We took Monza for a traditional walk . Monza went with Lee in Fonz car and I walked along the tarn in the sunshine to take some pictures of this Palitoy Tiny tears,
There were loads of people about. prams and runners and kids. I wished to avoid them so I took some quick pics with the swans and then headed across away from the paths everyone else takes around the tarn. The sun was bright and pretty when out but otherwise the morning was chilly!
Once I arrived up at the old grave yard I could see that undertakers and their mobile phones were out preparing for a funeral to arrive.....
To see them on mobile phones preparing and yelling instructions kind of blows the illusion of peace and gravity . I did not want insider workings of a funeral. I prefer the Gothic Victorian angle on this.....heart broken funeral followers dressed in long flowing black with lace viels clutching hand fulls of dust to throw in after the coffin. Not teenaged undertakers with their cheap black suit jackets draped over the nearest headstone in sun glasses yelling into a mobile phone whilst removing the shovels left by the grave diggers. Leave me with some romance about death please...... so we went home to wait for father to arrive.
I knew he would arrive eventually as he arranged it all on his mobile phone yesterday.
I started to tidy up and reorganise the bedroom pictures on walls whilst drinking tea. I put an old record on to my pink player....The Bee Gees. Something Lee was given on his last job with Rusty van. He was given a whole record collection!Father phoned to say he was on the way. I played the record again. All four sides of a double album ....and still he had not arrived...so I hoovered. Then put the washing out and drank more tea...... I played another two records.....Saturday night fever and the Rainbow (the Richie Blackmore days)....washed up...put my doll collection in a different order and the drank some coffee. He finally arrived and started tapping the kitchen window making Monza bark , and then gurning through the glass. immediately he gave me a bag of wool bits and remnants and then
Father and Lee went out to inspect the Fonz car and Lee bored the arse off his father with technicals about central locking and handbrakes whilst I drank coffee and more tea.
When They eventually came back father talked about his car and the oil light. His oil light was on. He was worried the car would not make it back to his house.
I drank yet more tea and tried to change the subject to my up and coming holidays for my birthday and our wedding anniversary our hopes to go on a road trip to Whitby Danby Castleton and find my
fathers grave that I have never been to because I was not invited to his funeral.....and the friends coming from America. I had got to my holidays next week then he cut me off and retold how his oil light would not go off.
I drank a lot more tea until he went via the outside of the kitchen window. He gurned tapped it..waved and said
"If I don't see you through the week
See you through the window
See you next time that we're talking on the telephone
And if I don't see you in that Indian summer
Then I want to see you further on up the road"
I asked him once where he got that from...."that comedian...yer know?"
It is in fact Lyrics from Celtic new year by Van Morrison. Who knows who said what first.

Back to the doll pictures. This is a Palitoy doll. A tiny tears. ..Palitoy is a British toy company who also produce action man action force.....Pippa ...Tressy, model railways...Starwars figures .play doh and care bears.
Originally Caseloid company was founded by Alfred Pallet in Coalville Leisestershire in 1919. First toy made 1920 and first doll made 1925. Caseloid was bought by Britsh Xylonite in 1931. Palitoy was created as a trademark at that time.
Tiny tears was the most popular vinyl doll launched in 1965 and won "doll of the year" three times.
The very first 1965 Tiny Tears had pale blond hair and blue sleep eyes. The back of her neck marked "made in England 16d",So more tea and then an evening shift on a Friday night. At 9.30 when I returned with Rum and raisin icecream I tried finishing this blog but started watching Doc Martin.......set in Cornwall. Saturday I worked a split shift and intended to finish between the two. I looked up the tiny tears doll and then watched Absolutely Fabulous.
Sunday morning now and I still have not finished this. It is still early and quiet . now I have plenty of time before going out. monza and Lee are still sleeping. Monza has inherited the duvet from our bed as we have new! The old one is just fine for snoring and flopping for a large hairy dog.
Did I get up and go for a walk? No. not today, Still a lot disconockerated about life. Just not finding any enjoyment . Sundays were special once as I remember in another life. Get up later...breakfast! as in cooked breakfast, then a good dog walk. In Bath it would have been the canal or over the fields and woods followed by the Sunday papers reading in a pub with a glass of wine until early afternoon and then home to cook proper Sunday roast. Every other week we went to Parents in law for A Sunday dinner and a lot of gin.
After we moved to Cornwall Sundays would consist of walking Casper dog at Trellisick...down to the beach past the old ship grave yard and on to "the star wars woods" and back around to the car by the mansion house whos family own all of this.....some weeks we walked the estuary between Boddinick and Fowey with a ferry from Polruan.....
So yes. This morning finds me miserable. I am going to work a check out until 5pm today. watch the time slowly tick away so I can earn enough money to exist. It does not afford me the luxury of enjoying life...just exist.
The days of self employment .....Living in Bath and Cornwall are all gone
More bloody tea then I suppose..not even getting a dog walk today.
I was always going to get fed up with this wasn't I? just a question of how long I can continue before I loose it with some arse on a mobile phone or one too many chucking change at me. some even chuck their own purchases ! and let their kids crawl all over the check out where all their weeks food is being packed.....just come from a nice walk around the Tarn where all the dog walkers fail to clear up their dog poo they have.......
sunday night now and I am still not happy with this blog so I have edited.
Usually i am awake in the early hours again......might take out one of the Bratzillaz dolls......
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