Sunday, April 26, 2015

Knitting knitting knitting.....

 This lovely summer knitted dress is from a stickertill barbie pattern and has Lace design hem and embroidered flowers.
 Monster high lace knitted dress with white lace underskirt.........
 Pink and white Barbie Mini dress....
 Barbie summer dress......

 Bratz  mini dress...on ebay for 50p! simple but effective.
 Monster High dress with fru fru hem and matching scarf..........
These have gone up on ebay.

knitted lovelies and sun and ice.

 Barbie doll knitted and embroidered. Summer dresses heading for Ebay. Sunday is my day for listing new products.
 this week the sun is out early, so am I! Strangly.....there is Ice on the decking. A few days ago I burned my feet in the sun whilst wearing flip flops.....this morning my red flip flopped feet were skidding over ice.....bizarre.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Misty haze before bright sun,

Over to Otley in rusty the van. The last few days have been hot, so going down the Otley Chevin revealed a beautiful valley filled with mist.

On arrival, having parked rusty the van we discovered that the sun was not yet out. Very cold around my flip flop area I found.
This was a quickie to Otley to get a dog bone and some 99p summer clothes from charity shops. Being west Yorkshire we never know what the weather will do. There is snow forecast for Monday.
This day was now turning into a fantastic day. The sun broke through quickly and once back home I sat on the decking and knitted some monster high doll dresses from charity shop wool. Today I am determined to learn to crochet.
The next day was fabulous too.....this was charity shop volunteer day. Father always forgets this and wants to come over to go to the supermarket.
By the time this fiasco was beginning..... I had long gone. This week I completely missed it!

Father had his car dinged by a van driver who backed out onto him in a supermarket car park.
This caused damage, but no clear description could be extracted.
 Van driver paid for repairs, and father had his car back polished a Shiny. So this week he came over in his car instead of the bus......Lee told him he should keep it all polished. Father mumbled about not a lot as a reply.
First this day he took his wife to work, calling in at the supermarket on the way.....after dropping wife in leeds, he came back along Kirkstall road. He does this the same speed, same way every time.
He parks up at home. Goes inside makes coffee, has a cigarette in front of Jeremy Kyle on the telly. Falls asleep for about half an hour. Wakes up....not knowing he has been asleep at all.....

Then this week he came back out in his car to park up at our house. He followed the bus he usually catches.

Lee and father then walk to supermarket. Do shopping. buy  a lottery ticket, buy Lee cigarettes even though he now has an e cigarette.(now abandoned)  Put shopping back into trolley and wheel it back to house, along the road.
Park trolley behind car.......
Drink coffee and have emergency cigarettes

Monza dog sits knowledgeably as Father tells him all about what he has done in the week. This is very charming to watch as Monza never takes his eyes off father,...lowers and raises his head as the story unfolds and his ears go up and down too. then when he comes to the end...monza puts his big hairy paws on fathers shoulders and licks his face.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Lalaloopsy, some rust and a 60p curry.

 Lalaloopsy is originally a raggy doll that came to life as she was sewn. I did not know this. I found this odd looking doll in Oxfam. She had no I asked. £1.00 was the answer.
 okay . good. great in fact. so I went and got £1.00 from Lee my husband who was in the  handyman shop.....he does that......Lee was buying stuff that men buy for vans and general in a distracted by screws and sanding pads he absently gave me the £1.00.
I knitted her a dress and restyled her hair.......

 This is how she was in the charity shop.........
So home we went with our purchases. happy and going to work on our projects.
Lee has been working on decommissioned Rusty the van. Rusty has been designed, and is now a white van get off the signs ...lee has had to rub poor old rusty over with petrol................... bear in mind here that Lee smokes like a demon.
The glue behind his sign writing is almost impossible to remove...we tried most stuff...then Lee came up with petrol......this does work, is very smelly and please do not have a ciggy hanging out of your mouth whilst doing this.

Over to Otley we went today. We got Mr Dog a bone, visited the charity shops and bought some embroidery threads......embroidery threads!? ...yes. wait and see!
Some dolls i did not buy were a Barbie with chewed hands and huge earrings and a singing princess who sounded like a gerbil.
we stopped off and bought a 60p curry.......yellow creole curry sauce......a creamy Seychelles style sauce perfectly blended with coconut.........

I can tell you that it is yum.
the rust bit is not so good.
lee started poking around under the bump strips, and found total rust..this would be rust rotten holes. So this is where the rusty marks are running from.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Hand knitted Barbie clothes for EBAY.....

 starting bid 99p! No dolls just delicious hand knitted outfits for your rescue barbie.

knitted up a storm, Barbie, and rusty the van gets a make over.

Knitted new Barbie size clothes.....model Elizabeth Taylor! Why!? well because I can and I am thinking to sell on ebay for a  pond or so......this is the only finished one so far....though I do have another five waiting for finishing.....

Elizabeth model is wearing a beautiful knitted black and white dress...... I also made a bag and large hat.
From patterns I found on Pinterest, which is a new passion/ obession whatever word you want to apply to a luny me......anyway....
Monster high...Frankie Stien wears a white tube dress......I am also thinking Black, red and pink for this one and possibly some belts and bags....
All the monster high dolls now have new clothes......some with knitted lace......
Clawdeen here is wearing my favorite red with white lace petticoat....
 a black and white dress again with white lace petticoat..................

For the first time in weeks we all got into a working rusty the van and went to Otley.

We......that would be me...Monza the dog and husband Lee. The van has been off the road and in bits all over the foot path behind the house........rusty the van squeeks and can be heard about a mile away. He failed his Mot test......not on rust and squeeking and rattling as you would think.....but on a "Hub" on the passenger side and brakes......the steering is not too good either, but is good enough......the passenger seat was removed too.....that is completely ripped with no seat on the unfortunately,  When sat on your back end is on the floor and legs get jammed up in the dashboard. Monza the dog likes to help a stranded person ...especially if jammed and helpless..... and takes the opportunity to jump and lick a defenseless human.....there is no escape without a lot of swearing and levering is required. This just adds to Monza dogs fun....though generally not helping much.
So this was an advisory on the last Mot test....along with the brakes. At one point the handbrake did not work at all......
So consequently major surgery required on poor old rusty the van.
Firstly he was de he is no longer a working van. Rusty has been decommissioned. He is nearly fifteen years old. he has travelled alot of miles all over this country....he is now so year he will be considered a classic!
So Lee set about ebay with his heart in his mouth to find a would be new to us!......hub assembly. lee and a neighbor took the old one off. Both looked very knowledgeable in their mechanics only took a whole day and a lot of jiggerypokery.......
Once the new parts were ordered.....this was a total pavlova of a fiasco too...... Delivery by courier was swift, only the part was in worse condition than the one they spent the day getting off.... So another was dispatched the same day......on arrival and inspection it met with approval...few!
Then this part took a day to be put back in which time the whole street was blocked, as the van was on bricks with no wheels......
as well........father in law wanted to come up. He wanted to order and pay for parts for the van. The only problem with that being.......he will not use his debit card on the Internet...... So father went to a cash point....took out cash. The cash was brought home......then Lee went out to our bank and deposited cash...then came home and ordered parts over the Internet.
Next. Father wanted to go to the supermarket.
This time we all went back out again. I went too this time as men have a different idea of shopping completely. We passed the cash point and the bank and all went to the supermarket. Father insisted on imitating the money supermarket advert
Don't yer wish yer girlfriend was hot like me..........reggae of bum.
All I can say is.....that he had no hot pants or platform shoes.
Previous adverts he has done are the fishhook building society one........which involved hooking his mouth like a fish on a line and saying
The recipient's never understood that one either.
So. The van is now fixed. It has passed Mot test. We have road tax. So we went to Otley at last.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The last few pictures of a sign written van in the sun.

 Rusty the van is being decommissioned. a man with a van as a business is no more.
Monza dog sits patiently waiting for the van to be fixed....and pass an mot test.

Rusty had his first test yesterday and failed on brakes. Which considering old rusty is very old and we'll traveled is not bad


An old one. Let's go Barbie!

aThe breakers yard,,,,,Lets go Barbie!........ A girly place to go!? ......well yes on this day     It turned out very well.  ...