Saturday, August 29, 2015

Another August bank holiday, Rusty the van is revived, and a dinasore bone

 Well actually it was not in fact a dinasore bone, it very recently belonged to a cow. Even so it is still a large bone which weighed a lot
. We had this bone in a carrier bag. it was still obvious, as it was huge and leaked blood...... all up the busy street back to the van. Just in front of us was a little dog on a lead with a lady paying no attention because she was on her mobile phone having some banal conversation shouting not a lot really. The dog did not care either, HE had spotted the bone.......the lady continued her conversation in a distracted manner. the little dog followed the bone......we walked around a lamp post, so did the little dog, the lady on the mobile phone was now tangled around a lamp post by her dog. ...she did not even notice.....we kept on down the street.

The friday before August bank holiday, everyone is going somewhere other than where they live.
The whole of Yorkshire cueing behind caravans on the way to Whitby! the traffic was jammed all the way back to Wetherby. Otley was nearly empty. We parked rusty the old van and had a wander around.
 Monza the German Sheperd insists on coming with us. The bone was for him of course.  We took our usual route past the old mechanics institute building.....

 stopped and marveled at the stone detail, and wandered again what it all about......
 Past the Methodist hall....
 resisting the invitation to coffee....
 I love the detail in this building too........Then on to a factory shop to buy a pair of sun glasses. The sun was bright and Lee was getting a migraine. So we spent £3.00 on a new, as yet unbroken pair of sun glasses, this is £2.01 over budget, as we never spend more than 99p on anything if we can possibly help it........

Next we went to all the charity shops and the church. This is being refurbished, so I could not go and see my favorite effigies of the Fairfax family. Still never mind, I did find the memorial to my favorite ghost.....

 Caroline Wood is said to haunt Bolling hall in Bradford. after the death of her husband Captain Wood, she is said to wander from room to room. she never got over his loss. There is a beautiful portrait of her on the stairs opposite her husband. She is my favorite ghost, if she is indeed a ghost in this place,  Her portrait is compelling, I love to go to Bolling hall, just to see this picture alone.
I was delighted to find her memorial in Otley church and get a photo of here it is.
 The stained glass in Otley church is very beautiful, every week...if the church is open I go to see the fabulous windows......
 This visit, the sun was streaming in through a small window casting light onto the alter rail....This is a very manipulated version....

 These two pictures are variations of this. The bottom one is how it actually looked.....
 Stained glass from the alter.....
 Detail from the choir.....

 usually I go straight to the effigies, and as they are closed off for cleaning, I spent time in the alter and choir area....
 This.....I need to research. How come !? I here you all ask...well dear readers I have nothing to write about this.....fascinating as it is... and it is...I know there are great stories here....

 Light ...great Yorkshire beautiful on this day, with the bright sun outside.

 A carved detail from the choir area.....

 The lectern........
MORE stained glass......then out of the very noisy doors into the sun, and the modern world.

we went and bought some steak pasties to eat under the market canopy.....

as Lee had earlier bought new sun glasses and it is about to be a bank holiday in Yorkshire.....the heavens opened and it hammered with rain and wind. just before this it was a perfect summer day...flip flops, caravans and sun glasses. now it turned into a hurricane.....

We had to wait to sit on the covered benches to eat!

after this we slopped and squelched to the butchers to get Monza a bone and the humans some sausages.......

we did a lot more squelching and slopping back to the rusty old van with the big bone...Ii was extremely flappy slop I always wear flip flops. it is a hangover from when I lived in Cornwall that I refuse to give up.

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An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...