We have a general election going on. usually I have no idea what is going on....this is really really in my face. Yes I did go and vote....It is my right. People tied, chained and starved for my vote as a woman...so yes I did it. Now I want it all to shut up and go away.
I have latest obsession.....Knitting doll clothes. Now this is quite a good obsession as obsessions go...as I have about 200 Barbie/Bratz/Monster high dolls...so this is quite a timely obsession.
Here is a hand knitted midnight blue cape and white tube dress for this Monster high Frankie Stein........
The wool was given to me along with other bits and bats which I will be tranforming soon........
This metal necklace was bought for 50p from charity shop, as was the sari in the background.
I have great fun making these and collecting the dolls in the first place. they are mostly from charity shops too.
To day is Saturday. This would be a shopping with father day. Father has a "bad leg" and parked his car at the back of our house on Friday instead. I was fully prepared for a shopping fiasco. Father just wanted to park and drink coffee.
We went to vote.......there I told you I did. Father was waiting for us on our return, smoking on my decking......on our arrival he put out his cigarette and put the end in my plant pot.
I do not believe you did that.......
WELL IF ah put it out on't deck it'l meck a hole....or it'l burn it.
there is an ash tray on the step. your son smokes. I DO NOT.
tough . ah smoke.
As you note there is an election. Father had been to vote earlier before taking is wife to work. ....there ensued a long political diatribe....... more fag ends in my pots and then a lecture on why did I not get a job and the usual why not get a job stacking shelves at supermarket. I am tired stressed and about to have a murder session.
We were not at home when father parked. Monza the dog was. Father first went to the door and watched Monza going frantic inside. he did not move , except to look in through the kitchen window. monza the dog by this stage had frothed the door with bark and was murderous himself.....anyone at the door who just stands and looks suspicious with a cigarette in their hands is dinner.
still father stood there. smoking and watching the dog franticly tear up the glass and fling himself at the window.
fortunately we arrived.
you know not to do that.
Ah smoke. you wern't 'ere. Ah stood me ground.
you stupid stupid stupid man. look how upset my dog is.

so I gave up. these are my latest knitted Barbie clothes.....they will be on ebay shortly.
there are loads more. I will be finishing and photographing as I go.
Monza is now fine. the election is over. the sun is out. some people find knitting boring. I find it therapeutic.
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