Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Barbie Mermaid.....2003 trendy Bendy Barbie....... snow and ski boy.

 This is a 2003 Trendy Bendy Barbie. with specialty bendy hair. I have two of these dolls both bought locally. I thought someone was making dreadlock Barbie at home.....Then I looked her I usually do...and found that it was a limited edition thing!...And I did discovered that I have the Purple PVC suit  bought on another rescue Barbie. I wonder if they all belonged to the same person!?

Well I guess I will never actually know....unless a Barbie expert happens into the junk shop I work in....
I already have customers who make reborn baby you never know who it is you talk tooo........
So I photographed her in my porch in the rain...A Barbie Mermaid she was.
We have snow in West Yorkshire. We have enough snow to close the airport which is just by my house. Other areas here have no snow. we usually have our own very unique weather, because we are high up and we have an underground reservoir. This I am told effects things. How!? really I have no idea, it just does. My husband tells me this. Naturally he is right.
 This is A Bratz Boyz I got for my birthday . Lee bought him for me from The RSPCA shop in Otley. I call it the dog there is a lovely waggy dog out in the back area, and a selection of doggy chews and what nots in the shop. RSPCA look after all animals...however this shop is always the Dog shop to me.......
 The RSPCA are also great for rescue dolls. I have bought loads over the years here. So it is official...RSPCA are great at rescueing dolls and animals.
 This cute little fella came complete with his skis....coat...gloves and norweigain style cardigan...also two pairs if boots and a " after ski" out fit in his back pack!
 The little girly was bought at the same time...I thought she was his girlfriend....
 We had a bingo bonza birty week for "junk" and repuposing of said aquisitions......therefore this lady has a new and fierce pet......
 This poor fierce dragon was on a bin bits....poor poor boy. his tail and head were was only when I found the wings I realized That I had a whole I put back his tail head and wings and....there you go.....a fearsome beast....he likes me. Not so sure how he will behave with guests.......

Yeadon has snow.  
This is my log cabin studio today. the Airport is now open and a very lot of people had the day off work.....

Monza the dog loves it.

1 comment:

polkadothill said...

this made me happy on an otherwise dreadful day.. xoxo

An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...