Sunday, January 11, 2015

Junk. ...a few dolls and a womble.....

I had it in my mind that we would go to a car boot sale today. you can see I really do not need anymore dolls, teddies or general junk. I thought we could go and check out the Otley cattle market car booty. Great idea in theory. I was thinking that we could perhaps actually go as SELLERS! Recently I have "aquired " a very lot of soft toys. I felt sorry for them and rescued them from the tip...thinking that I could rehome them.

There are loads of various kinds and baby toys. The baby toys....I washed and gave to Monza the big dog. This I know is not really a rescue as such, but at least they have a fighting chance now......Also we were given a pile of baby clothes. I got excited! not like that. I got excited because I know bundles of baby clothes go like hot cakes at car bootys  if priced right....unfortunately these had been in a cellar and had gone moldy. To the tip they will go...along with books, old action men and pirates of the Caribbean.... yes I know! a great pity. really if I could save them I would!
So check out the car boot sale, go to Otley and take some photos and then cook a lovely sunday dinner. What could be wrong with that plan?
Well as I write I am sitting here in my very uncool pink asda dressing gown with my white hair at right angles to my head. The boiler has broken. therefore no hot water, therefore no shower, therefore no heat.
Lee has been upon the unfortunate boiler and dismantled the flue. It looks like the strong winds of the last few days have blown sand and muck into the flue.
Lee tried hoovering it. Then he took the trusty screw driver to avail. damn thing is not boiling. Will light but then goes out. Cold shower is not appealing . so no shower at all. it is freezing cold here. at least I am at body living temperature...... Have tried to make the hair stick down......
I have had professional hair dressers have a complete break down over my hair.I know, it has to be washed hot...conditioned and left to dry naturally. Any fancy stuff like hair dryers, tongs, straightners make it rebel into an afro. Hair dressers do not believe me then attempt some of the above.....As I say hardened adult professionals brought to their knees.

No shower. Hair on end in my pink dressing gown. Not a good look in the freezing cold West yorkshire. Monza the dog yelped when he saw me in the kitchen getting breakfast........usually I am dressed a fully painted by now.

One of the other things I found in the junk pile was Orinoco the womble.the label states that he is an Elizabeth Beresford/filmfair1998 womble. He has a voice box inside at the back too. I wanted Lee to see If he could make him speak....however he is busy with the boiler. Also we had to screw the front door shut as  as the wind was so strong it was making it rattle. Lots of things rattled. The airport closed too.
So Orinoco the womble has come to live with me.I rescued him, I am going to keep him. I loved the wombles back in the day. I had a brief school change to Oxford in the 1970's. For reasons that I now can not explain I decided to decorate my jeans with Wombles patches........The only reason I did not buy the single was that I did not have a record player and so taped it from the radio instead.
How could I possibly take Mr Womble to the tip?
I have a voluteeer job in a local junk shop. I came home with  four rescue dolls. all shoved into a plastic bag as a job lot they were........Really I am going to need to get the boiler fixed so that I can go out into the world to sell some of my junk.

These are some of my recent Barbie rescues.......and below is the Princess doll from Disney, .......

The fact that I have this one about 5 times...obviously not in this original totally besides the point.

The professional boiler guys are getting called first thing....if my hair can not be "fixed" i remain a prisoner. Monza the dog is hiding at the back of the sofa. It is the hair. It has scared him so bad I really do not think I can get him to eat dinner.....Roast chicken Monza!? xxx

1 comment:

polkadothill said...

hoping that the problem boiler will be fixed soon!!!!!!!!! how I wish I could go to a boot sale with you.......better yet, sell at one... we would make a mint!

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...