You can call this a collection? well there is no space here in this beautiful place for such. Monza would love the walks and area. Living in a posh designer minimal space with modern floors and other "posh dogs" as neighbours? I can't see it going down too well with him. He likes his little life does Monza. .....

This is a stunning place to live. Way way out of our league.Two bedroom apartment £249,950. Castle mills Knaresborough.

Fabulous is it not? not at all "us" but a wonderful dream. That is what days out are for! I mean...just look at this bathroom! not a plumbing disaster in sight!
So along the waterfront we went to Mother Shipton's cave....which by the way is far more suited to our living needs. Still no room for our junk though!!!
This area of Knaresborough is stunning though!
This house is more like it! If you click on this link it will take you to a really fabulous house which is ideal for us our junk and Monza dog. The price is £940,000. So this is the type of price we are talking about for moving to Knaresborough in my little fantasy world.
Not going to happen. I have just told Lee that I have found us an ideal property.
"how many thousands?" he asked.
" we are only the full amount short then"
This one is totally the one.........
3 bedroom detached house for sale
Water Bag Bank, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire
Offers in Region of£600,000
Request Details
Call: 01423 429039
Whilst walking along I had with me my Peter Rabbit doll that I bought for 50p in Ilkley last week. We came upon people dressed as Beatrix potter characters out in the drizzle......
Here is squirrel Nutkin. I asked if I could take his photo.......
Gemima Puddle duck.......
This is my Peter Rabbit.....with the display in the background. There was no Peter Rabbit in this display! some of the children around did look on bemused as to why a white haired old lady was walking around holding a Peter Rabbit????
Here he is with Mrs Tiggywinkles washing......I have one of these dolls too that I knitted....I should have brought them all! it seams I have more of the models than they do!!!There was no Mrs Tiggywinkle either.
This lady kindly modelled for me too and invited us for a cup of tea.
Lee eventually relented. He let me take his photo with the rabbits by the river bank.
Peter Rabbit and a civil war gun from the castle just near......
There are loads of carving like this on the way around........
I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and as the waking up progressed I started sneezing and nose running. Pox! I have a disease. Pox pox pox! My week off work. There was no way that I was not going out so I padded my pockets out with tissues and dosed me with paracetomol. I do not like to take meds. I have to take the "heavy stuff" of Tamoxifen but do not like to take anything else. This was an emergency. I need to be out and about....so medication it is.
I looked like a boiled pig, and felt like I had been run over but we still went.
Wednesday morning and I am writing this and I am worse if anything. pox pox pox....I am still going to Kirkstall shopping and the junk shops though.