Friday, July 31, 2015

A knitting obsession, tea cozy's and potatoes.

 Okay. I admit that I have a knitting obsession. Actually if you really want me to admit everything...I have a Barbie doll collection as well. At this stage of my psychosis I have 200 Barbies. We will not mention the other types of doll I have in my collection as it might complicate this fine issue.
All my knitting patterns come from the internet.......mostly a lovely stickatillbarbie site stuffed full of Barbie Bratz and ABBA patterns to knit for your dolls!!!!!!!!!
fantastic fun. so ....this is my obsession....

 ..How does my madness reveal itself!?.....
 Do I keep it a secret and hide the dolls!?
 Do I knit where no one can find me and hide the wool!?
 Do I hide the knitting in progress when people come to the door!?
 Am I ashamed of my addiction!?
 Do I need help !?
 Should I call the Samaritans!?
 Well....Funny story......Though I did not think so at the time....and it goes like this.....
White haired old lady(that would be me) sitting out on the decking in the sun. Beautiful German Shepherd at her feet , having a doze in the sun.
Suddenly there before the white haired old lady was a very tattooed young guy. flanked by two dog wardens....The dog wardens were two ladies who had been called by the very tattooed young man, as I was keeping a "dangerous dog" .
The dangerous dog was my beautiful Monza.  Monza turned his back upon the visitors .

White haired old lady  told Monza it was okay. Monza remained with his back to the visitors, then went to sleep.

White haired old lady walked over to speak to the visitors, and received a lecture on dog ownership and  responsibilities
 Still holding her knitting. ,whilst Monza dozed she explained that the house and garden had been very well checked out by the place monza was rescued from .
 there would never be a problem so long as Tattooed guy never came into the house or garden.
As far I the white haired old lady was concerned....He would never be invited.

What are you knitting said the dog warden lady....
Barbie clothes ...said the white haired old lady.
Oh she said...I am more of a Sindy girl myself

My next Knitting will be tea cozies.
We also grow potatoes, carrots, beetroot etc. In fact to night after I have started knitting my tea cozies, walked Monza the dog, I will be cooking our home grown potatoes to go with curry and sagaloo.
te he. Do you know...I am 54. I have cancer. I do not care what you think. but I do hope you find a sense of humor. I have. I may not be here....but I will leave some great pieces of knitting for christmas.

Wedding anniversary...Ilkley...and a damn good rummage.......

Now we  are Nine.. We have a wedding anniversary on the 24th July. We wanted to get married on my birthday, which is 22nd July. ....the reasoning was this....the registry office was fully booked. as it was a Saturday...... Bugger. we got married on a Monday instead. The hottest day I have ever encountered in Yorkshire, and we were wearing full marriage regalia! ...... Had a picnic at Kirkstall Abbey, then adjourned to a pub over by the Tong valley.
We were still there at closing time. However...our guests had all gone home. We had to walk from Tong to Pudsey...still in our wedding gear. And yes we were extremely the worse for wear.... Nine years . That would be our "pottery" anniversary.
 I made it back from the pub, wedding shoes in hand, tiara still in place, and with my handbag too. My dress had a long train which I somehow managed to carry too. I think we walked a very long way home from side to side zig zagging along, this made it twice as far...... By then though the sun had gone down, and at least it was cooler....I think!

We Got into the rusty old van with Monza the big hairy german sheperd and went to Ilkley for an anniversary rummage and a fat rascal from Betty's tea rooms.
Nine years! where did the time go!?

First we parked up in a quiet place, which is safe for Monza the dog to doze, any other dogs, people, birds come into his vision, he goes into a barking frenzy, which makes the rusty old van rock and roll, so we actually worry that the rust may give way and the van collapse into a heap, of barking yes we are quick!
The above photo is a fave building, a bank now...I love the detail......

Then along to Betty's tea rooms to buy fat rascals and have a general drool......

And this is what the journey and drooling is about....Yorkshire Fat rascals. Even when I lived down South....every time I returned home to Yorkshire these were essential to take back with me. ....Now I am back! ....every week I go and look in Betty's window.......dream

We also went to buy loads of gorgeous little haberdashery things to make into christmas presents.....
Followed by all charity shops,......

Then home past the cow and calf rocks.....

One more year. After my cancer diagnosis one more year was a very lot. I still have more surgery to go, and I hope my annual check will not turn up anymore. This is this month. ...a year ago was our wedding anniversary, my birthday and a cancer diagnosis.
 We have hope for yet another year.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Otley, pin cushions and effies

This lovely pin cushion was in the window of a fave junk shop. I say "junk shop" it is in fact a treasure trove shop. one person's junk is another's treasure. I know this to be true, as my mum told me. It was one of her little sayings.
This pincushion has a ceramic top and fabric skirt. really I should have bought her...however she is very lovely but not my usual thing. In other words...she is not a Barbie doll.
The same shop also had this distressed chair, again my type of thing...however I can make them myself . From our "a man with a van" business we get stuff like this! and this is how a lot of my finds turn out after an afternoon in the log cabin studio. mostly I keep them.....but anyway....
These doll were in the window of another treasure shop...again, not my thing...but dolls just the same...this type of doll I find a bit creepy. though to the right person they are worth on we get the big dog a big bone. Some exotic sausages...this week we had Otley Dragons and Chilli and chocolate sausages and then on to the charity shops, and a quick stop at the church....
We called in at the is in disaray for cleaning, so I did not go inside to see my fave effigys and went on to the church yard.....

From the old gnarled tree and effigy we went on to the arcade, and then back to rusty the van.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Bratz. Baby........rescue this week

I got paid. I like that a lot. Then I went out and spent the money on dolls. I like that even more.

Here we have this weeks rescue Bratz Babyz and her car. .........£1.50. ...slightly over my budget of 99p.....whoever .....I think that I may realisically need to up my base price. Here she is all sellotaped into her car........
 The next few pictures are other Bratz Babyz I have collected earlier.....

Photos from this week...July.

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...