Friday, June 30, 2017

the modern world is catching me up. I am not keen.

 We went to Ilkley today in Fonz the car. One of my little fave things to do is go inside this church and look at the magnificent standing stones marvel at the stained glass and ponder as I walk amongst the old pews.
 As every visit we parked behind Boyes department store. There is road works and scaffolding all over the old town.. Road works involved Lee in turning the Fonz around in a cue of traffic and taking a different route. This was all fine and dandy in a big van. completely terrifying in a car.
Boyes department store was covered in scaffold. it is getting a facelift too....modernisation.
 Which brings me on to the church. I was very distressed to see plans atached to a big display board showing a modernisation scheme. the worst part is that the beautiful old wooden pews are going to be replaced by chairs......

 These photos are not my best. I have lost and worn out both my proper cameras and took these pictures on my mobile phone. I have been here many times. There are loads of other photos . These are todays.

The Saxon crosses Ilkley by Joy Godfrey. Who is a local artist and has a lovely website. I have just been looking to see if I could get a copy of this print.

 I am hoping for a new camera for my birthday. I know Lee is sneaking about doing something....I hope it is that.

 It is my birthday in July. I have made it to another years life and am very pleased with it so far.
This church was where I politely asked for life and an improvement on our situation.....That would be the part where we nearly got our house repossessed and bailiffs coming in to claim all of our junk to pay debt..
yes. that part! my request was granted  in an unexpected way. not as I wished for at the time...and the loss of Rusty van was upsetting. though now we have a new plan which is coming together nicely.

so in short be clear about what you wish for.
 a white cat came out to greet us as we went down the steps to the Manor house. it seemed to like me best and rubbed up against me for a tickle.
 I stroked the head and back. I am not really a cat person. generally we ignore each other...kinda live and let live. I have never had a pet cat. Though I loved this one.
Monza I know would disapprove. I like white things and collect white clothes. in fact I was wearing them ,
Just googled what a white cat encounter is good luck everywhere except Belgium.
If you can make friends with a strange cat it is good luck and by all accounts they like women best as we feed them!
So just maybe the plans will not go a head to destroy this beautiful church. just may be the old world can exist a long side the modern undisturbed.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...